
    • The Blue hats?...........We'll Fahke them up bad!!!


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    • If you believe there are no communists in political offices in America, you are naive! Dennis Kucinich is a card holding communist, he was in Congress  for too long, he was also mayor of Cleveland, the woman who replaced him Capture is also a bloody communist. Bernie Sanders certainly is a communist in his belief system, he is with the democrt party because we don't yet have communist as a choice on the ballot. You think AOC isn't a commie, the nasty Muslims in Congress? Some may not even realize how far they have gone and are communists in the belief system. 

    • Most people on the left are leaning towards Marxism, they are just too stupid to know it. They are being taught by the left media that socialism is a social party. It is not, it is the end!  Not one socialist country has ever survived, they all destroyed themselves from within as we are right now in this country! . 

    • You are correct......but Lopez is worried about how it sounds, it isn't positive so it should be shut down. Makes him sound like he is at the wrong site,  he wants to be the word police! 

    • Just because you are incapable of recognizing a communist minded person, do not try to minimize those who do. People like you are the problem, you saying it isn't happening, much like Hannity did a decade ago......even he changed his mind. It's not what a person calls himself, but what he preaches, if  you think Bernie is a socialist, than the problem is with you for being  willfully blind to the truth, or perhaps you are simpathatic to their ideology and it doesn't sound so bad as to call it communist. The bridge between socialism and communism is very short. Remember no communist ever called himself a communist, only a socialist. Communist countries were not called communist....rather they were all socialist republics!
      Also, Muslims and communist joint efforts through history, there was a great example of that in the USSR, it was called Soviet Islam.  Muslims even joined the Nazis when the goal suited them, the Mufti of Jerusalem worked closely with Hitler. Those ideologies overlap very well, and do not forget...the enemy of my enemy is my friend! Just because your understanding  is limited, try not to kill the messenger!

      Mnimizing a situation, ignoring reality is as bad as sensationalism, calling something what it is neccasary to open eyes. Before Obama the POS I never called any of them a communist, but he changed that. He himself was raised by communist radicals, and Muslims. As far as Kusinich,  he has been a communist for decades, but not until he rode with the POS was he more comfortable showing his colors.
      Declaring one is a communist illegal.......really? Why isn't everyone at BLM arrested, after all they openly declare they are a Marxist trained group! I have seen the communists marching down town cleveland with red communist banners, pledging their allegiance to the Communist cause. This was 2016 during the GOP convention with a cop for about every ten'd think someone would have noticed! As hard as it might be for are wrong!

  • Is Biden using our military to protect his intersts in Ukraine?............Our NOT President is compromised with Ukraine and Russia. The peope already know but the silence from the Treasonous MSM is...........Well,TREASONOUS!

  • Civil War  for sure....  Reason?  When the opposition will no longer "reason" nor want to negotiate..  End game:  We won't have a choice but to enforce the Constitution, The right to abolish a corrupt government.

    Russia?   We're currently in a "Monkey Dance" with Russia, and it's actually, the Cuban Misile Crissis in reverse.  U.S. Needs to withdraw their troops and equipment from the Russian Border.  My biggest concern is the Non-Administration won't see the light until it's too Late... Nuclear war is a high probability. 

    • You are right on all points but I really do not think they want to see the light on Russia. This is what they want. We have idiot that thinks he is president that will not protect our own borders but is willing to go to Ukraine?? 

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