
  • Facts from the "Towers Collapse". They did not collapse from demolition which is evident from the absence of the normal, " pow, pow, pow" of series explosives. There were no "Chunks of materials, concrete nor steel" in the "construction bowl." All that remained of the Towers was "Dust", 1/100th the size of a Red Blood Cell. The only remaining structure had to be manually dismantled so as to not damage the " Construction Bowl" created to prevent water from entering the Towers. There were no "Toilets nor Sinks" from any Restrooms to identified in the wreckage. Save for one filing cabinet from a Basin Robbins located in the basement of one of the Towers, no other cabinets, desks or chairs were found. With a combined weight of One Million Tons collapsing 1/4 Mile, the Rikter Scale only registered 2.2. The Buildings collapsed faster than a Bowling Ball dropped from the Top of one of the Towers would take to hit the sidewalk. All "Conducted Lab Test Situations" disprove theories of Aviation Fuel Fire being the cause of Structural Integrity Weaknesses resulting in Collapse. All Tests prove "If" fire had caused enough weakness, the Towers would have Fell as "Trees", sideways. As to date, no duplication of the " Towers Collapse " has been conceived. Add to these "Facts and Findings", the Sound of the Collapse was Minimal. The " Displacement Wind Gust" was Minimal. No explanation. No duplication. As a Nation we, the Citizens, have the gravest of concerns in the Present without dividing our efforts into the Past and "Pointing Fingers at Ghosts" where none exists!

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • Frigging Prog!


    9/ 11 was an inside job. Over 2,000 architects and Engineers testify to this truth and have slow- motion video to prove it. This was Daddy Bush's and Rummy's job. Thermite was found. although the race was on to ship the metal as fast as possible to chy na. They must have been sweating bullets hoping it wouldn't be found. But it was. Firemen are on video saying it was a demolition. 

    The basements were closed off in all buildings for 6-8 months before, no one had access. One 'story/ rumor' was our gold was being staged to give to send overseas to the IMF or UN. Even if that isn't true, it is true that there were small explosions at regular and descending intervals. There are vids that the media knew it and played the propaganda story.

    Face it, everything has been a lie, Sandy Hook was CIA, that c was about gun control. Hands up Don't shoot was a lie. FIB cut out that he had a gun. And Floyd wasn't murdered, he OD'ed, but we don't see that truth coming out soon, do we? And an innocent cop was set up to take the fall and to complete the psyop, this one was played out on the blacks and libs in this country. 

    Of course, I'm just a conspiracy theorist...

    More truth identifying as conspiracy theory, try this one. The CIA is our war machine and drug running machine. Several "theorists say that the CIA runs a training camp that does mind control training. If anyone understands the plan/scam of CoV,  then it makes sense that it was one truly evil psyop designed to kill the Spirit of America,  turn us all into fear robots and finish off America.

    The Election coup was a huge part in this, as was DC on the 6th. All theory, of course. 

    Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth | WTC Twin Towers and Building 7
    AE911Truth is a nonprofit organization that represents more than 3,000 architects and engineers who are calling for a new investigation into the dest…
    •           ABSOLUTELY 100% CORRECT

      The towers collapsed into their own footprints, as did Building Seven.

  • Inspire of his errors and misdirection, Bush did a far greater Presidential Role as America's Leader than either Obama or Biden could ever have done under those exact same circumstances.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • Never forget Bush Sr Stated were now in "The New World Order". He was the head of the CIA and he Bombed Iraq.

    Bush Jr. was there to offciate the False Flag Twin Tower Debacle which took us to war for 20 years.This war completely destabilized the Middle East and was the precurser to our current world situation. He Created the Homeland Security Agency,  The War on Terror act and the Patriot Act to spy on all of us.  He didn't go over to the dark side He and his family are the Dark Side (Deep State).

    Nice speeches written by speech writers to further their agenda and to convince you the soft spoken innocent looking speaker really cares about you is just more BS 

    Wake Up! The New World Order is upon us, Covid, Lockdowns, Vaccine Mandates, Censorship, Main Street Media lies. Maybe we should take a lesson from flight 93


    • You Nailed it


    • Lenny,   Absolutely DEAD ON. This is when “The New World Order” got its strangle hold on America.

      Excellent post. Hope lots of folks read it.

  • Too bad he went over to the Deep-State.

  • BUT President Trump would have given the best speech Yet!

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