
  • Let all the idiots keep wearing their masks, maybe they will all die off from lack of oxygen

  • This doctor is arguing not for public health issues, but rather for public control issues. At this point, legistatures in each state should prudently begin formulating the needed legal regulatory restraints and controls on the Executive bureaucracies in their states, to prohibit the wholesale civil liberties rapes that was foisted on us by fraudster Fauchi,  under the guise of federal 'health advisories'.

    And We the People should be howling that their failure to do so, spells their recall or terming-out. 2022 midterms are coming up!

  • Who cares a hoot about anything CNN says.  CNN is an organization without an ounce of credibility.

    • isn't that the truth?


  • Masking children is insane.  Innoculating children with this unproven Covid-19 shot is criminal.

  • Am I surprised no I am not here is the reason why I believe CNN the communist news network is a part of the covid19 to destroy the foundation of this country since they are communist news networks it's going to go well with them?

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