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Dr. Anthony Fauci is a United Nations wolf in sheep’s clothing telling America why it is so important to save lives from the dreaded COVID-19 virus while pandering for the most radical parts of United Nations agenda for the world. That is, Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.


In his paper, EmergingPandemicDiseases:HowWeGot toCOVID-19, he wrote the following paragraph:

Living in greater harmony with nature will require changes in human behavior as well as other radical changes that may take decades to achieve: rebuilding the infrastructures of human existence, from cities to homes to workplaces, to water and sewer systems, to recreational and gatherings venues. In such a transformation we will need to prioritize changes in those human behaviors that constitute risks for the emergence of infectious diseases. Chief among them are reducing crowding at home, work, and in public places as well as minimizing environmental perturbations such as deforestationintense urbanization, and intensive animal farming. Equally important are ending global poverty, improving sanitation and hygiene, and reducing unsafe exposure to animals, so that humans and potential human pathogens have limited opportunities for contact. [emphasis added]

This is plain evidence that Fauci is an agent for the United Nations and that he is a self-professed “social engineer” who wants to rebuild the “infrastructures of human existence.” Why should Fauci’s phony propaganda be so hard for America to understand? It’s because Technocrats have created and leveraged fear to the whole world, making populations wide-open to their ‘suggestions’. ⁃ TN Editor

I have never been a singer in the anti-Dr. Anthony Fauci chorus. I always admired his work in the 90s to bring the HIV catastrophe to heel and thought his early efforts as Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, advising President Trump on fighting the COVID crisis, provided a vital public service to our country.

But of late, I had been having second thoughts. I am mildly put off by Fauci’s relishing embrace of worldwide celebrity. I thought it a bit frivolous, for example, his agreeing to be interviewed for a cover story in the fashion magazine, In Style.

And it was certainly an eye-popping obeisance to popular culture when the man—who said we will have to give up handshaking forever—benignly blessed in a Vanity Fair interview (of course) “asymptomatic strangers” hooking up for sexual liaisons using the dating app Tinder.

Still, those were minor irritations. Nobody is perfect, after all. When the beautiful people decide to make one an icon, resistance is futile.

But now, Fauci has crossed a line that should sound the alarm—audaciously declaring that combatting infectious disease requires the mindboggling task of “rebuilding the infrastructures of human existence.” Not only that but he opined that accomplishing these top-to-bottom “radical changes” requires “strengthening the United Nations and its agencies, particularly the World Health Organization.”

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  • Dr. Fauci is responsible for initiating a 3.7 million dollar grant to the Wuhan Virology lab as well as getting our government's research, after we decided to halt the research, to be off shored to the same Wuhan lab. It is specifically this research that the Chinese continued to develop into what we have today. This is a varient of the SARS virus which also came from China during the Obama/Biden years. This man should be brought up on charges of crimes against humanity. He is also heavily involved in the pattening both seen and unseen for all manner of uses and varients of this virus. He has also invested in the companies working on the vaccine against this virus. Also these pharma companies have been working on a vaccine since the SARS outbreak, that is why the research has come so quickly, they have had it on the backburner since the early 20teens.

    • Doesn't surprise me, he is a punk and a TRAITOR!!!!!

    • And a HUGE scumbag!! Always was! 😡

  • This useless asshole is a pandering leftist who is profitering mightly on this COVID fiasco....why Trump ever came with in ten feet of him belies me......

    • You're being too kind!

  • fauci is a lying, anti-freedom, weasel and needs to be fired.  He should have been fired 9 months ago when he sided with the who against everything the USA stands for.

  • The UN is a useless communist country club for dictators and globelist Nazis. I would kick there collective asses out of our nation and quit funding these pedophile perverts. Not one more penny 

    • Hilary, you are correct!!!!!

  • Fauci got to go. He is useless. Trump should fire him, since Trump hasn't even been listening to him anyway.

  • His 15 minutes of fame has passed. Time for him to go back into hiding!

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