
    • I guess it must, the Marxist in the WH said a couple months ago: you may have the guns......but I have the nukes!

      This all is going back to a time and place where I came from!
      Laws do not apply, freedom of speech gets you in trouble, guilty until YOU prove you are innocent,  be careful which side you on, I remember being lined up in school for immunization without parental knowledge, in general hold your mouth and take whatever they dish out.....or else. It used to be you could end up in prison, tortured, or in a work camp. Is this where we are today in America?



    • I agree, my question was rhetorical... phrased to get others thinking, to solicit comments like the fine one you posted.

    • I guess you got me


    How cute! Its the rich that can afford to pay taxes. Taxes are a govt devise to capture and enslave the middle class. Of course the rich laugh, they can simply take their wealth and move to an other counrty while the middle class gets screwed. 

    • In most cases, the rich don't have to move to another country... they can simply create offshore accounts or foreign corporations to hide or shield their wealth from US Tax laws.... where they can't, they simply pass on their tax burden to the poor and middle class, who pay/fund the taxes of the wealthy thru increases n rents and the costs of the wealthy's goods and services.  TAX THE RICH and HURT THE POOR... in more ways than one.

    • The wealthy always find the means to avoid most of their taxes and what they don't they fund by passing the tax onto the consumers of their goods and services.  TAX THE RICH AND YOU HURT THE POOR... The Poor and Middle Class end up paying the taxes as increased rents, or in the costs, they pay for the goods and services they purchase from the rich.  Any idiot knows this... but somehow the MSM fails to report it and the wealthy certainly don't advertise it.  The super-wealthy are not paying taxes... they are laughing at us all.  Don't confuse the small businessman with the supper wealthy... they often are unable to pass on the full brunt of their tax burden due to market variables and their inability to price their goods and services while competing with the super-wealthy.

    • The founders had something when only landowners got to vote!
      If you don't have a risk, if you arent invested financially, if you don't understand what it takes to make a living, if you do not own a piece of the country, you should not be able to vote. In a truly free country most are able to achieve, all have the opportunity to ownership however small it may be.  I don't care if it's a trailer on a sliver of land, you must have a personal risk in every vote you cast. 

      Obviously patriotism isn't enough, look at where our youth is today! One must be willing to hang on tooth and nail to the land they own, willing to give their lives for it if called upon,  otherwise patriotism is but an empty word. One must show and investment, a financial interest, commitment, then when it comes downt to a risk, then they will contemplate their votes accordingly., then they will look into who they are willing to support. If they aren't for the HEALTH of the republic, they aren't fit for office, a healthy republic means a free, self reliant people who don't need anything from the government and are able to keep it skinny, and  small!

    • Don't swallow the big lie that 47% of the people pay no taxes... stop drinking the Kool-Aid that the super-wealthy actually pay taxes, they are laughing all the way to the bank as they fund their taxes with revenues they receive from their customers.  The Super Wealthy shelter  their income from taxes  deferring much of their capital gains thru investments, earnings in offshore corporations, and a host  of other tax shelters, not commonly available to the average man and certainly not to the homeless, who pay taxes every time they eat a hamburger, drink a soda... or manage to rent a room for a night,

      There should de no direct taxes ... none.  No corporate taxes for sure, as they pass them on to you and I... Tariffs, imposts, excise taxes, and FEES FOR SERVICES should be the sources of all government revenue... charge fees for local and federal law enforcement, fire and emergency services, public transport, etc., based on the total accessed value of one's holdings/assets (real property... Let the public and corporations pay for their fair share of fire and criminal protection, based on the assets covered.  Charge fees for customs, port facilities, airfield use, road use taxes (fuel taxes), libraries, anything with public funding should be funded on a fee basis until paid for and then cut back to maintenance fees only... The Federal Government should balance its budget and when exceeded Bill the States pro-rata for any shortfalls in revenue annually/  Allow the States to decide how to fund shortfalls in government. That is the method our founders used to fund the federal government and it worked until the 20th century when suddenly WOMEN GOT THE VOTE AND WELFARE and social services BECAME A PRIORITY at the federal level.

      Charity and welfare should be the local government's problem, not the federal government.  Return Welfare and social services to the States and see how quickly the cities and counties find jobs for those now on welfare.  Our system of welfare is out of hand as is the size, scope, and the number of federal employees... cut it in half over the next 2yrs and then by 5% each year following until the government is at 25% of its current size.

    • Charity, welfare and schooling should be the churche's duty. The members should help other members in need for a time to help them back on their feet, house, feed, cloth them for a short time, help them land work, and once they have a job, they are, on their own again.  This generational welfare is crazy stuff, people need to pull their own weight, unless they are handicapped, or ill, then it is our duty to collectively take care of them. 

    • Absolutely, Church at one time was the source for community charity... and social assistance.  However, the government has taken its place... both in the realm of charity/welfare and religion.  Government supports HUMANISM and ATHEISM ... man making himself god... the ultimate sin.

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