Posted on Aaron Klein-On May 25, 2011:

The wife of President Obama’s new online response team leader is a top official at and was the promoter of the group’s notorious attacks on Gen. David H. Petraeus.

This week the White House named its online guru, Jesse Lee, to a new position within itscommunications department titled Director of Progressive Media & Online Response.

The Huffington Post reports Lee will be responsible for responding to negative stories as Obama prepares for his reelection bid.

Last April, Lee married Nita Chaudhary, a progressive activist.

Choudhary has led MoveOn’s campaigns on the Iraq War and U.S. Constitution as well as running the group’s fundraising program for MoveOn’s 2008 electoral effort. She is MoveOn’s campaign director for political action.

MoveOn is funded by philanthropist George Soros.

During the period Choudhary led the group’s Iraq campaign, MoveOn was behind a notorious ad accusing Petraeus of “cooking the books for the White House.” The ad also labeled him “General Betray Us.”

Choudhary stood by the Petraeus ad after it created national political controversy.

“It’s unfortunate that they’re concentrating on the headlines instead of the facts in the ad,” said Chaudhary. “We stand by every single fact [in the ad], and we challenge Boehner ... and any other politician to refute those facts.”

At MoveOn, Choudhary advocated against what she called “right wing extremists.”

In an August 2009 email from the organization, Choudhary wrote, “Right-wing extremists have been crashing tons of events and trying to dominate the national debate.”

Continued Choudhary: “But MoveOn members won’t let them succeed-we’re pushing back with Real Voices for Change, an ambitious campaign to show that the overwhelming majority of Americans continue to support President Obama’s plans for change.”

Two months later, she sent out a blast email decrying “big insurance” companies.

“We need to make sure Democrats who side with ‘Big Insurance’ face consequences with the voters back home,” she wrote.

In a dispatch last June, Choudary warned against a “secret cabal” of “conservatives” trying to slash Social Security and Medicare.

Wrote Choudhary: “It sounds like something Glenn Beck would cook up: a powerful cabal of right-wing ideologues hatches a secret plan to force cuts to Social Security and Medicare, and they’re on the verge of succeeding. But it’s true.

“Right now, the stars are aligned for conservatives who’ve spent decades trying to cut Social Security — the heart of the New Deal.

“And instead of articulating a progressive response, Democrats seem frozen, like deer in the headlights,” she wrote.

Choudhary previously was director of online organizing for the Voter Contact Department of the Democratic National Committee.

In 2007, she was a trainer at the MoveOn-created progressive New Organizing Institute boot camp.

The NOI board of directors includes Color of Change, an environmental group founded and run by Van Jones, Obama’s former “green” jobs czar. Jones resigned in September 2009 after it was exposed he founded a communist revolutionary organization and called for “resistance” against the U.S. government.

With research by Brenda J. Elliott”


Note:  What follows is the 2007 ABC News article and/or blog post by Jake Tapper that revealed the Ad that took aim at General Petraeus: Ad Takes Aim at Petraeus: “Ad From Liberal Activist Group Takes on Petraeus and the GOP Finds a New Talking Point”-Posted on JAKE TAPPER-On September 10, 2007:

A newspaper ad from the anti-war group that attacks Gen. David Petraeus has prompted a Republican outcry in Washington, D.C., as supporters of the surge strategy in Iraq change the subject from the progress in Iraq to the rhetoric used by war opponents.

“General Petraeus or General Betray Us?” reads the full-page ad (CLICK HERE), which cost the liberal group approximately $65,000 and ran in section A of today’s New York Times.

The ad accuses the general of “Cooking the Books for the White House” and asserts “General Petraeus is a military man constantly at war with the facts,” citing optimistic statements the general has made about Iraq in the past.

White House spokesman Tony Snow called it “a boorish, childish, unworthy attack” and called on members of Congress to condemn the ad. By the end of the day, 30 Republican senators and Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., had written to the Democratic Senate Leader, asking him to “join us in making it clear that you do not share the views of, and that you will not join in attacking the character of this fine officer” and House Republicans had introduced a resolution condemning the ad.

A Democratic leadership aide on Capitol Hill told ABC News that the ad was “not helpful” because it allowed Republicans to refocus attention from “what’s happening on the ground in Iraq and the fact that everyone, even Gen. Petraeus, agrees that political progress is lacking.”

In addition to liberal activist groups such as, Democrats in both the House and Senate have impugned Petraeus’ testimony today, and those tuning in to the House hearing today to hear from Petraeus had to wait longer than scheduled because the general’s microphone was not functioning, prompting a brief recess.

The microphones of his GOP defenders were fully amplified, however. The ranking Republican on the House Armed Services committee, Rep. Duncan Hunter of California, took much of the limited time he had to make remarks at Petraeus’ briefing this afternoon to decry the ad and other attacks on the general’s credibility, noting that Petraeus had been unanimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate earlier this year.

“Let us start off this hearing with this stipulation,” Hunter said, Petraeus will offer “a candid independent assessment delivered with integrity.”

The chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla., said the ad “is outrageous and it is deplorable” and called upon her “colleagues on both sides of the aisle” to condemn the ad and, somewhat inexplicably, to apologize to the general for the impugning of his integrity.

The GOP presidential candidates added their voices to the chorus as well, with Arizona Sen. John McCain calling the ad a “McCarthyite attack on an American patriot. … No matter where you stand on the war, we should all agree on the character and decency of this exceptional American.”

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, wrote on the National Review blog “The Corner,” that “(l)ike the men he commands, (Petraeus) is risking his life to protect our freedoms here at home. We should not prejudge him or his testimony, or give him anything less than the full respect he deserves.

Outside a South Carolina barbecue joint Monday afternoon, former Sen. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn., called the ad “outrageous” and said, “ has today, in effect, said that the General leading our brave troops in Iraq is betraying his country. This is the group that funds the Democratic Party. all upon the Democratic Party and all of the Democratic candidates for President to repudiate the libel of this patriotic American.”

But Democrats said doing so would be falling into a GOP trap and criticized Republicans for trying to change the subject from the substance of Petraeus’s testimony.

A spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said while the ad gave Republicans “a new talking point,” Reid would not be decrying the ad.

“They have every right to buy an ad in The New York Times,” said Reid spokesman Jim Manley. “The issue isn’t Gen. Petraeus, who’s a good man and a fine soldier. The problem is that he is being brought in during the fourth quarter and the administration is trying to give him ownership of the entire game. They cannot deflect responsibility like this. The American people know how we got to this point and know that it is time to change course.”

Asked if they would condemn the ad, the Democratic presidential frontrunners all demurred but tellingly, all of them refrained from criticizing Gen. Petraeus personally.

“Sen. Obama’s question is not about General Petraeus’s patriotism,” said Bill Burton, spokesman for Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill. “It’s about his logic. There’s no evidence that this surge is producing the political progress needed to resolve the civil war in Iraq, or that it will be accomplished through more of the same.

Phil Singer, spokesman for the campaign of Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, said that “America’s troops have done all that has been asked of them and then some, but the reality is that there is no military solution to what is going on in Iraq which is why our focus must remain on getting the president to change course.”

As for the ad, Singer said, “It is unfortunate that Republican presidential candidates are focused on generating a political sideshow instead of discussing the President’s failed war policy. Sen. Clinton is going to keep her focus where it should be, on ending the war.”

Eric Schultz, spokesman for the campaign of former Sen. John Edwards, D-N.C., said that “Sen. Edwards honors General Petraeus’s service and patriotism, but the General is wrong to believe that the American people or Congress should give President Bush’s failed Iraq strategy more time. John Edwards believes Congress should stand firm and hold President Bush responsible for changing course with a simple and strong message—no timetable, no funding, no excuses.” says it stands by its ad.

“Every major independent study and many major news organizations cast serious doubt on Petraeus’ claims,” said Eli Pariser, executive director of’s political action committee. Pariser said recent studies by the Government Accountability Office, the National Intelligence Estimate and retired Marine Gen. James Jones contradict any assertions that the surge has been a success.

“Gen. Petraeus’ claims have come under critical scrutiny,” Pariser said. “The facts all point in one direction — the surge isn’t working — and Gen. Petraeus and the White House are pointing in another.”


Note:  The following article and/or blog relates to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

At WH Request, Newspaper Censors Mildly Negative Sentence About Michelle Obama-Posted on News Busters-By Lachlan Markay-On May 03, 2011:

This White House faced strikingly little press criticism during the 2008 presidential campaign and through most of its first two years in office. So seldom is this White House meaningfully criticized in fact, that even the most mild jab apparently inspires backlash against the press.

Just last week it was revealed that a San Francisco Chronicle reporter was booted from the White House press pool for the crime of recording an anti-Obama protest with her smartphone. Then today, the Pleasanton Weekly, a small newspaper in Pleasanton, California, revealed that the White House had asked that the paper remove a passage it felt reflected poorly on First Lady Michelle Obama.

And, amazingly, the paper obliged. It removed the passage, saying it didn’t want to make a “fuss.” The White House is grateful for the self-censorship, I’m sure.

The passage in question dared to note that Mrs. Obama hadn’t spoken with the pilots of Marine One in the reporter’s presence, the Daily Caller reported on Tuesday:

“In an email to The Daily Caller, Gina Channell-Allen, president of the Pleasanton Weekly in Pleasanton, California, said that her paper “received a call from the White House asking us to take out part of the story because it reflected poorly on the First Lady.”

The story in question was a soft feature about Marine One titled, “Inside Marine One, President Obama’s helicopter,” that ran in the paper on April 20. Pleasanton staffer Amory Gutierrez “didn’t get to ride in ‘Marine One,’” she wrote in her story, “but I did get the VIP tour and took photographs of the otherwise unseen aircraft.”

She also wrote a sentence that the White House thought made FLOTUS look snooty.

“Basically the reporter said that the First Lady didn’t speak to the pilots but acknowledged them by making eye contact,” Allen wrote in her email.

Allen says she “complied” with the White House’s request “because it was not worth making a fuss over.”

She added, “I thought it was interesting, though, that the [White House] was concerned enough about image to contact a little weekly paper in Pleasanton.”


Note:  What  follows are some, but not all of the articles and/or blog posts drafted by some military Veterans and others that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Oliver North: Releasing Raid Details Threatens US-Posted on Hiram Reisner-On May 13, 2011:

Obama Overridden By Military And Intel Officials In Takeout Of OBL?-Posted on Atlas Shrugs-On May 3, 2011:

Rep. Allen West slams military diversity report-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Caroline May, The Daily Caller-On March 11, 2011:

Lieutenant Commander Ernest Huber-Posted on

Why I quit… Desert Storm vet explains decision to leave Air Force after 22 years-Posted on Daily Inter Lake-By MIKE BANZE-On November 7, 2010:

Officers counter ‘PC’ Fort Hood memorial: ‘Counter-terror group of 1st-responders present alternative remembrance’-Posted on November 5, 2010:

Buzz Patterson: Obama’s ‘Conduct Unbecoming’-Posted on Jim Meyers-On September 27, 2010:

Obama’s Secret Link to Hamas-Posted on Human Events-By Buzz Patterson-On September 8, 2010:

8 questions with ‘Conduct Unbecoming’ author Buzz Patterson-Posted on The Daily Caller-On September 5, 2010:

Retired Navy SEAL Reacts to Charges Against SEALs-Posted on December 6, 2009:

Barack Obama Ignores D-Day Anniversary – Goes to Theatre Party Instead-Posted on Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit-On June 7, 2010:

Obama to Skip Memorial Day at Arlington Cemetery-Posted on May 25, 2010:

OBAMA DOESN’T ATTEND HEROES BALL, BUT THE QUESTION IS “WHY?”: For the first time, a newly-inaugurated Presidentmisses ball for Medal of Honor recipients”-Posted on VA Watchdog dot Org-By Larry Scott-On January 23, 2009:

Jim Moran to veteran: Sit down or leave-Posted on The Daily Caller-On April 8, 2011:

Krauthammer criticizes Obama for treating U.S. troop shooting in Germany like ‘a bus accident’-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Jeff Poor, The Daily Caller-On March 3, 2011:

Commander-in-Chief Turns His Back on America’s Military-Posted on The Heritage Foundation-On April 8, 2011:’s-military/?utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=Morning%2BBell

Levin: Obama Does Not “Have Sufficient Respect For The Armed Forces”-Posted on Real Clear Politics-On April 7, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

The Military Pays the Price for Obama’s Agenda!’s-agenda/

Veterans and members of our Armed Forces under attack!

Treason in America: Move Over ‘Hanoi Jane’!‘hanoi-jane’/

Rules of Engagement Killing Marines and U.S. Soldiers!

Clearing the Smoke on Obama’s Eligibility!’s-eligibility/

Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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