
  • Very few "Seated in DC" are there as a result of their intellect.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • What happens when you let COMMUNISTS steal your elections .

  • By definition a "Vaccine" must Kill a "Virus" without harm to the recipient. To become a "Vaccine" it must First go through required procedures including "Animal Testing." This "Crap" being forced upon the American Citizens, by definition, in no way qualifies as a "Vaccine." The "Covid Virus", once the " Additional Complicating Factors of Heart Disease, Obesity and Diabetes " are removed, its Mortality Rate is Lower than that of the "Seasonal Flu!" 

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • Lynn you are correct. I just don't see how this idiot we have for a president thinks he can enforce this stupid idea he came up with. It not that I'm against the vaccination it's no different than polio, rubella, and all the other vaccinations I had as a kid. It's telling me that I have to do this or else, can't work, travel, go out to eat. Are you Kidding???

    • This so called vaccine IS different than Rubella, polio, and many others that prevent you from getting the virus, this for covid does not do that, or we wouldn't  have a ton of people fully vaccinated coming down with covid.

      Also, the number of deaths from the vaccine supersedes any other, everything before this was stopped as soon as they saw increasing numbers of deaths, with this, regardless of huge numbers, they are still pushing it, and want it for our children also. There is something canister going on, why else would they want everyone to get it........we already reached herd immunity, many have natural immunity, what is their agenda?

  • Joe,

    And by the time the American Japanese were released, they had nothing to return to. No homes, jobs or property. By next "Election" all who resist "Vaccination" could find themselves in the same situations. As an aside, Honorable isn't it how the Descendents of those "Intured" have not continued to blame, complain, whine and sue for reparations as some members of BLM have.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • What it may come to those who do not vaccinate will be put in camps, like we did to the Japanese after Pearl Harbor!  Like Hitler  and his S.S. did the Jews. 

    • Oh, but Gates is just one person in the NWO agenda. Try this one on for size: Maintain humanity under 500,000,000. So how many people are there in the world? @7 billion? And that's just one thing the NWO wants. See the attached link to see the rest. I actually visited this place & it scared the hell out of me. Who would want this. Clinton's, Gates, Bush's, Obama'S, Soros, Zuckerberg, Rockefeller's, Rothschilds, etc.

      Georgia Guidestones
      The Georgia Guidestones are a granite monument erected in 1979 in Elbert County, Georgia, in the United States. A set of ten guidelines is inscribed…
    • You can Google Georgia Guidestones and go right to it. 

  • They have broken all covenant with the Geneva Convention on Vaccines. To do so "Warrants the Death Penalty."

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

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