The best "largely peaceful protests" memes :) Memedroid

Wrapping up a three-day tour in Chicago, Phoenix and Cleveland Friday, Attorney General Bill Barr took on the media during an exclusive interview with Townhall.

"They're basically a collection of liars. Most of the mainstream media. They're a collection of liars and they know exactly what they're doing. A perfect example of that were the riots. Right on the street it was clear as day what was going on, anyone observing it, reporters observing it, it could not have escaped their attention that this was orchestrated violence by a hardened group of street fighting radicals and they kept on excluding from their coverage all the video of this and reporting otherwise and they were doing that for partisan reasons, and they were lying to the American people. It wasn't until they were caught red-handed after essentially weeks of this lie that they even started feeling less timid," Barr said on the flight back to Washington Friday afternoon.

"The press has dropped, in my view - and I'm talking about the national mainstream media - has dropped any pretense of professional objectivity and are political actors, highly partisan who try to shape what they're reporting to achieve a political purpose and support a political narrative that has nothing to do with the truth. They're very mendacious about it," he continued. "It's very destructive to our Republic; it's very destructive to the Democratic system to have that, especially being so monolithic. It's contributing to a lot of the intensity and partisanship."

For months major news networks have portrayed riots across the country as "peaceful protests." CNN ran a chyron of a reporter standing in front of a burning Kenosha business that read, "Fiery but mostly peaceful protest."

"It's funny that you had record numbers of police being injured during 'peaceful' protests," he said. "You know usually in protests, you have large numbers of injured rioters and a modest number of injured law enforcement. I'm talking about back in the 90s and 60s, 60s to the 90s, nowadays very few rioters get injured, very few and hundreds, even thousands of officers have been injured."

But while most of what Barr classifies as "national media" has failed to report the facts on the ground about recent unrest, he credits a small number of journalists who have worked to find and publish the real story.

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  • I'm certain Barr isn't just talking. He is preparing indictments that will bring down the commie terrorists like blm and the antifa. 

  • quoted from a Edinburgh study 1887...we as a naton risk the following..... "A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship." "The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith;
    From spiritual faith to great courage;
    From courage to liberty;
     From liberty to abundance;
     From abundance to complacency;
     From complacency to apathy;
     From apathy to dependence;
     From dependence back into bondage."

  • given the fact that we are the modern day (ancient)Romans in some societal/political/judicial sense and that every facsimile of Democracy whether republic or not has historically failed(after a duration of approximately 200 years).... one should not discount that two things are very real and very possible given the abject division of this present day society at this given point in American history.1) at no time since the inception of this union/republic have we(America) been so divided as a nation, that is, since the last CIVIL WAR!! albeit for very different reasons-ergo civil war is a very real possibility given the fact that only half of govt' is being run by non leftist/socialist’s and they are the republicans!! all democrats(democrat false moniker) are either socialists by choice or by default.... should the socialists get in office this country is doomed and will quickly fall into further decline....2) all that said the fairness doctrine needs to be re examined and possibly reinstituted relative to the Pravda like fake press. the so called free press of today has a line item in  the constitution and the press is supposed to serve the people by essentially serving as an oversight on the doings and goings on of our govt' so as to keep the citizenry accurately informed! today's Pravda like mainstream press are propagandists and dis-informationalists and deserve to have their licenses revoked by virtue of shirking their legal obligation to the American constitution and the American people..........The fairness doctrine of the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC), introduced in 1949, was a policy that required the holders of broadcast licenses to both present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that was—in the FCC's view—honest, equitable, and balanced. The FCC eliminated the policy in 1987 and removed the rule that implemented the policy from the Federal Register in August 2011.[1] it should be noted Obama adminstration had it removed from the register in 2011  

    Federal Communications Commission
    The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is an independent agency of the United States government that regulates communications by radio, televisi…
  • Agreed.......nothing being done.....unbelievable.

  • Even Barr can talk about and expose the Truth of what is happening in America and WHY, but it all means NOTHING. No one is listening, and very few CARE. If they were, and DID, there would have been a great uprising of Conservatives a LONG time ago. It's too late for "Talk" now, too late for waiting for "Someone" to DO something. We now have very few options left, and if Trump loses, there will be only ONE option, and you all know what that is. Prepare.

    • agreed............nothing being done. 

  • The AG needs to bring cases of incitement and insurrection against the elements in the MSM... put them on the defense, arrest senior officials and anchors in the MSM for inciting a riot, insurrection, espionage (where classified info was breeched) and possible treason where the protests seek to overturn the government. Time to get down and dirty... NOW not latter.

    We don't need more disclosure of broken laws... we need prosecutions not excuses for failing to prosecute.  It doesn't take rocket science to discover that the MSM is promoting insurrection, riot and domestic terrorism... with the goal to disrupt our elections.  it is time to arrest them ... stop coddling them, arrest, and transport them to GITMO where they can report from their cell.

    • I so agree with the Col Nelson.  I cannot understand that after mountains of proof, multiple investigations, conclusive evidence of criminal activity.....nothing ever happens.  No indictments, no charges, no arrests. Just nothing.  What the heck is wrong with that picture?  Yes Col. arrest them now and put them all on the defensive.  We, the people, are under attack by these criminals from every direction in the compas.  We get no satisfaction from our Department of Justice.  Where is justice?


  • President Trump just needs to play their game. No Federal funds, as there were no businesses destroyed, no statues defaced or torn down. All is well, even the fake range and forrest fires that newsom's and soros' cronies are starting. newsom the puke can use the 50 billion dollars the federal government sent him for his new high speed rail system. They will need it to get out of town fast during newsom's man made fires.

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