
As rioters and looters raid the streets of New York City, now is the time for "handcuffs" and not empty rhetoric, retired New York Police Department (NYPD) Detective Pat Brosnan asserted Tuesday.


In an interview on "America's Newsroom" with host Ed Henry, Brosnan -- the founder of Brosnan Risk Consultants, an NYPD supplier -- said he almost wanted to "throw up" watching New York City stores broken into and fires being lit.

"I’ve got to be honest. I can't take it. It’s so, so bad," he remarked.

"But, listen," urged Brosnan "America [is] burning. The time now is for handcuffs, not rhetoric."

According to Brosnan, empty rhetoric is absolutely useless in a time when curfews are ignored.

"Let's talk about the power of words. We are talking about community discussions with the mayor and discussions that somehow or other will sway the wilding criminal mobs that are lighting America on fire. The reality is, it’s past that. That is behind us now," he told Henry.

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