
  • True the Vote cross checked  the meta data for the cells involved and many of the ballot trafficers were also involved in BLM/Antifa rioting. Not known for voting Trump.

    2000 Mules has got them scrambling,  look for more distractions and don't fall for the "Squirrel".

  • Or Martians; Venusians; Jupitarians or any other extra terrestrial.  But then again, I haven't seen anything come out of the AP that even smacks if logic!

  • The AP is a hate group.

  • As a general rule, when someone (Democrats) is accusing you (Republicans) of doing something that they (Democrats) are doing, they (Democrats) are engaging in the psychological defense mechanism of projection. This is the attribution of things to others that are actually attributable to oneself, and is a way of avoiding taking ownership for one’s actions.

    In psychological terms, projection often refers to mental phenomena like thoughts and feelings, but can also apply to physical attributes and actions. The person projecting is pushing what they don’t like about themselves (or what they did) onto someone else, as a way of denying this about themselves.

  • Trump really needed to cheat, he didnt have the votes! Really?

  • When Ole' Joe was campaiging out of His BASEMENT, They were worried if He LOST He would do something drastic, LIKE JUMP OUT THE WINDOW, so they (democrats-media) rigged the Election

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