
  • The illicit failure... obstruction of justice... by AG Barr must be dealt with sooner or later... even posthumously.  AG Barr's betrayal of the American People is monumental and needs to be recorded in history ... his family and friends need to know just how harmful he was to this nation's Constitution and law enforcement.  AG Holder and Lynch hold no candle to the fraud AG Barr perpetrated when he declared there WAS NO EVIDENCE OF ELECTION FRAUD...  Benedict Arnold did less harm than AG Barr.

  • A little late Mr. Barr, after you stabbed Trumpvin the back repeatedly. Withholding pertinent information, " Didn't want to do it b just before the election", No you should have done it much earlier instead of sitting on it with your fat kilted ass. 

  • It's good to know the AG is on top of his game... discovering the insurgent activities of the Chinese ... about 5 decades late.  In the meantime the deep state is stealing the wealth of America and undermining its principal institutions of government and society... maybe he should pay more attention to the insurrection in our streets and the insurgency within the government... Oops, he is probably part of the insurgency.

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