
  •  “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. For the traitor appears not a traitor – He speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation – he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city – he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared.”  Quote CIcero

    Tapping the strategic oil reserves for sale and profit threatens US Security and  the sales are linked to China a potential enemy they may well be criminal acts of treason.

  • The biggest threat to America is not China, Russia or the Middle East Muslims; it’s the demented fool in the Whitehouse. Many families are struggling to buy gas to drive to work in order to have shelter and put food on the table. Yet, this fool is sending millions of barrels of oil to Europe and Asia. This is treasonous. Biden must be impeached. Why is the GOP silent?

    • Onlinedoc, the gop is silent because they are complicit in the TREASON!!!!!  They are making money from the corruption also and won't do anything to end their money and power grabbing scheme!!!!!  There are a very few honest republicans and they are kept on the perimeter by the establishment!!!!!!!!!!

    • Bingo! And can I add to that we are our own worse enemy very brilliant 🤔 

    • Why is the GOP silent? Because many of the RINOs currently in office are on the same page as Biden! They just pretend to oppose his agenda to try to fool us into continuing to vote them back into power, but in reality, they are all in with the the Power Elites Club of Washington DC and surrounding blue states. Our real enemy is the Power Elites and their bureaucratic minions (sometime called "The Swamp"), regardless of whatever silly party title they choose to wear.
    • Why is the GOP Silent... Why is Sen  McConnell allowed to remain as Senate Majority Leader with his wife's family and his personal business associations closely linked to China, and senior members of its communist party?   Can anyone say direct conflict of interests and possible Treason?

    • Which Rino are you referring to? 🤔 

    • LAS, spot on!!!!!  The gop establishment is complicit in TREASON with the devildemocommiecrats!!!!!!!!!!


    • You nail it on the spot.

  • This is America it's not other country can democrats like Obama, George Soros, knows that? Can somebody tells me why an American hate this country so much and became the president of this country?

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