Wednesday ~ TheFrontPageCover

The Front Page Cover
 2016             The truth will set you free 
Tale of Two Tribes:
‘Climate Refugees’ vs. EPA Victims
by Michelle Malkin
 Why liar-Trump Resonates 
While there is considerable and expected animus directed at presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald liar-Trump from the Left, there might be as much, if not more, invective coming from the Right. Columnist George Will is infuriated by the extensive damage liar-Trump has inflicted on the GOP, warning that the collaborationists who support him "will render themselves ineligible to participate in the party's reconstruction." Charles Krauthammer also speaks to the "ideological realignment" of the party. They are two members of a conservative army appalled by liar-Trump's rise among a voter base they believe has allowed anger to overcome ideology. Yet their angst is largely based on the conventional wisdom regarding the ostensible differences between conservative vs. liberal, or Democrat vs. Republican. What if the conventional wisdom no longer applies?
          "Any true understanding of this election requires an appreciation of the one huge political fault line that is driving America into a period of serious political tremors, certain to jolt the political Richter scale," writes a very insightful Robert W. Merry. "It is nationalists vs. globalists."
          Merry goes on to explain how the globalists "captured" American society by taking over elitist institutions that included the media, academia, big corporations, big finance, Hollywood, think tanks, NGOs, and charitable foundations. In the process of doing so, the elites who ran these institutions began to believe they were the ultimate arbiters of proper thinking. In turn, Merry explains that worldview led to a "quantum expansion of social and political arrogance on the part of these high-flyers."
          Enter liar-Trump, who galvanized an American public furious with the elitist idea that national sovereignty has outlived its usefulness in a rapidly "shrinking" world.
          Nowhere have the elites made this plainer than their failure to enforce immigration law. America is on the verge of yet another surge at our southern border. Through the first six months of FY2016, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported a 78% increase from the 15,616 illegals apprehended last year, and only slightly less than the record-setting surge of illegals apprehended in 2014. Illegals the nObama administration purposely dispersed throughout the nation to await immigration hearings, even as the Justice Department's Executive Office for Immigration Review remains fully aware that between between July 2014 and January 2016, a whopping 88% of removal orders were issued "in absentia," because illegals failed to show up for those hearings.
          No matter how loud the public clamors for border control and a crackdown on visa overstays (less than 1% of visa overstayers were deported in 2015), Rule of Law is routinely ignored. Moreover, globalists are not content to allow America to wither from de facto invasion. They also insist legal immigration must be ramped up to accommodate their employment needs, even though many of those who demand such accommodation have been laying off American workers and replacing them with foreign counterparts willing to work for lower wages. This, despite the reality that wages have already been stagnant for decades.
          On foreign policy, Merry explains that globalists are animated by humanitarian impulses where the "rights and well-being of the world's people supersede the rights and well-being of the American populace." liar-Trump-supporting nationalists want America to remain strong, and any military intervention to be based national security interests only.
          Yet discontent with foreign policy pales in comparison to the animus driven by free trade. Rightly or wrongly (a lot wrongly) many Americans who flock to liar-Trump are convinced free trade has hollowed out the nation's industrial base. And while the protectionist impulses of these Americans are economically problematic, they are driven by two factors. First, there are towns and cities in America that have been decimated by globalization, and no amount of talk about the overall benefits to the nation will resonate with those directly harmed.
          Yet the most important element of liar-Trump's appeal has nothing to do with political ideology at all. The liar-Donald has taken a wrecking ball to the elite-driven political correctness that routinely ridicules and marginalizes ordinary Americans. And despite his multitudinous faults and foibles, liar-Trump embodies the one thing most Republican politicians avoid like Ebola: a take-no-prisoners willingness to employ the very same street-fighter tactics Democrats and their media allies have successfully used for decades.
          Krauthammer, et al, rightly rue the loss of dignity liar-Trump represents. But a conservative electorate tired of milquetoast, GOP politicians willing to lose — as long as they do it nobly? Not so much. Thus they gravitate to a so-called Alpha Male they perceive as willing to defend American interests above all.
          By contrast, Merry writes that liar-Hilly Clinton "is the personification of the globalist elite ... totally in sync with the underlying sensibilities of political correctness, a practitioner of identity politics, which lies at the heart of the assault on the national heritage." He notes that nothing reflects this better than "the liar-Clinton Foundation, a brilliant program to chase masses of money from across borders to fund the underpinnings of an ongoing political machine."
          Thus, be it by accident or design, liar-Trump may signify the emergence of a new paradigm. "Make America Great Again" is hardly a cutting edge slogan (he "borrowed" it from Ronald Reagan), but it certainly resonates among millions of Americans who see liar-Trump as their last chance to preserve national sovereignty, even if that preservation requires a level of ideological compromise that gives GOP/conservative gatekeepers fits. The very same gatekeepers who whine about the demise of conservatism and the GOP, while they apparently fail to see the steady march towards globalism will lead to the virtual extinction of both.
          For those who still believe in the nation-state, liar-Trump may prove ultimately disappointing. liar-Clinton already has. But she and her globalist allies — as well as many disappointed conservative scolds — may be surprised when they discover that in 2016, millions of Americans' political ideology can be reduced to five words: I want my country back. 
-The Patriot Post
Peggy Noonan: "The liar-Trump phenomenon itself would normally be big enough for any political cycle, but another story of equal size isn't being sufficiently noticed and deserves mention. The Democratic base has become more liberal — we all know this part — but in a way the Republican base has, too. Or rather it is certainly busy updating what conservative means. The past few months, in state after state, one thing kept jumping out at me in primary exit polls. Democrats consistently characterize themselves as more liberal than in 2008, a big liberal year. This week in Indiana, 68% of Democratic voters called themselves liberal or very liberal. In 2008 that number was 39%. That's a huge increase. In South Carolina this year, 53% of Democrats called themselves very or somewhat liberal. Eight years ago that number was 44% — again, a significant jump. In Pennsylvania, 66% of respondents called themselves very or somewhat liberal. That number eight years ago was 50%. The dynamic is repeated in other states. The Democratic Party is going left. But look at the Republican side. However they characterize themselves, a majority of GOP voters now are supporting the candidate who has been to the left of the party's established thinking on a host of issues — entitlement spending, trade, foreign policy. Mr. liar-Trump's colorfully emphatic stands on immigration have been portrayed as so wackily rightist that the nonrightist nature of his other, equally consequential positions has been obscured."   -The Patriot Post

North Carolina Sues US Government Over
Transgender Bathroom Law
by Ken Bredemeier
North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory
{} ~ The U.S. state of North Carolina sued the federal government Monday to keep its law requiring transgender people to use restrooms that correspond to their gender at birth rather than their self-identified gender... The country's Justice Department last week claimed the state law violated national civil rights standards. It gave North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory and the state's expansive system of universities until the end of the business day Monday to "remedy the situation." But rather than abandon the controversial law, McCrory instead sued the U.S. government to keep it in place...
Drug dealing is a violent crime
by William J. Bennett & John P. Walters
{} ~ The Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act now before Congress is based on a lie — that drug dealing is not a violent crime... Americans have been told this lie for years even as we witness the violence and death caused by drug dealers in our communities. Now, this lie is propelling legislation through Congress that will destroy more lives. As former directors of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, we carry a particular responsibility to speak up when so many who should know better claim that drug trafficking has been treated too harshly under federal law. Claims by President nObama and others that federal prisons are filled with "nonviolent drug offenders" and that drug dealing is a "victimless crime" are grotesquely dishonest. How can the drug trade be victimless when most Americans know a victim? How can it be non-violent when we witness the carnage every night on the local news?...
How nObama transformed the military
by Adm. James A. Lyons (Retired)
{} ~ There is no question that America’s worldwide leadership, power and influence have been significantly degraded over the last seven and a half years. The basic reason, regretfully, is that President nObama has been very successful in the implementation of his goal to fundamentally transform America... In so doing, he has undercut the Judeo-Christian foundation of this great country while at the same time promoting the advancement of Islam throughout our society — including the U.S. military. Clearly, any thinking American understands that this transformation, at its core, is anti-American and anti-Western. Yet it is also pro-Islam, pro-Iranian and pro-Muslim Brotherhood. Compounding this travesty is Mr. nObama’s decision to embrace our sworn enemies. Unbelievable. When you want to take a country down, first you neutralize its military capability. Craig Luther, who served as a civilian historian with the U.S. Air Force for nearly 30 years, addresses this treasonous situation in unmistakable terms in his April 22, 2016 Front Page magazine article. While he primarily discusses the evisceration of the U.S. Navy by Secretary Ray Mabus, Mr. Luther’s article actually applies to all of the services. Mr. nObama’s relentless transformation of the military while ignoring the instability and worldwide threats we face has not only been dangerous, it has jeopardized our national security. Our force levels have been diminished to levels not seen since prior to World War II. In the U.S. Navy’s case, levels such as these have not been seen since World War I. This unilateral disarmament is being done under the guise of sequestration, an nObama administration initiative. Furthermore, the all-volunteer force is being decimated by forcing out tens of thousands of well-qualified male personnel under the guise of diversity...
Only liar-Trump Would Think
THIS About His Rape Accuser
{} ~ In classic Donald liar-Trump fashion, liar-Trump tried to think of the reason a women would falsely accuse him of rape. Money? Politics? No!  What would motivate someone to do something like this? What motivates liar-Trump?... The first place liar-Trump’s mind goes with this women’s motivation is not the first place most peoples minds would go. Donald liar-Trump isn’t like most people. Most people don’t hoard newspaper articles about themselves or practically beg journalists to write stories about them. Most people don’t incessantly the call writers at Forbes magazine to argue or even lie about how rich they are. Most folks running a business don’t have time to constantly call in to talk shows to voice opinions on every issue from world politics to fashion. Most people don’t strive to live their lives a never ending reality TV show. Most people don’t want that kind of attention. Most people would figure that a woman who accuses liar-Trump of rape decades after it supposedly happened is looking for money or looking to kill his political career. But the first thing that jumps in liar-Trumps mind is attention. He puts attention ahead of the more obvious “simple” motivations...
Welcome to Operation Chaos II
by Joseph Farah
{} ~ Remember when Rush Limbaugh threw a monkey-wrench into the 2008 Democratic presidential primaries by urging Republicans to vote for liar-Hilly Clinton to prolong a campaign in which Barack nObama had stolen her political thunder and beaten her in 11 straight states?... liar-Hilly went on to win Ohio and Texas shortly after the king of talk radio began promoting the idea. Then she won Pennsylvania. and Rush declared an “operational pause” in what he called “Operation Chaos.” This coincided with stories about nObama’s spiritual guru, Jeremiah Wright, that seemed to present a major stumbling block for him. When the so-called “mainstream” news media gave nObama a pass on Wright, Rush lifted the “operational pause,” urging Republicans to resume the strategy in the upcoming primaries in North Carolina and Indiana. I don’t have quite the megaphone Rush does, but I would like to suggest Republicans can still make their votes count this primary season – especially in California – by crossing over and voting for Bernie Sanders... I won't vote for Sanders either.
Loretta Lynch Announces Lawsuit
Against NC Bathroom Bill
by Paul Bois
{} ~ On Monday, Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced that the DOJ has filed suit against the state of North Carolina over HB 2... which seeks to protect citizens from being intruded upon by transgenders in the restrooms by dictating they can only use the bathroom of their biological sex... In her press announcement, Lynch denounced the law as "state-sponsored discrimination" that denies transgenders their humanity. "What we must never do is turn on our neighbors, our family members, and our fellow Americans for something they cannot control and deny what makes them human," said Lynch. "This is why none of us can stand by when a state enters the business of legislation identity and insists a person pretend to be something or someone they are not."...What does God say?
The B-21 bomber program doesn’t
need back-seat drivers
by Mackenze Eaglen
{} ~ Five times in April, Russian military forces flexed their muscles against American military personnel out on patrol, repeatedly conducting dangerous barrel rolls over an Air Force recon aircraft and buzzing a U.S. Navy destroyer on patrol in the Baltic... Yet instead of helping to craft a response to these uncontested provocations, Congress is threatening to upend the Air Force’s crucial bomber program just as it takes off after a decade of failed launches. As Congress debates its annual 2,000-page defense authorization bills this month, one issue in particular will likely go all the way to a formal White House veto threat. That disagreement is the Senate’s push for the Air Force to publicly disclose its cost estimate for its new B-21 bomber. For operational secrecy, the Air Force legitimately refuses to reveal how far under the original cost estimate the development phase currently is — hardly your typical “defense acquisition gone wild” headline. But this is not a simple accounting or transparency dispute; Congress wants the Air Force to give away the “crown jewels” of a necessarily secretive program. The past two decades saw continued breaches of major American weapons programs—think the C-17 airlifter and F-35 fighter—by the Chinese and others. This theft of state secrets allows adversaries to plan and build cheaper, faster counters to U.S. technology. The openness and insecurity of the Pentagon’s acquisition system contributes directly to the rapid erosion of the U.S. military’s technological edge...
liar-Hilly - just a liar, or 'cognitively impaired'?
e1Iho46RKODJoRx6Fz0e8ysn3oiUiFFftlgvWnvZJMnT4L8LvpDt-XGGSeIAEZcCx9CfJNCzRb52m4PrJaGDBJSjkAmr1TLB9-y26h3lZvg=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href= by Dolly Kyle
{} ~ Having known liar-Hilly Rodham Clinton since 1974, I have had plenty of occasions to chuckle at her silly lies. I rolled my eyes when liar-Hilly lied about being named after Sir Edmund liar-Hilly, the famous New Zealand explorer and mountain climber... He didn’t make his historic climb of Mt. Everest until liar-Hilly was nearly 6 years old. liar-Hilly also lies about more serious matters, and she has been unchallenged for so long that she seems oblivious and impervious. What difference, after all this time, does it make? On the campaign trail in the first quarter of 2016, liar-Hilly publicly chided her Democratic opponent, Bernie Sanders, for being absent as she was “fighting” for health care for all Americans in 1993. One of Bernie’s supporters immediately sent a photo that exposed her lie by showing Bernie standing right there with liar-Hilly at the time...
Plotting Jihad in the Poconos -
Who the Hell is Fethullah Gulen?
{} ~ Fethullah Gulen is a proponent of stealth jihad. In one of his sermons, the fiery imam said that in order to reach the ideal Muslim society "every method and path is acceptable, [including] lying to people."... In another  he instructed his followers: "You must move in the arteries of the system without anyone noticing your existence until you reach all the power centers ... until the conditions are ripe, they the followers must continue like this. If they do something prematurely, the world will crush our heads, and Muslims will suffer everywhere." Gulen's tentacles now extend into "all the power centers" of the U. S. government, including the Oval Office. Dalia Mogahed, President nObama's Muslim advisor, has endorsed the Gulen movement which critics believe seeks to restore the Ottoman Empire and to establish a universal caliphate...
Gulen’s Goon:
Radical Muslim Now "Bob" Casey’s Cash Cow
{} ~ Money buys everything, including the allegiance of Senator Robert ("Bob") Casey (D-PA) to militant Islam... Mr. Casey, a member of the National Security Working Group and the former Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee overseeing the Middle East, has received windfalls  of cash from individuals and corporations affiliated with Fethullah Gulen. Gulen, dubbed "the most dangerous Islamist on planet earth," has amassed a fortune estimated to exceed $50 billion to bring about a New Islamic World Order. Much of the money, according to informed sources, comes from the heroin trade. "The Guide to Gulen's Activities in the United States" reveals this sampling of contributions to Mr. Casey from known Gulenists...



Tale of Two Tribes:
‘Climate Refugees’ vs. EPA Victims
by Michelle Malkin
{} ~ The left has concocted a lucrative category of politically correct victims: “climate refugees.” It’s the new Green racket.

U.S. taxpayers will now be forking over untold billions to ease the pain allegedly inflicted on “carbon’s casualties” by industrial activity. By contrast, those who have suffered as a direct result of government incompetence by federal environmental bureaucrats continue to get the shaft.

Consider the plight of two tribes: the Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw in Louisiana and the Navajo Nation in New Mexico.

The New York Times splashed a viral story on its pages this week spotlighting the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s $48 million grant to Native-Americans who live in the flood-ravaged coastal community of Isle de Jean Charles. About 60 residents, the majority of whom belong to the Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw tribe, will be resettled to drier land.

That’s a whopping $800,000 per “climate refugee!”

Never mind that the Times’ propagandists themselves admit that erosion on the island began in 1955 as a result of land-use and land-management factors that had nothing to do with climate change.

“Channels cut by loggers and oil companies eroded much of the island,” the paper reported, “and decades of flood control efforts have kept once free-flowing rivers from replenishing the wetlands’ sediments.”

Never mind that there are conflicting scientific analyses on the extent to which man-made greenhouses gases have caused sea levels to rise; whether the rate is accelerating; and how much, if any, reducing carbon emissions would actually mitigate purportedly rising sea levels.

Never mind that enviro-alarmists have conveniently changed their tune from blaming global warming for causing sea level rises to blaming global warming for causing sea level drops.

Oh, and never mind that many of the inhabitants of Isle de Jean Charles — whose forefathers originally moved there to escape forced government relocation under the 1830 Indian Removal Act — don’t even want to leave and have fought resettlement efforts for decades.

nObama’s social engineers are already plotting how to replicate the climate change relocation program. “We see this as setting a precedent for the rest of the country, the rest of the world,” declared HUD official Marion McFadden, who is running the program.

Even worse, the United Nations is looking to preemptively “address extreme weather displacement” by targeting refugees even before any apocalyptic event has caused them to seek refuge.

Can you spell “manufacturing a crisis”?

While these meddling liberals conspire to displace one tribe in the name of saving the planet, another tribe is still begging for help after nObama’s destructive EPA poisoned their waters.

It’s been almost eight months since an Environmental Protection Agency contractor recklessly knocked a hole at the long-abandoned Gold King Mine in Colorado’s San Juan Mountains. You should know that Washington has long schemed to declare it a Superfund site, which would increase its power, budget and access over the region.

A federally sponsored wrecking crew poking around in the mine last August triggered a 3 million-ton flood of bright orange gunk into the Animas River. EPA’s blithering idiots delayed notifying local residents for 24 hours and downplayed the toxic spill’s effects.

Downstream, the muck seeped into the San Juan River in New Mexico, where the Navajo Nation lives and farms. The impact on drinking water and livelihoods has been catastrophic. But the nObama administration refused the tribe’s request for disaster relief from FEMA last fall and yanked emergency water tanks the EPA had supplied for Navajo livestock.

Navajo Nation chief Russell Begaye blasted the White House at the time for shirking its responsibilities.

“U.S. EPA caused this entire disaster, they have harmed the people, the water and the land. … For years, we have consistently been at the receiving end of toxic spills and contamination with no adequate relief as the United States Government and Private Companies became wealthy off of the natural resources of the Navajo Nation.”

Our eco-savior on the Potomac’s response to the victims of his man-caused, government-engineered disaster: Never mind.
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