
  • Stake him out naked in the Desert with honey dripping out his butt.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • Hang him High

  • Hell, He is the angel of death. He's made millions off of the Citizens of this Country and murdering people in the process.

  • Fauci is just as bad as a nazi, praying children, animals and the theminaly ignorant!

  • The truth hurts, doesn't it, Buttercup? Suck it up and shut up. You've already done too much damage.

  • Why should she apologize? "If it Looks like a Duck, Walks like a Duck and Quacks like Duck, its a Duck! Fauci is another " Angel of Death." 

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • Wait until someone  has the nerve to bring out to the public Fouchi using orphans for tests, killing or damaging them for life.....and they were black and Hispanic.

  • She did nothing wrong, he is using the population of the united states as lab-rats for Big Pharma, depopulation, and the WEF to reset the World Economy.  Right now, He is in charge of the nation. 

  • F U   Fauci ! 

  • Fauci is correct, he is not like Mengele, Mengele was a lot more honest about the atrocities he committed.

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