Abortion… The American Holocaust

For too long… abortion has been treated as if those who participate in it have been misled and for the greater part engage in it out of naivety. However, the fact is that the vast majority of those who engage in this industry know full well the ramifications of their acts and CHOOSE to willingly engage in them.


It is time… that Christians begin to hold those responsible for this industry… and those who engage in the act of abortion personally accountable. We don't need to berate or harass them… however, it is time to shun and engage them with the facts… HARD FACTS about their erroneous choice to engage in MURDER.

It is time… to Warn the Sinner of their sin… that their blood may not be upon our hands. (Read Ezk 3:18-21). If the salt hath lost its savor what value then is there in its saltiness? If the righteous will not stand firmly for righteousness, how then shall the unrighteous see their error and repent?

For too long… the Church has made it EASY for sin to dwell in their midst… claiming it is compassion that must prevail over Truth… yet, compassion that leaves the sinner to sin… is no more compassion but a wanton choice to avoid confrontation and the uncomfortable task of dealing with sin.

We must be BOTH compassionate and truthful… faithful, to the gospel of Christ… Sin must be dealt with, both on a personal and cultural level. Preachers and teachers of the Gospel of Christ must warn the wicked of their ways… Too, encourage repentance and confession; that their sin may be forgiven, that the Grace of God, may not be abused or forestalled.(1John 1:8-10; Jude 4-23; Rev 3:1-6)

Cuddling those who engage in Abortion… is not acceptable. Presenting sinners the Truth is our duty to THEM and Christ. Let us no longer make excuses for sin; rather, let us offer the Truth… rendering sin inoperable in the Body of Christ… That we may live in the Holiness of His Word.

Separate the sinner from among you… Stand not in the way with sinners, nor sit in the seat of the scornful; take no counsel from the world and the ungodly in it, but be Holy even as God is Holy. Knowing, that in these last days perilous times shall come upon the Church and many shall fall away… turning again to embrace the world and the things in the world. (Ps 1:1; 1Cor 5:6-12; 2Cor 6:1-18; 2Tim 3:1-7)

Behold the Lord stands at the door… if anyone shall hear His voice and opens the door… Christ shall come into them and sup with them and them with He. However, the fool shall refuse to hear the Word of the Lord and will not OPEN THEIR HEART that He may enter. (Rev 3:19-21)

By RA Nelson

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  • A few days ago I posted on another forum a short topic titled " What is truly important is mostly ignored."  The point being that what matters most in the lives of men usually suffers from neglect since it becomes too uncomfortable to address.  And if it must be, then others should do it for us.

    The Truth is neglected in our Churches because it doesn't fit our desires.  Traditional Christianity didn't merely accept fables as doctrine, instead they embraced them, and today they have become the central doctrines of religious matters in virtually all of our churches.

    Sin is the transgression of the Law. ( 1 John 3:4). That is the definition of it.  Abortion is murder. Life begins at conception, not at birth. The unborn is not a tumor nor is it a body part. It is a human being, yet unborn, carried in the womb of the Mother. Is that too difficult to face?  Too uncomfortable to admit?

    The truth is abortion is not about concerns for the living.  It is about Body Parts.  It is about Money.  Wide open borders are not about concerns for people either.  They are about drugs and human trafficking. Money. Big Money.  Money is power. Money purchases control.  Does anyone truly believe that an American Patriot is posing as President?  Other than the mentally deranged?

    Benjamin Franklin said that we have a "Republic, if you can keep it."  It appears that we will not.  Biden's presidency, illegal, is too uncomfortable to address. Our courts of law will not face it, they claim it has no standing.  And, we blame Trump for it.  Using parity of reason again why not blame God?  He caused this Nation to be.  So, it must be His fault, right?

    Satan blames God.  And the Truth is totally neglected because it is uncomfortable. It doesn't fit what we want.   What is important does not really matter.

    • God created mankind in His Image and Likeness to be His stewards over the Earth...too, keep order in the Earth, to dress it and subdue evil, according to God's will.  It is mankind's fault that the Earth is in disarray and doesn't measure up to the standards of Eden, where evil was eschewed and good promoted. It is mankind whose behavior has destroyed the balance in nature and murders the unborn, not God. 

      Indeed Satan blames God as do the unrighteous... they each seek to excuse their sin and willful misconduct blaming God for their failures.  Knowing to do good and choosing to rebel they deceitfully seek to replace God by becoming as God... gods unto themselves.  Man seeks to establish his word as law, redefining God's definition of good and evil as he sees fit.  However, they both shall soon discover there is only One God and Word by which creation is set in proper order, and that Word is the Word of God... Jesus Christ.

    • P/S  Great post Dale... what is important is often ignored because the changes it would require if acted upon are too uncomfortable and limiting for the world to accept...

    • Col Nelson.  Your initial post above is indicative of the point. It is a topic that merits discussion among those who are truly trying to obey our Creator and live as if it is the most important duty we can ever be called to perform. We must be doers, not just hearers only.  And that duty that we all share is indeed the most important one of all.

      Our present government is a dishonest one, living off the treasure of hard working people who earn their pay. Their health and well being is disappearing, stolen from them, and there seems to be no place where they can turn to find justice in relief from the criminals who lead us. The government of, by, and for the people that Lincoln spoke of has vanished, and the common people (of which I am one) are left with nothing other than the weak expectation that the next election might turn events around and give us right direction.

      Our institutions have largely failed us. The truth is not taught in school, nor is it found in our churches. It is way too harsh for our tender ears. We want the smooth things spoken, the words and opinions that make us feel good about ourselves. Diversity is preached, in both thought and actions, as if truth is only an opinion. Everything is therfore relative. Nothing is sure other than our own ideas.  And, of course, death and taxes, the latter necessary to pay for all of the buffoonery.

      We are in the last days.  But, we do not have to be in them.  That, too, is important to understand.

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