Biden Admin. Locks ICE Public Safety Alert Account

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  • rather you agree with me or not I still stand what I said because Biden was the vice president for 8 years.

    • No problem Jeff. We are allowed to disagree. We are Americans.

    • thanks.


  • Most of us with gop people in CONgress are being represented either!!!!!!!!!!  I know that living in Oklahoma District 2 certainly leaves me without representation!!!!!!!!!!

  • I don't think Biden has any morality at all. 

    • I'd check under the hood for brains too.

      (he said he had a lid installed medically)

    • he is Obama's puppy.

  • it's Obama time again.

    • Jeff, we are not in agreement. Obama had a benefit-of-doubt trust as a new President, and was tolerated in his two-term extremes, because after all said and done, he provided the key to ultimately discredit collective societal race guilt that was milked furiously by Progressives. After all, It is ridiculous to claim that being black, "the man" is keeping you down, when "the man" is black himself. I suspect the race card was played the last time,  because the USA economy and Nation state  was expected to collapse soon after for a "Great Reset". That psy-op will never work again, is not taken seriously now, and is mouthed by rioters seeking a figleaf for their orchestrated criminality.

      "it's Obama time again." will only work in the heads of those who foolishly choose to believe it. I would not recommend it.

  • This is to HIDE the truth from his sheep.

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