Reading the Democrat's agenda Looks a lot like the Nazi's Manifesto -  Internet Grandma | Make a Meme

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  • God tells us not to follow the wicked crowd that's why I don't..... vote Democrat. I  would pray for those who felt they were doing right.

  • This is disgusting but we the people will stay strong.

    • You telling me,  wait and see "what comes around goes around" it's not over yet it's just the beginning.

  • wait this is not over yet the Democrat is going to pay for this in a heartbeat within the next few months.

  • This is so similar to things that have happened in Nazi Germany, in Cuba, in Russian, in China or in any Totalitarian country you can name.  But it is even worse because of all the technological advances.  I am wondering if we have any rights left. 

    • This makes it obvious why the left has tried over and over again to eliminate, or at least deminish, our 2nd amendment rights as they have done in every other nation taken over by tyrants. Hard to control a people who are armed. King George learned that lesson to his regret.

  • All these people are useful idiots Lenin talked about when they took over they were the first people they rounded up. Comrades tell us about your family and we will reward you


  • Reminds me when i was a school girl in communist Hungary where we were told that if we snitch on neighbors or parents we will get a better grade and privileges.

  • Why didn't go around picking all BLM and Antifa who were responsible for the burning and and destroying of private and federal property? no they had lawyers helping them to get out of jail, what a bunch of idiots they do all this because we have cowards on our side.

    • Not only lawyers, Loenzo,  but many of the Hollywood crowd putting up bail money. Who then are the real traitors?

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