
  • Global Elites have determined the course of World Events long before our births or our forefathers. Such is life and the realization does not alter the fact. Focusing on changing the unchangeable is the tool most appreciated by these Global Elites when utilized by the remaining masses. In other words, banging uselessly on a mountain expecting the Mountain to open and allow you to pass through is a a waste of time and effort when merely traveling around the Mountain to the other side accomplishes the same goal with much less time, pain, frustration and effort. Proposing ways to rid the World of the 1% of Elites is in no way different than the ways proposed by the likes of Marx and Engels.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain 

  • It's not just about making money, there are 6 global elites that currently rule the world. Their objective is to drastically reduce world population. See Ga Guidestones for most of their so called dreams for a New World Order. 

  • Oh, but it can succeed. His name as a "Shareholder" in any.Company s not hidden. Simply buy the competitors. If One does like the Farmer, One does not buy the Farm's produce, but buys the Competitors. Even if One must drive extra hours and miles to do so on "Principle." Otherwise One becomes a Mindless, Lazy, Complaining Sheep.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • The best way to destroy Gates is to cease purchasing any and all products and services associated with his name. If this cost you more, spend more. If this inconveniences you, be inconvenienced.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • Bill Gates has his hand damn near everything. He is heavily invested in healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and medical research. He has also purchased thousands of acres of prime farmland. Trying to stay away from companies that he has an interest in is almost impossible. Boycotting Gates is like trying to boycott air.

      Perhaps you might find this video production somewhat enlightening.

       Who is Bill Gates?

      Who Is Bill Gates?
      Who Is Bill Gates? Watch on BitChute / LBRY / / YouTube or Download video / Download audio TRANSCRIPT Skip to Part One / Part Two / Part Th…
    • That won't work as he is already one of the richest people in the world and he and Fauci are Major Stock holders in Big Pharma and have made bllions off of the fake Vaccine Death Jab and usless booster shots


  • Gates cannot be allowed to just go away. He must be PUT AWAY permanently. He is guilty of mass murder.

    His foundation needs to be chopped into a million pieces and distributed where it will do the MOST good.

  • Forced Vaccination against a Virus of extremely minimal Mortality Rates once "Other Contributing Factors" are removed, is the next door neighbor of the Nazis "Final Solution."

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • Bill Gates is a killer.  He needs to shut up, and go away.

    • He collided with big pharma, they killed millions around the world in the last two years, going away isn't  enough!, they need to be punished severely so they don't think about doing it again!

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