
  • The joke is on you, F-u Chuck Todd.  You're going to need therapy once everything about the STOLEN ELECTION & FRAUD is revealed.

  • F Chuck Todd has an IQ that matches my shoe size.  The guy is a socialists and commie mouth piece for the Dem party.  He is part of the fake news group that only lies about patriots and those who love the Constitution as written.  I will be very happy when MSNBC finally goes broke and has to fire this guy while closing down their network.  What a loser.

  • What documented Lie(as chuck just stated)? There were no court cases were the rules of evidence allow for the pressitation of the facts?

    The election was stolen so the DemonRats can distroy this country with Open borders, end the 2A, tear up the Constution, Their by distroying this country and reform it as a dictatorship!

     F all these so colled imparshal news people!

    Donald J Trump is the Leaglely elected Presedent of the United States! Joe and his Hoe Spreading eagle, are but puppets to Obummer's third term.

  • What about the Democrat party completely folding up into an of an atheist globalist new genic criminal operation that uses surrogates the media big chick entertainment and what's left of education to spread their lies? I'm Chuck Todd is the poster boy for all that's wrong with Media the ones 4th Estate. 

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