Border Patrol raids migrant aid camp

Byrd Camp raid

Border Patrol agents in an armored vehicle, two helicopters, and two-dozen vehicles raided a migrant aid camp near Arivaca Friday evening, detaining more than 30 migrants and seizing the phones of volunteers, No More Deaths volunteers said Saturday.

"For two hours, in darkness, they detained and chased people receiving care while a Border Patrol cameraman filmed the scene," according to a news release Saturday from No More Deaths, a Tucson-based humanitarian aid group that has worked in the deserts of Southern Arizona since 2004.

"Last night's military style raid on the aid station is a clear example of Border Patrol's deadly pattern of interfering with humanitarian aid," according to the news release.

The camp was set up more than a decade ago to help migrants recover from dehydration, blistered feet and other maladies common to trekking through the desert. A recreational vehicle serves as the office, solar panels power a refrigerator, and a couple dozen beds, some of which are supported by green milk crates, are tucked inside large tents.

Border Patrol officials say the camp encourages illegal border crossings and smuggling.

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  • If it is on U.S. soil, shut it down! When you feed a stray dog, they keep coming back for more at the expense of the American taxpayer. The leftist media perpetuates the lie that illegalss don't get government assistance, they do. Go into any welfare office, count the low riders with mexican flags on the front plate, go into American border town post offices, towns with only several hundred people have 10s of thousands of mail boxes for the illegals to get monthly social security checks, welfare checks, and tax refunds for never having worked a minute in the U.S.A..

  • Every one of these actions will disappear if sleepy gets in there. Whatever you do make sure every one of you get out there and vote TRUMP 2020!

  • KUDOS Border Patrol!!!  let's take control of our country's borders. No more criminals, sex trade, drugs, money, terrorists, or illegal guns!!

  • Yes indeed, this is what we should be doing. Enough is enough, we must go all the way in stopping people from crossing our Border. 

  • Try working on La Frontera and you might wind up dead like Brian Terry!! Take no chances down there I have worked there myself!!

  • Good for the Border Patrol.  People that aid these invaders need to be thrown in jail!

  • IF it's ok for antifa/blm activists to take away homeless peoples's few meager possessions [and this did happen] then why shouldn't this happen 

  • "A clear example of Border Patrol's deadly pattern of interfering with humanitarian aid?" Really? The Border Patrol enforces US law along the border, No More Deaths undermines US law. There is no Bill of (human) Rights if you don't follow US law. You can't pick and choose.

    • "No more deaths" is a fuzzy, warm-sounding slogan passed off as the name of an organization. Just as is BLM. If you truly want no more deaths then work with our government to stop illegal immigration, which certainly causes more deaths in any given period of time than does the Border Patrol. 

  • YES, tear down the camp!!

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