The Media Is Lying (Page 4) -

I leave it to you to decide why, from the Trayvon Martin case to the George Floyd case, the media has so consistently misrepresented the facts. Whether it is that unskilled reporters are covering these matters, or that the press is simply looking to attract consumers with florid tales, or that the media looks forward to destroying urban areas with false tales of murderous white racists (amid a shortage of real ones), I cannot say. But it was shocking to me to get letters from heads of very good independent schools who had bought completely into the initial media accounts of an out-of-control white cop deliberately murdering a black suspect in his custody. It occurred to me then that if people like these could be sold the false narrative, officer Derek Chauvin was surely in for a judicial lynching.

Once again, I turn to Legal Insurrection, which has consistently provided the most detailed and reliable accounts of high-profile trials and warn readers away from the AP, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and TV and cable news if you have any respect for truth. (I’d also note that it is my experience that reporters’ deadlines often conflict with the way trials proceed, so that too often the prosecution (or in civil matters, the plaintiff) case is presented just before deadline and the cross examination occurs too late to be covered in that day’s edition, leaving only a false, one-sided version of the day’s action.)

There, a highly skilled defense counsel, Andrew Branca, has been monitoring the trial and has posted so far nine daily accounts of the trial proceeding. Like me, Branca feels the publishing deadlines overvalue the direct testimony and underrate cross examination.

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  • the Pravda/Goebbels fak news propagandists won't use facts or truth because both sink their satanic agenda!!!!!!!!!!

  • Rehab that works!
    After 6 burglaries, 3 car thefts, multiple illegal trespasses, an ongoing cocaine and alcohol addiction, committing 2 violent home invasions, 3 armed robberies, dealing Fentanyl and Meth, passing counterfeit money, beating 4 victims senseless and being arrested 23 times since 1998, George Floyd hasn't committed a crime in over seven months now!

  • From Treyvon Martin to George Floyd there has not, to this very hour, been anyone that can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that these indivuduals died because of their race. I watched George Zimmerman's trial. It was very clear that Treyvon Martin, the over six foot tall dope head, thought that Zimmerman was a homosexual that he could go and beat on because he didn't like homosexuals. His unprovoked attack on Zimmerman was brutal and violent and life threatening. Martin was causing serious injury to Zimmerman when Zimmerman defended himself. The only one in that incident that showed any kind of prejudice to a race or person was Martin. He was going to beat up a queer as he told his girlfriend. He lost. Floyd was caught passing counterfeit money. He attempted to eat or destroy the drugs he had on him when the police confronted him. He was already in the final stages of a narcotic overdose when the police confronted him. The autopsy proved that there was no injury to his neck, esophagus, air passages or throat. His lungs were filling up with fluid from too much Fentanyl. That's why he couldn't breathe. The police did not confront him nor arrest him because he was black. It was because he was breaking the law. PERIOD! I challenge anyone to produce one police shooting in the last 15 yrs because the individual shot was black. It is possible that it has happended but no one has produced an incident like that yet.

    • Hey! Mike it was never a race issue in the first place we had a so called black preisent in the office the people wanted to see how he would react to the Zimmerman case and it turned out to be race issue because Obama wanted to be a race issue. As far as George Floyd is concerned the people didn't want Donald Trump to be the president so they wanted to get this story to be against Donald Trump using the race baid because Donald Trump was a white man.


  • it's never going to change this a new America.

  • Maybe... just maybe the MSM is hearing rumblings of massive lawsuits for inciting riot and insurrection... Billions in potential damages await some enterprising law firms or firms, as they line up major cities, injured business owners, and individuals who have suffered losses from their deliberate and malicious reporting of recent police incidents involving insurrection, Blacks and their allies.... BLM and Antifa.


  • The media lies and that is their modus operendie. Nothing like whipping up the black community with their lies about police brutality which in most cases is a bunch of bs.  Good riddance to these two low lives - the world is better without them!

  • Trayvon and George, two black lives that didn't matter and never will.  They were the scum of the earth and the world is a much better place without them polluting the air we all breathe.  Good riddance ...

  • The media's bread and butter is sensation - the truth has no room in the msm.  Everytime I tune into a msm channel just to check things out all I see are very questionable stories, many of which are not only questionable, but have actually been debunked and are nothing at that point but lies.  But a lie will go around the earth many times before the truth comes out (if it ever does).  And then because people have already bought into the lie, they will not accept the truth. It is amazing to me how many many people, and yes the heads of independent schools, do not research and just buy into whatever the msm tells them. 

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