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The Black Lives Matter umbrella group Detroit Will Breathe sued Detroit, alleging police abuse of force during the George Floyd riots in the city this past summer. A judge granted a restraining order in September but the city responded with a countersuit, claiming that the Black Lives Matter group organized a “civil conspiracy” to riot, destroy property, and disturb the peace.

According to Detroit’s countersuit, the protesters “illegally, maliciously, and wrongfully conspired with one another with the intent to and for the illegal purpose of disturbing the peace, engaging in disorderly conduct, inciting riots, destroying public property, resisting or obstructing officers in charge of duty, and committing acts of violence against [the city] and [Detroit Police Department] officers.”

The suit claims that police officers and the City of Detroit “sustained injuries and damages” including physical injuries, pain and suffering, property damage, loss of business opportunities, and more. The city asks the court to award “general and compensatory damages equal to” the losses the city sustained, along with punitive damages, a judgment the Black Lives Matter group illegally conspired, and attorneys’ fees.

The city claims the First Amendment does not protect the rioters’ activities because “the protests in Detroit have repeatedly turned violent, endangering the lives of police and the public.” This violence has harmed police officers, allegedly causing “cracked vertebrae, lacerations, and concussions.”

Importantly, the Detroit countersuit cites various Black Lives Matter videos Detroit Will Breathe promoted, some of which “show speakers encouraging violence or endorsing violence against police officers, promoting the destruction and defacing of property, and disrupting the lives of Detroit residents.”

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  • every body buy some pet pigs and lettem piss and shit in the muzzies yard

  • Just jail the Democrat ring leaders that funded and gave aid and comfort to their MOB OF BROWN SHIRTS!


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  • Interesting.  As a former Michigander, Detroit used to be a sewer of black racism under the late former Mayor Coleman Young that destroyed the many, many mom and pop Catholic parishes of the City of Detroit by not only rioting, but voting in people who would treat these neighborhoods like 2nd class citizens.  It was like South Africa in reverse, but Coleman Young was too much the darling of the Liberal University and Limousine Liberal crowd to even discuss the situation.  Finally, these Catholics are all out of Detroit and block after block remains empty and burned out.  When Reagan was elected, Detroit lost its treasured seat at the back room negotiating table for State gravy money, and the Governor and Legislature turned Conservative Republican.  Now under Trump, there are some signs that some Black Folks who have heretofore been considered "Uncle Toms" are actually wondering if there is a future for Detroit, and the wonderful Dr. Ben Carson and Tim Scott says there is if the officials take their own rhetoric seriously and try to deal with everyone in a color-blind way!  This counter-suit is almost as terrific as the Chief of the Detrot Police letting BLM know that Detroit will not tolerate the rioting.  Now they won't tolerate having these thugs come up for hand-outs either!!  Alas there is hope for the future for Detroit!

    • Thank you, Charles Teachout, for writing such as wise and wonderful response.  If everyone up there in Detroit thought like you, how great it would be/ however, I think with what you said is happening, and the possibility of others finally realizing that burning and destroying doeesn't work, there will be a future for everyone.  Especially after Jan. 6th.  Merry Christmas.

    • Thanks, Jacuelyn!  I am even more familiar with Flint, MI, where Genesee County was "Red" for the 2020 Presidential Election.  That would not, nor could not happen without the extraordinary courage of a lot of Flint City black folks who believe in Trump!  Biden tries to get all of us to forget the brotherhood of Black and White under the Trump Administration, but Flint tells us that it is working!  I live far from there now, but looking from afar, it looks like we are making progress in following Dr. King's formula for a better America!  Merry Christmas!

    • Kicking the teeth out of BLM is not a problem, but Detroit has a bigger problem, intolerate muslims.

    • You have it right there, Van Nolan!  One of the most shocking events in Michigan history was the building of the largest Mosque in North America on Michigan Ave., Dearborn, home of Henry Ford and Ford Motor Co.  Detroit has ALWAYS had pride in having the largest ARABIC population in North America, but that was CHRISTIAN ARABIC:  Lebanese, Chaldean, and the many Armenians who proudly came to Detroit to help the auto industry grow!  This group of MUSLIMS came in BY STEALTH under a crooked administration of both Wayne County and the City of Dearborn!!  I would associate this group with Organized Crime, with the same subterranean means of gaining a foothold on the property of Dearborn.  These Muslims live in the surrounding area and do not mix with Americans whom they regard as their enemies.  it is an AWFUL situation that ONLY CORRUPT GOVERNMENT could have allowed.  Sadly, these people are not going away, either.  Like the Somali Muslims of the City of Minneapolis, they are only waiting for their chance to conquer their American enemies in the area when they can.  

  • About time someone stood up against these thugs. Now start convicting them.

    • And deporting them including muslimes!!

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