
  • Godlessness is killing our country!!!!!  The satanists removed God from the public forum and the nation has sunk to a very bad state since!!!!!  When I was in high school, graduated in 1968, guns were everywhere but there wereNO shootings!!!!!  We started every day with a prayer then the Pledge of Allegience!!!!!  Schools were safe, patriotic places but no longer are either!!!!!!!!!!

    • Absolutely... Why? Could it be the Failure of the Clergy.... the Ministry?  Where are the righteous leaders in the Body of Christ to call out the evil for what it is and to separate the Church from the world? The wicked sit in the high places of our congregations and the Elders do and say nothing... Instead, they wonder at the deprivation and sin that now openly flaunts itself in our Congregation. 

      The Body of Christ has ignored God's many warnings... turning away from God's doctrines for life choosing to covenant with the world and the unrighteous..,  Today, 'The Church' regularly condones sin in the Body... in the Church leadership and its members.  The well of righteousness can not bring forth both sweet water and bitter. The well of the righteous has been corrupted and the waters of life polluted. The Church is no longer the moral compass for our institutions of government and commerce. God's blessings and hedge about our nation have been removed... by an apostate Church and people.

      Wonder no more at the calamity of the Nation... its source is openly on display.  The rejection of God's Word from our homes, private and public institutions, has brought us to ruin, A great rift in God's wall of protection has invited our enemies to take up residence in our nation.  We are reaping what the WOK generation has been sowing for decades... corruption for the corrupt.

    • Check out The Enemy Within the Church by Trevour Louden.

    • The destruction of the American dream… is not to be found in the devices of political parties; it is found in the turning away from our moral compass… God’s Word.  Where God is the arbiter of morality, the concepts of Government are established in righteousness and precepts, which serve the greatest good.  However, the natural will of man seeks to be free… from such moral restraints.

      Free from the moral bounds of a righteous God… man soon abandons the judgments of the righteous to embrace whatever is expedient, to appease his natural desires.  Eve took of the fruit of the ‘Tree of Knowledge’ because the fruit thereof appeared to be good and offered powers that she previously could not embrace.

      For More See: 

      The Destruction Of The American Dream… The failure of the Church?  

      By usar4me


      Retired US Army Colonel... Christian, married with two wonderful daughters and granddaughters.
    • Corrected link to more:

      Search Results for “destruction of the american dream” – Prophets Corner
      Just another site
  • The devilcrats are destroying  our country  NOT OUR GUNS .!

  • We have always had guns.  Before the introduction of psychotropic drugs we had far fewer instances of these tragic events.  But mentally ill people who have personality disorders such as narcisicm and who crave attention have found this is one way to do it - unfortunately many conservatives, who are so eager to exonerage the Second Amendment, have jumped on the pick-the-killer's-brain bandwagon so as to put attention on the abnormality of the killer.  While it is true that these people are dangerous and should be treated DIFFERENTLY from how thay have been (not simply drugged and turned loose on society) we also need to stop giving them this attention because it encourages copy cat killers.  The real problem is not enough guns or gun knowledge in the total population.

    • Absolutely... mental health issues are not the problem... they are the symptoms of th problem.  It is the cultural system that CREATES an ever-increasing number of sociopaths and high-risk, violent personality disorders, that is the problem.  It is the WOK culture that is producing violence, hate, anger, and the victimology that pushes the marginally stable over the edge.  The CURE or FIX for these culturally-induced problems is to reinstate the social norms that produced the secure and vibrant culture of our youth and forefathers. 

      The current social order is racked with excessive numbers of behaviorally deficient and dangerous personality disorders...  The socio and psychopaths in society today did not suddenly appear in our homes and neighborhoods... They are the product of decades of cultural decay spurred on by liberal WOK theology and a GODLESS society... not guns... guns have been present the entire time and not once has a firearm acted on its own to take a life.

  • Technocracy is causing the chaos the mindless children mindless adults.

    • Good point Tina...

      Among other things, technology spurs on the dehumanizing effects of isolation… by substituting fantasy for reality, until the emotionally damaged act out their anger and alienation through violent acts.  Technology is no substitute for human interaction and we are just now realizing how damaging such isolation can become… especially, in the minds of our youth.

      One needs to compare the rates of violence and social conflict present in our society today with the rates before Madalyn Murray O'Hair founded the ‘American Athiest’ in 1963.  Her movement and a WOK Supreme Court managed to remove God from our Public Schools, the institutions of government, and most of society’s institutions for social exchange.  Our Culture has been in a downhill race to Bedlam ever since O'Hair and the Supreme Court decided that God was dead and needed to be buried.

      We know the problem... and refuse to fix it.  Psychologists and sociologists understand what they have done. Many of them are nothing more than a product of their own mental disorder... wrong thinking... and hate for God and His doctrines for the ‘conduct’ of life.  They are willing to destroy humanity in their effort to pull down God and His hierarchy of authority… ultimately, hoping to subjugate God and His People under their authority and dominion.  

      We are engaged in spiritual warfare… a war that reaches back eons in time.  It reaches all the way into God’s throne room in Heaven.  Most mental disorders are spiritual in their source… I am reminded of the Scripture… “There is a way that seemeth right unto man, but the ends thereof are death.”  Proverbs 14:12 What road is America on?

      Humanity and America are on the wrong path… taking the wrong way to find peace and social justice.  

      See: Madalyn Murray O'Hair - Wikipedia

      Madalyn Murray O'Hair
      Madalyn Murray O'Hair (née Mays; April 13, 1919 – September 29, 1995) was an American activist, supporting atheism and separation of church and state…
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