
  • In the beginning of 1800 the World Population reached One Billion. Approximately 260 years later the Worlds' Population was Two Billion. Approximately 60 years after that the World's Population is Eight Billion. Science proves only 20% of the Earth's Surface is capable of Agriculture. Is it really so terribly far fetched that either Governments or Nature itself will attempt to reduce the excessive Human Growth of Population? Food for thought and consideration.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • So Lynn, who decides who lives & who dies? The government, Death Panels like those that were origiallly in ObamaCare? Bill Gates? George Soros? 

    • Sadly the vaccine may decide who lives and dies... Bio-weapons have the capability of being targeted at populations of individuals... through their genetic make-up and predisposition to certain maladies.   The whole idea of 'gain of function' research on COVID was to create a pandemic that was generally selective ... targeting the elderly and immune-compromised.

      Man's inhumanity toward mankind is historical and the current pandemic may be just one more example of that demonic penchant among some on the Earth... T. S. Eliot's prediction regarding the demise of mankind may well be prophetic.  God's natural law is about to kick in ...and then judgment shall come to all of humanity.

  • Those who place themselves above God's Laws, Nature's Laws and Their Own Laws are Doomed to Suffer the Consequences. History has recorded this as Fact from Man's inception as Civilization.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • Why, if vaccprotects 

    1. do people who were vaccinated now have the virus?

    2. why do people who got the vaccine have such very serious side effects ? Miscarriages, inability to conceive, amputations, kidney problems, vision loss, and other serious issues, and still susceptible to getting the virus?


    • All part of the NWO plan. Sheep that take the vaccine or that get Covid are pare of population reduction to 750 million. I say, let George Soros, Bill Gates, Obama's, Clinton's, Zuckerberg, Bushes, be the 1st in line.

    • Yes I've read that before! 
      I know about the NWO! 
      I still say, to do away with the vaccine ASAP,

  • Hasn't anyone noticed? Congress pays only convenient attention to Our Constitution/Bill of Rights dating back to its Creation! Now it is set aside as a "Relic" with "New Constituent Emotionally Convenient Rules" made up as needed.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • But they can sure vote themselves a 17% raise.

    • Equal to $40,000 more a year!

      Is that white privilege?

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