
  • What a miserable idiot and WRONG

  • Follow the Leader

  • There is village that has lost their idiot. If you see him let them know.

  • I don`t know about fake,but it sounds like he is either in a halfway house,or,early release program,where he has to be back by 6 ??you can`t Just vote,don`t you have to have your rights restored ?And it is Pathetic,...For Realz. The BLM Anthem???,Go To Jail.Do Not Pass Go.Democrats feel safe around This,?

  • A white guy trying to sound black. Also playing the race card. What an  idiot and pathetic.

  • Voters need to have VOTER ID to prove they are eligible to vote... citizenship, age, not a felon, and meets the residence requirements to vote in the State and Precinct... If one can not read they can get help to obtain voter ID and with arrangements in advance assistance completing their Ballot.

  • This guy is an idiot.


    Tragic! He should be proud of the fact he and his race was freed by the Civil War and then established and as full citizens who can vote! 

    .....that is unless he is ashamed of his race and his freedom.......just saying! 

  • BLM should be locked up for subversion. They want to overthrow our constitution and implement a Marxist anti-god government. Karl Marx would be so proud of them.

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