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    • Indeed.  He is treasonous.

  • Why is she there, why didn't she leave a long time ago?

    Not much sympathy for people that didn't leave when biteme announce that he was pulling out.

    • Government contractors serve at the request of the Military... they don't get up and leave at will.  I suspect she was anticipating being evacuated based on a timetable and her needed skill set  She probably never imagined that the government who hired her would abandon her to the enemy.  

      Governmetn contractors may be hard to find in any ensuing military campaigns... who wants to work with a Military that requires you to be unarmed and expects you, by law, not to defend yourself... it is the military's job to defend contractors.... contractors can not be combatants, under international law, and still, retain their supposed protected status under international and US law...

    • Exactly... they are also barred from carrying arms and defending themselves if they are to be considered non-combatants.  Secuirty contractors and law enforcement agents under contract or exchange service may be armed.  A contractor that arms themselves are in violation of international and our law and subject to termination and follow up prosecution if pursued by the Government.

      This female contractor is indeed in serious trouble... the government is abandoning her and she has no legal means of self-defense...

  • These are the "Horrors" that weigh most heavily on Our Beloved Combat Veterans. It leaves them with the unanswerable echoing question of "Why?" 

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • We no longer have a conscripted military... the professional soldiers, airmen, and sailors all answered the Why service... when they entered voluntarily.  For most it is to serve our nation in pursuit of national security interests... for some, it is to get an education... and for others, it is to gain access to citizenship.  They each have their own answer to the question why ... but an answer they do have. 

      It was the reluctant draftee... whose conscription mandated service... that most often questioned WHY?  Why 'ME'...It was the ME generation that saw service as foolishness and unworthy of their participation... those selfish, self-centered individuals, failed to see the need for such service or the honor in it. Even to this day, we have such ungrateful men and women enjoying the benefits of service to our country without the sacrifice required to guarantee it.

    • READ what I stated... It was the RELUCTANT DRAFTEE... whose conscription mandated service... that MOST OFTEN questioned WHY?  Not all draftees questioned our involvement in Vietnam... only those who were reluctant to serve or had to be threatened with prison if they failed to report.

      The volunteers who are there because they could not find work normally don't last long.... they are generally rooted out in basic and ait and rarely make it a career... albeit a few slip through.

  • What a disgrace and a black eye for America.  If this is the same one I saw on Fox last night (well even if it is not), it is disgraceful.  Biden administration Stop Fooling Around; Stop Making Excuses; Stop Telling Us Lies - go in and get our citizens and allies!

  • The President needs to order full-scale rescue ops... quietly, mobilize the 101st, 82nd, and 1st Marine Div, together with select combat and combat support units rushing them into the Afghan theater ... with orders to rescue all stranded Americans, allied force, and personnel. Direct them to close with and destroy all Taliban forces, and their sympathizers, wherever contact is made... while rescuing our US Citizens.

    The rescue of our Contractors and other endangered allies is not impossible... In fact, it may catch the Taliban off guard. We must not permit this fiasco to stand, as much more than Afghanistan is at risk... The world is watching, Taiwan is waiting, and S Korea is standing by in trepidation over the Biden/Austin betrayal.

    We all need to recall how a similar event occurred with ISIS in Iraq... how our military responded by rallying the Iraqi military and with our support, they drove ISIS out of Iraq and into Syria, where it was mortally wounded.  A successful rescue can be accomplished but it must happen quickly and with overwhelming combat power. B-52 Arch-light strikes, day and night until all known Taliban locations are turned into dust. Close airstrikes and drone attacks focused on the Taliban and other radical Islamic leadership need to be relentless.

    Pakistan needs to be informed that we intend on pursuing the Taliban with force across their border... if Pakistan fails to keep them out... America's tolerance for violence against it and its allies is over. Take the kid gloves off. Let the world know that enough is enough, that they have awakened the giant, and the Marxists in the US need to take notice, they will not escape Justice.

    • Agreed ... and our abandoned military hardware should be carpet bombed ... B52s!

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