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    • The leftist nut jobs are better organized, lead and have greater funding and resources... to advance their cause. We are losing the battle for our Nation's heritage and Constitution.  Wake up, we may be a larger force but we are not properly organized, resource, funded, or lead to bring our numbers to bear in our struggle.  We must become more proactive and engaged personally in this fight.  We must fire any leadership that compromises, declares themselves to be bipartisan, and or panders to the base, and then aligns with the Left... all RINOs and their ilk must go.

    • Col. Ron "... but we are not properly organized" True.

      I've often wondered how TPO could reach out explicitly to the 75,000,000 2020 Trump voters. Ideas anyone??

    • Yes, we can organize and fund a national non-profit with its own webpage or better .. its own social media network with its own servers and staff.  We can engage PR firms to provide us with national lists of conservative groups and their email addresses,... we can run national PSA and Spots that address current affairs, rallies, boycotts, lawsuits (inviting tose injured to join the action), etc.

      However, these all require strong leadership, organization, and resourcing, with adequate funding... none of which we presently have.  Pres. Trump has the power and resources to engage a whole host of individuals and resources to build this network and to use it to influence REAL change... peacefully.

    • Colonel,

      You are absolutely correct in your assessments. The left is unquestionably far better organized and well funded than WE, the people with brain still intact, are.

      For us to do battle with them, we MUST remember that their patron saint is: Saul Alinsky. His book: Rules for Radicals is their bible. It preaches that there is no act too despicable or no deed too horrific that cannot be used in pursuit of their agenda.

      I ran across this article from the Washington Times that sheds a slightly different light on corona virus.

      Coronavirus and the smell of Saul Alinsky

      Coronavirus and the smell of Saul Alinsky
      Coronavirus, at its root, is being used as a tool for those with devilish designs to establish a new order, a new un-American, unconstitutional and u…
    • Agreed

  • The Tea Party could also do "Buy-Cotts" (patronize those businesses that support the Tea Party agenda).

    • Great idea. We went out & bought several My Pillows when media & businesses started boycotting Mike Lindel. 

    • Good idea... Buy-Cotts... supporting those who promote Constitutional Government and our historic social and cultural norms... It is surprising how a simple turn of phrase makes a POSITIVE change in what otherwise may seem to be a negative act... BUY-COTT instead of BOY-COTT.  Patronize instead of shunning. 

  • I have heard Republicans suggest boycotting Major League Baseball for moving the All-Star Game out of Georgia, so you might get your wish for GOP boycotts.

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