
    • The Ninth Amendment also applies: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." 9th Amendment.

      The right of the People to chose one's medical treatment and vaccinations are not enumerated or delegated by the Constitution to the government (Federal or State). Therefore, the People have the right to refuse a vaccine, as guaranteed by the 9th and 10th Amendments.

  • He is wrong!  The government can not force me to take a vaccine of any kind. 

  • This poor man has lost ALL HIS MARBLES. WE THE PEOPLE run this country, NOT the Government. Alan Dershowitz is a FOOL beyond being able to use his 'brain'. He is a danger to society and should be locked up!

  • My body. My choice. Hands off or I stand upon my right to defend myself against bodily harm. 

  • The hell we don't!  The freedom to associate with who we wish or not associate with those we don't wish is implied in the first amendment and covered in the tenth. That is why Goldwater voted against the 1964 civil rights legislation and thereby lost the 1964 election for president.

    • The right to 'Free Association' is a fundamental human right... The Preamble to the Constitution declares it to be the basis for securing the blessings of liberty... among which is the right to free association. The 9th and 10th Amendment inform us that those rights not reserved for the government are retained by the People... that would include the right to free association in our private lives... not government institutions.

  • Eh... um, Dersho'itz, who has a constitutional right to give forced vaccinations?

  • Screw Dershowitz and his errant thinking, if we can call it thinking. My God!! 

    • You can't blame Dershowitz... after all, he is an attorney and graduate of Harvard Law... an institution with serious reading and comprehension problems... only Yale and Columbia Law have more serious problems in reading and interpreting the Constitution and Statutory Law.

    • Hahaha 😂 !

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