
    •   All these young people have been brainwashed.  A few have wised up.  These protestors and anti American organizations don't realize how much better it is here than communist/socialist countries.  So they are buying into the propaganda.  If only they could spend six months in one of these countries.  They seem clueless to the fact that Russia, China, Iran and others want to see the U.S. fail regardless of who is in office!  And they are aiding and abetting our real enemies.  

    • Exactly, and since when has the Truth ever stopped the Democrat Party or persuaded the Deep State to prosecute one of its own?  In the eyes of a socialist Democrat the Truth is relative... situational and subject to different interpretations based on their needs and desired outcome. 

    • Excellent analogy Col.

      Thank you.

    • Well said

  • I have said fuhrer obama was ineligible and a plot against We the People for a long time.  The whole devildemocommiecrat party is involved and are protected by their allies of the gop deep state establishment that also fears and hates President Trump because he is dismantling their globalist plans!!!!!!!!!!

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    • Not,Chairman Bao?

    • He would have gone by the Barry name IF he were a christian as he claimed. He said he was muslim but converted back to christianity. If that was true why didn't he go back to his old name of Barry Soetoro? He kept his muslim name, but according to the Quran that Barry was always praising you have to relinquish your muslim name if you switch to any other religion.

  • One day we will restore law and order and remove the crooks from the DOJ and FBI who permitted the FRAUD too manifest and expand...  Obama did not get where he is on his pwn.

  • How much rope would it take to hang all of them ?

    • None,if you push them off a cliff!!!


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