Which came first... the egg or the chicken?  Labor and Capital... are mutually intertwined and when in harmony produce the greatest good.  Can one exist without the other?  Was it labor that produced Capital or was it Capital that generated labor...jobs?

The problem with many is that they are ungrateful ... ignoring the contribution of others to the common good.   Labor and Capital are complementary components that drive the engines of wealth creation.  Like husband and wife the two operate most effectively in a marriage that promotes the common good of both parties. 

However, mankind has complicated what should be a mutual effort for the benefit of all parties... each seeking more than they are entitled.  Labor and Capital should recognize the need for each other and work together to find common ground ... when they do both prosper... each taking only that which they earn, neither party looking to benefit more than the other. Is it a 50/50 proposition... no, but it is not a 90/10 either.

Greed and avarice exist on both sides of the equation... capital looking to MAXIMIZE profits seeks to withhold labors fair share. Labor looking for security and a larger share than their contribution to the venture seek to take more than they earn.  What is needed is a Godly relationship where equity and just compensation is rendered to all parties. Labor and Capital must find a formula that works for both parties.  Until they do there will always be an antagonistic relationship between the parties.

I fear that with the deterioration of God's ethical standards in society today, that  the relationship between labor and capital will only grow more complicated and divergent ... driving a never ending cycle of distrust and conflict between the two parties.  America and the world must find leaders in both Industry (capital) and Labor that are able to frame the economic debate in such a way that an environment of cooperation between both parties is created... Or, the world will continue to see cycles of violence and revolution in society.  Karl Marx's theory of social unrest and revolution is not without some truth.

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