The Godfather - Imgflip


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  • If the DOJ confirmed that Hunter Biden and his business associates are currently under ACTIVE criminal investigation by the FBI, then that MUST INCLUDE JOE BIDEN since the evidence on the laptop PROVES that 'Big Guy Biden' is knee deep in the corruption, that he IS associated with it, and that his association is the fact that made all of this corruption possible in the first place.

    Joe Biden is the principal, not merely an 'innocent' associate,  He is the reason for the season.  In addition, who it is that hides behind Joe Biden must also be investigated and disclosed. Biden was acting under the OBAMA administration as Vice President.  It doesn't stop there either.  Who was pulling the strings on Obama?

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    • isn't that the truth



  • it's time for prison on all of the Obama administration.

  • The indictments must be hours away. Trump had seen what the DOJ investigation had found a few weeks ago. Apparently it's the worst thing that ever happened in the history of the United States. So, there is no doubt that the ax will come down on the deep state. 

  • My only hope is that this is not too little too late to bury Biden and Harris? The MSM media and the Demorats will try their best to hide this from the Amrican people.....

  • I really hope this information from Tony Bubalinski puts the nail in the coffin for Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and the rest of the Bidens.   This is total corruption at the highest level!  And they can just laugh about it, with their "plausible deniability" and think there are no consequences.  I say ENOUGH!!!   No more prolonged investigations with no convictions.  This should be a no brainer in court, and I don't want one dollar from my taxes to pay for their defense.  Let them use their own illegally gotten money to try to get out of this, and get the orange jumpsuits ready


  • How long will this take?  We all know that until Trump fires all the left-over Obama upper echelon, you can't trust them!  What a sad statement that is - old Edgar is rolling in his grave!

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