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  • The Socialist International and its agents... in the USA are the likely culprits behind the decades-old attacks on our culture and government. America has basically ignored the lefts sedition, insurrection, and treason for many years... claiming such arbitrary defenses of their betrayal as protected speech and assembly, or freedom of the press, etc.  The left uses our free and open society and its constitution as tools for their subversive acts.  A Marxist covert insurgency has steadily moved our culture away from its Judeo/Christian roots and culture, to embrace socialism and a decadent system of immorality as the basis for our current culture.  Our public schools have indoctrinated an entirely new generation of Marxist thugs and socialist activists who hate America and blame it for all the world's woes... hardly rational or historically correct.

    Our ruling class has gone along with these changes... as the left has let them wheel and deal, looting our treasury and promoting a system of power, based on wealth and avarice... ignoring the majority, whose sacrifice on the blood-soaked fields of the world, secured their trade and America's dominance in the market place.  This Oligarchy of the Plutocracy will soon wake up to find their not so cozy relationship with the left no longer a haven from the Marxist revolution.

    • In other words Col. we just sat on out butts, and let it happen.

  • Probably sorryazz george provided the funding - - quite certain we will find out in time to come.

  • The GOP was asking me for money today.  I said that when they actually start enforcing the law I will consider donating to them again.

    for the last 4 years the GOP in the Senate has REFUSED to go after the deep state operatives that have broken more laws than the Mafia.  Be damned if I will give them any money.

  • "Allows staff to adjust tally based on review of scanned ballot images"  =  VOTE FRAUD

  • So if they know all this crap WHY aren't heads rolling???

    • Why are no heads rolling? Because Trump is correct. He has been telling us with all honesty that we can't trust the elections, the courts, law enforcement, any other government institutions and agencies like the CDC & FDA, etc. So, the US is a banana republic, not a super power or the leader of the free world. Heads aren't rolling. 

  • How close is the Lords coming for His own... the Church? This generation shall not pass away... what generation? Israel of course... when did that generation start? 1948. How long is God's generation? 100 years. Are you ready? The church has to be taken off the earth before the last 7 years starts. You know what the last 7 years are talking about don't you? It's the tribulation spoken of in the Bible... The last book! Better get ready if you are not! How do you get ready? Read the new testament... you will be informed. Don't wait for we are standing at the edge of time.

    • God promises mankind three score and ten years... as man's life span and more if by strength... for a generation to pass away would take on average 70yrs... 1948-2018 is 70 years.  We are living on borrowed time, thru the prayers of the righteous and the sacrifices of the Christian world...   The beginning of Great Tribulation is simply waiting on the sound of the Trumpet and the voice of the Arch-Angel... commanding the dead in Christ to rise and then we which are alive to join them in heaven.

      Then saith the Lord:  Woe, woe, and again woe, unto those left behind, for Great shall be their tribulation... such as has never been before nor ever shall be again... all of the earth travails in pain, even as a woman giving birth, with each passing sorrow her pains become more accentuated and closer together until her child is delivered from the flesh... too, be caught up and away, to rest in the Lord for seven years. 

      Then the Lord shall descend from Heaven to defeat His enemies and to set up His Kingdom for a 1000 yrs... and then the end shall come... when the quick and the dead shall be judged every man according to their works... hell and death along with every evil work shall be cast into the lake of fire and new heavens and Earth shall be created... where sin may never enter and the righteous shall reign and rule with Christ forever and ever.  Amen

  • The "Dems" and "never Trumpers" will go to any length to get Trump out of office.

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