
  • The time is now for a "CONVENTION OF THE STATES." to be held . Best way for "We The People" save America from the traitors that rule over Washington .

    The convention ,if held, has the power over that of the congress to make changes and inact law. ( Term Limits ) would be a good starting point .

  • Trump made America great again but he forgot to fix the election process. He should have made sure he gets re-elected again and again and again. But here we are today.....

  • We can probably survive the 2020 election fraud IF, HUGE IF, they manage to fix the fraud problem by the 2022 midterm election.  If they don't then the country is lost.

  • Talk is cheap... Bannon needed to end by demanding the Arizona Legislature DECERTIFY  THE ELECTION and recall its Electoral Vote.  He did not make that clear enough.  Arizona is our last and only hope in decertifying the election results and cutting the legs out from under the Marxists in control of our government.

    If we can't get one... ONE state legislature to decertify a stolen election ... every election from now on will be stolen.  We will not be able to take back our government PEACEFULLY... and too, take it back any other way would destroy us all... leaving America a smoldering 3rd world country... the goal of the Communist everywhere will have been achieved ... without their firing a shot.

    If Arizona Decertifies then Georgia may follow, bringing with them PA and possibly Michigan and Virginia...  once enough electors are decertified to prove Biden is illegitimate he should be easily IMPEACHED or forced to resign... and a Constitutional Convention held, if neither occurs, to recall the entire government (A recall Amendment ) subject to new elections an appointments.

    Arizona is key to starting a CHAIN REACTION for a recall mandate...  If AZ fails to recall its election and its electors it will likely be the death knell for America as we know her today.

    • This is the problem with the GOP, they talk a good game have have NO follow-through.  

      While what Bannon says is true, it is what he doesn't say that will help destroy the country.

    • I agree. 

  • The 2020 election was between the Chinese Commnist Party qnd the Americqn people!!! The election was stolen and the American people lost!!!!

  • Constitutional Amendment XXVIII

    Voter rights and procedure

    Section 1.  Only registered voters may vote. A register voter must prove citizenship in the United State of America, the person must be alive in the local, city, county, state, and USA of an election. Exception: military personal who will be automatically registered at time of service. These registered voter lists must be updated every 30 days. (This should be easy to set up by contact with vital statistics and utility companies, etc...) At election time all who vote must match the voter list and get one vote each.

     Section 2. All election procedures, equipment, software, etc. Must be approved by referendum vote of the registered voters of the local, city, county and state held on July 1 every 2 years.

    Section 3. When 5% of the registered voters request a referendum vote on any government legislation, any part of any legislation or any executive order, it must be brought up on the ballot of the next local, city, county, state, and federal election to which that legislation or executive order applies too.

    Section 3.5 When 5% of the registered voters create legislation the bill must be brought before that legislative body for debate.

    Section 4. When 20% of the registered voters sign a petition to recall any elected official there must be a recall election setup immediately.

    Section 5. Any violation of this Amendment is punishable by five years in prison or $250,000 fine or both. Any deliberate violation is treason and in this case is punishable by death.

  • Both Loenzo & Richard are right. Where are the republicans? All lip service and no meaningful actions to prevent voter fraud. The RNC and all republican candidates continually ask for donations to get elected or reelected but none take action. It is all about the money now and no real preventative actions.

  •  Mail voting has to be stopped or the same same result will always be the same just look who is handling the mail and who are counting the ballots the same people working for the government for years don't get me wrong their are a lot of good employees 

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