
  • When is the next space flight where we can send this fool on a one way trip to some unknown galaxy?

    • Fauci would just be sent back.

    • Exactly...  The Cosmos is too orderly to permit such a miscreant access...

  • Tell this idiot Hitler is dead the Nazi army was destroyed on DDay 

  • Arguing and bickering among ourselves as to whom said what related to Covid, especially it accuracy is most beneficial to the Progressive Socialist MEDIA/Political Agenda! Perhaps it would be be more meaningful to make ourselves and others aware of such facts as "Oregon's Total Covid Deaths" from 2019-2021 to be 5,356, compared to Oregon's Homicides for just 2021 being 12,283! Try comparing Agenda/Results to Agenda/Results.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • Oregon's total Covid death is impossible as are all other states.
      Medicine called all who died of anything but also had Covid a Covid death, even if they were already at the doorstep of death with cancer but suddenly tested positive for Covid. If someone committed suicide but had Covid......that was a Covid death. Hospitals are getting $5000 for each Covid death.....if that doesn't make it conflict of interest! We will never know how many died of Covid, only how many died WITH Covid. This is the reason hospi5als will not treat you  until you are sick enough to be hospitalized......they want you to get hospitalized, otherwise there is no money in it!

    • Oregon also tested people killed in car wrecks and if positive listed them as covid to inflate the numbers.  The satanic left has inflated the danger of covid and deflated the danger of the "vaccines" as part of their evil agenda to implement tyranny!!!!!!!!!!


    • Absolutely LBD... 

  • If I were to bother to ask that question I would be inclined to ask the VACCINATED people to stay away.  They are carriers of the the convid, and the cause of the varients.

    • Herbert, AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN!!!!!  None of my family are complying with the demonic left!!!!!


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