

    Why do churches pour billions of dollars in foreign missions when the missions fields have come to America?

    Chicago has violent tribes, murders, worship of the false g*d of liberalism and are not more than savages! 

    I say send in ten thousand hardcore street evangelists and turn the city to G*d, then fire the mayor and city council and replace them with old fashion Fire & Brimstone leaders. 

    Chicago will change in about 6 months to the most peaceful and beautiful city in America!  

  • Only after listening to the "Needs, Wants and Desires" of the 100,000,000 yet to be convinced to Vote!

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • If they look to the deep state gop establishment for help they are whistling by the graveyard!!!!!  Anyone's only hope is prayer, and voting for a candidate supported by President Trump!!!!!!!!!!

  • Thank you Joseph, A candle in the darkness.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

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    • That, Miopez Lopez, is the very definition of insanity... doing the same thing, over and over, and somehow expecting a different result!

  • LAS, I did not discount President Trump's great accomplishments, nor his propensity for immediate understanding of any situation at any given moment. What I was attempting to bring into focus was His Main Group of Supporters, the hard working, goal acheiving, independent thinking men and women of the "Boomer Generation" (1946-1964) are dying off, meaning a loss of votes, in combination with the 100,000,000 VOTES not cast this last Election from Registered Voters consisting of those First Time Voters through those less than 40 Years in age. There is a reason this group did not vote, and until it is found and addressed to their satisfaction, those votes will remain lost! Those receiving "Free Lunches" will continue to vote regardless of age! Now do you comprehend LAS?

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain 

    • Lynn,

      A great point. We older voters have absolutely no understanding of what interests millennials.  The key to securing America's future is learning what turns them on. Instead of looking at their negative side, look at what they are looking for. 

      The way I see it, from popular culture, they are looking for real heroes, not some demon to slay, but someone who they can look up to.

      You made a great point.

  • Chicago was one of the most beautiful cities in the nation.  Like all Democrat run cities it had its problems.  However, by its election of Rahm Emanuel and moreso by its election of the worst mayor in Chicago's history the city has become the Detroit of the 1970 and beyond.  It took Detroit 60 years to finally wake up and elect a competent mayor. I pray that it doesn't take that long to reverse its decline. Our sons still live in the Chicago area.  Both live in suburbs.  When they were growing up we would take them downtown to see all of the wonders of the city. One of our sons works for a business who main office is in downtown.  But he refuses to go there as he can work from home. He tells us when we come to visit not to go into the city.  It is no longer safe anywhere. 

    • It use to be one of the beautiful city now it a pile of garbage when I came to the United State I arive in Chicago and Illinois was great back than but now I had to move to Wisconsin 

  • Gulliver visited Eight Countries in Four Distinct Locations. All different to varying degrees and levels.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

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