
  • I can’t remember the ventriloquist’s name, but he has a grouchy old man and Biden looks just like him.

  • he looks like that famous wooden puppet... more so every day


  • Biden sure knows how to pile up the bullshit. That's all that comes out of his demented mouth. Boy do I miss president Trump.

  • A real Liberal conundrum! “Gun control defined: The Democrats want us to believe that people who are willing to ignore laws against rape, torture, kidnapping, robbery, theft, and murder will MAGICALLY obey a law which prohibits them from owning a firearm”.

  • Every time that creep opens his mouth a lie comes out

    • Just like or maybe worse than obummer!


  • It is only legal gun owners that Biden lies about -  he totally supports criminals.  He wants to make the legal gun owners criminals and bows before the true criminals.  Another reason he should be impeached - it is too bad the people of the USA can't do that. 

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