
Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration is reportedly gathering data on an oil pipeline in Michigan to determine if shutting it down would further increase fuel prices in the region.

“Revoking the permits for the [Line 5] pipeline that delivers oil from western Canada across Wisconsin, the Great Lakes and Michigan and into Ontario, would please environmentalists who have urged the White House to block fossil fuel infrastructure, but it would aggravate a rift with Canada and could exacerbate a spike in energy prices that Republicans are already using as a political weapon,” Politico Pro reported. “Killing a pipeline while U.S. gasoline prices are the highest in years could be political poison for Biden, who has seen his approval rating crash in recent months.”

The administration has not yet made a decision about the pipeline, which comes after the Canadian government invoked an old international treaty to stop the state of Michigan from shutting down the pipeline.

Sources told Politico Pro that the gathering of information on how shutting down the pipeline could impact fuel prices was only to give the Biden administration a clearer picture of the situation.

The move comes as the administration is facing backlash from far-left environmental groups that have watched as Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) has stymied their leftist climate agenda.

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    • First, anyone not a member of the official Election Commission... attempting to count votes or operating outside of the Official Election Judges and supervisors directions will end up being escorted out and if insistent... arrested. Private citizens and volunteer poll watchers, where permitted, are not to interfere with the VOTE or its COUNTING.  You simply don't get it.  Our elections are rigged and the Democrats control most of the election officials supervising the vote and the count.

      As for School Boards... The Unions and most of the Public School Administrators will go around the School Board as necessary... They are well versed in managing school boards.  They treat them like mushrooms, keep them in the dark and feed the feces for a diet. Many of the Unions have done things such as renaming Common Core or CRT disguising and implementing them under another program or name. The Teacher's Unions are not just dishonest they are obstructive and subversive. They will not, I repeat will not be moved by a School Board on critical issues.

      The Teachers Union and Administrators will go as far as necessary to discredit parents and support radical Marxist ideology... If the School Board orders compliance the Union will call a strike and shut down the Schools until the Board acquiesces to whatever the UNION wants... we are not dealing with honest or reasonable people.  The UNION will shut down the schools 

      What can we do... take your children out of the Public Schools ... either home school or put them in private schools.  Where there are no private schools let the Churches open their doors and start cooperative Home Schools using correspondence and distance learning from accredited sources.  We can win the argument with Public Schools, but it will take a unified front and parents willing to move their children from Public Schools on a wholesale basis.

    • NO, LYNN!  YOU ARE MOST ASSUREDLY INCORRECT.  What sourcee(s) has your attention.  Firstly, Many school boards have turned away their parents.  Many parents like the new rules.  You only win if you are in the majority.  In either case, you lose.     Secondly, think on the following.  

      "Jack Ciattarelli, the Republican, wasn't supposed to be close in his race for Governor against Democrat Murphy. But lo and behold, on election night, the patriots of New Jersey rose up and pushed Ciattarelli into the lead- flipping several counties, including the most populous, Bergen (next to NYC)" Feeling good? I knew you would!

      "Then, all of a sudden, in the middle of the night, after 100% reported in, Bergen had 40,000 votes drop to flip to blue. And that wasn't all! Sussex County was misreported by a mere 35,000 votes. Salem County didn't report at all. Hudson County double-counted 15,000 votes- THAT WE KNOW OF. The Democrat Secretary of State STILL doesn't know how many outstanding votes there are!
      Will we have anything in 2022? 2024?  How long has GA and AZ been trying to right their ship?

  • Why do we need to rid ourselves of Dominion machines?  You think that what happened in 2020 will not re-occur?  The elector situation in GA, AZ, WI. MI, and PA remains stagnant.  And here we are at the next election: VA, NJ, etc.  And guess what occured in NJ?  

    "Jack Ciattarelli, the Republican, wasn't supposed to be close in his race for Governor against Democrat Murphy. But lo and behold, on election night, the patriots of New Jersey rose up and pushed Ciattarelli into the lead- flipping several counties, including the most populous, Bergen (next to NYC)" Feeling good?  I knew you would!. 

    "Then, all of a sudden, in the middle of the night, after 100% reported in, Bergen had 40,000 votes drop to flip to blue. And that wasn't all!  Sussex County was misreported by a mere 35,000 votes. Salem County didn't report at all. Hudson County double-counted 15,000 votes- THAT WE KNOW OF. The Democrat Secretary of State STILL doesn't know how many outstanding votes there are!"

    Will we have anthing in 2022? 2024?

    (Both quotes are from Wendy Rgers, AZ State Senator)

    • Not to worry... sen McConnell reports no voter fraud ... just because more people voted than were registered doesn't prove anything... that sort of anomaly happens in my elections all of the time... Just kidding.  However, the official position of the GOP is no voter fraud.... again.  This flies in the face of the evidence to demonstrate fraud.

      The GOP/RNC are in on it... deals are being cut, cash and power traded like pork bellies on the commodities exchange in Chicago...

    • I RECENTLY SENT THE GOP A NOTE SAYING THAT I AM NO LONGER A REPUBLICAN.  "DO NOT CONTACT ME AGAIN.  I WILL SEND NO MONEY TO YOU.  YOU DID NOT SUPPORT TRUMP WHEN HE NEEDED YOU MOST."  You know it... they keep send communication after every one of these notes.  Unsubscribing is a joke.  I believe the GOP has become a side show of the dems... all bought and paid for by the One World Order proponents and Big Pharma.  I trust only Trum now because...    

      On Friday, Newsmax anchor Steve Cortes indicated he would defy the COVID-vaccine mandate his own company issued the previous day.  "I will not comply w/ any organization's attempt to enforce Biden's capricious & unscientific Medical Apartheid mandate. I will not be forced into the injection, nor will I disclose my vaccination status," Cortes tweeted late Friday.

      "Earlier in the week, Newsmax yanked its own White House correspondent Emerald Robinson off the air, at least temporarily, after she tweeted a warning to Christians about a substance in the Moderna COVID vaccine that she believes can be used to track people.  Robinson posted: "Dear Christians: the vaccines contain a bioluminescent marker called LUCIFERASE so that you can be tracked. Read the last book of the New Testament to see how this ends." (Quoted from WND: World Net Daily)

  • It`s way past time to put this thing named Joe Biden in a rubber room. We can`t wait till 2024.

  • One choice is to patiently suffer through to next November's Elections then simply Reverse All Biden Backed Legislation. What cannot be reversed can be held up in Court Litigation until the 2024 Presidential Elections. In the "Waiting Times" instead of TV, News, and Computer Communications, find similar thinking Candidates and Volunteer your time on phones, knocking on doors, writing articles, doing anything and everything possible, including running yourself for Local Positions such as School Board Members, County Commissioners and Local Elections Officers. Fill All The Positions from the Bottom Up where possible. 

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • Lynn...'What part of the elections are rigged don't you understand.  Running for office is no guarantee of winning, even when one actually wins.

    • We may not even get to 2024 as a sovereign nation.  Laws and Acts are not easily expunged.  What court?  Who is the judge?  Many are already volunteering appropriate elected officials.  Until we hold majority positions in the fed. gov., we can do nothing.  Even if we did, the states control much, so we must control 35 states.  So, here we are.  It is exactly as Donald put it: if we do not overturn the 2020 results and as long as Dominion machines are used, we are doomed.  It is time for a 5-million people march on DC.  Stand there and talk.  There is a moment in time when your talk is blowing back in your face.  It is time for action.

  • This crazy president is putting the death knell to us. Our enemies could do no worst than what he is doing to America. 

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