Wednesday AM ~ TheFrontPageCover

The Front Page Cover
 2016              The truth will set you free 
What liar-Clinton didn't tell
you about Trump's taxes
                                                              by Devvy Kidd
 Entertainment as Indoctrination 
Robin Smith: In October 2008, when presidential candidate Barack nObama declared, "We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America," few had the imagination of how radically dramatic and devastating that would prove to be. Just a few days ago, Bernie Sanders joined liar-Hillary Clinton at her rally to woo the impressionable youth with the right to vote with the familiar rhetorical posit, "Is everybody here ready to transform America? You've come to the right place."
          Clearly, "progressive" means the ever-progressing destruction of traditional American values. This includes fundamentally transforming family, church and synagogue, neighborhood, schools, marriage, authentic Liberty and, sadly, even the truth. And the Left regularly chastises the Right for not going along with this "tolerance." Such chastisement comes from Saul Alinsky's Rule # 5: "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."
          For example, we'll look at two TV shows that show how our entertainment industry seeks to affect the outcome of redefining marriage and a sense of self.
          Brent Bozell and Tim Graham offered the case in point in their analysis of the ABC TV show, "Modern Family." The gents framed up what we've long called entertainment as indoctrination quite nicely by walking readers through the liberal success of portraying same-sex marriage as commonplace. Despite about 500,000 same-sex marriages as reported by USA Today in June this year, compared to the more than 60 million traditional marriages reported in 2015, a 1% occurrence has been defined as commonplace on TV.
          Until the 1970s, entertainment mirrored our society. Today, entertainment works to chisel away at the bedrock of morality, decency and even commonsense, to have society model its sad display of everything from excessive sexuality and objectifying women to the outright disdain for manhood.
          The writers of "Modern Family" weren't satisfied with portraying same-sex marriage as common, so they're now introducing a transgender character — and a child, no less.
          In their scrutiny, Bozell and Graham noted the Disney-owned ABC, along with many other hard Left activists who dominate the entertainment industry, is exposed as a cultural deconstructionist with an agenda not to entertain but to indoctrinate. An eight-year-old Atlanta actor selected to "play" the transgender boy will allegedly press the homosexual characters of the show to examine if their tolerance is elastic enough. Translation: The new normal is not only same-sex marriage but the further reaches of gender disorientation pathology.
          "Modern Family" doesn't stand alone. Arguably more insidious is ABC's "Once Upon a Time," because it's a show marketed to families. The show features fairy tale characters transported into our world, and it's a clever jumble of Snow White, Prince Charming and the Evil Queen, along with Rumpelstiltskin, Hook, Robin Hood and the Wicked Witch of the West, to name a few. Most of the fun is harmless. Except when it's not.
          In an episode that originally aired this April, Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz shared a romantic storyline with Little Red Riding Hood, ending with "true love's kiss" breaking a sleeping spell. In an interview with "Entertainment Weekly," the co-creators Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz lay out the lesbian-themed story plainly and clearly: It was "just another example of how in a fairy tale, as in life, love is love. Our goal is to make it as we see it in the real world, just as normal and as a part of everyday life as it should be."
          It's the embodiment of the Left's "love wins" slogan. They weren't winning by claiming rights, so they had to change strategies. Once it became about love, they had a winning formula. Unsuspecting families watching "Once Upon a Time" find themselves identifying and sympathizing with two lesbian characters who are simply following their hearts. What could be so wrong with that?
          Every single day this battle for the minds of our children and culture at large is being waged. And, sadly, the militant Left is winning. They're winning by portraying falsehoods as reality, even if it is fairy tale based. They're winning by creating emotional narratives around a weakness in our society — the confidence in one's own identity.
          The last few generations of our children have been exposed and trained up with the philosophy that self-esteem is the most critical element in the success of child-rearing and development. We now have millions of youth and young adults who believe they are, indeed, very important. So important that they should have free college tuition. They are entitled to a safe space where their "gender identity" is fluid and must be validated by everyone around them. And "love" — however they define it today — is an end in itself.
          In using the term "culture," we connote it to be the anthropological composition of accepted values, habits, knowledge, beliefs and behaviors that are manifested in arts and entertainment, families, religions, government, business, the media and "journalism" and educational systems. Our culture has been inarguably changed over the years with these seven entities being weaponized to create a culture, instead of reflecting a society.
          Let's for a moment view "culture" in the sense of an artificial medium rich with nutrients and resources in a controlled environment that feed organisms devoted to replication. Once this culture of like-minded creatures has colonized sufficiently and are introduced into a host environment — the aforementioned venues — the insult begins and the host can and will be overwhelmed.
          What's the cure? Not more of the same! ~The Patriot Post
Peggy Noonan: "The 24/7 news cycle and the million multiplying platforms with their escalating demands — for pictures, video, sound, the immediate hot take — exhaust politicians and staff, and media people too. Everyone is tired, and chronically tired people live, perilously, on the Edge of Stupid. More important, modern media realities make everything intellectually thinner, shallower. Everything moves fast; we talk not of the scandal of the day but the scandal of the hour, reducing a great event, a presidential campaign, into an endless river of gaffes. The need to say something becomes the tendency to say anything. It makes everything dumber, grosser, less important. This year I am seeing something, especially among the young of politics and journalism. They have received most of what they know about political history through screens. ... They've heard the sound bite but not read the speech. Their understanding of history, even recent history, is superficial. ... They learned through sensation, not through books, which demand something deeper from your brain. Reading forces you to imagine, question, ponder, reflect. It provides a deeper understanding of political figures and events. ... If you can't read deeply you will not be able to think deeply. If you can't think deeply you will not be able to lead well, or report well." 
~The Patriot Post.
liar-Hillary’s Anti-Trump “Beauty Queen” Was an
Accused Accomplice to Attempted Murder
by Selwyn Duke
{} ~ Perhaps liar-Hillary Clinton ought to ponder the saying, “Tell me who your friends are, and I’ll tell you who you are.” First there was “gold star father” Khzir Khan, who, after excoriating Donald Trump at the Democratic National Convention... was discovered to be a Sharia law supporter who made money facilitating Muslim immigration into the United States. Now liar-Clinton is using Venezuelan-born former beauty pageant winner Alicia Machado as a means to thump Trump, slamming the GOP nominee for supposedly “fat shaming” Machado 20 years ago. It turns out, however, that the ex-beauty queen has many reasons to feel shame. And though erstwhile corpulence isn’t among them, being an accomplice to attempted murder, having an out-of-wedlock child with a drug kingpin, and threatening a judge’s life may be. The murder-related charge stems from a 1998 incident in Venezuela, where Machado was accused of driving the getaway car after her then-boyfriend, Juan Rodriguez Reggeti, tried to murder his brother-in-law in a revenge attack. The judge in the case, Maximiliano Fuenmayor, ruled that there was insufficient evidence to charge Machado — but the story didn’t end there...
President nObama Makes Unconstitutional
 and Illegal Appointments
by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.
{} ~ President nObama continues his assault on the “irrelevant” Constitution by bypassing Congress and violating current law in the process of making executive branch appointments... But the Supreme Court will be hearing a case in November on this very issue. Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution provides for the participation of the Senate in the appointment process of “officers of the United States” nominated by the president. Specifically, the Senate is to give its “advice and consent.” This process has proven too slow in practice, so Congress has enacted legislation permitting the president to appoint temporary officeholders (typically limited to a maximum period of service of 210 days) without seeking the advice and consent of the Senate...
ISIS in the Middle East and now here
by Ret. Adm. James A. Lyons
{} ~ A comprehensive strategy to defeat Islamic supremacists must include not only a war plan to defeat the enemy on the active battlefields of the Middle East, but it must also address how to defeat this enemy now inside the United States... Such a strategy must start by recognizing that there is a Global Islamic Jihad Movement which is carrying out attacks in the United States, e.g., Sept. 11, Ft Hood, Boston, San Bernardino, Orlando, New Jersey, New York and Minneapolis. This Islamic Jihad Movement is operating on the al Qaeda seven-phase timeline for the conquest of Western Civilization. For example, Phase Four (2010-2013) was to bring about the collapse of hated Arabic governments, such as Egypt, Iraq, and Libya, a goal which was accomplished successfully with the help of the nObama administration. Phase Five (2013-2016) involved the declaration of an Islamic caliphate. This was accomplished by conquering significant territories in Iraq and Syria and attracting pledges of loyalty from West Africa to the Philippines. We are now in Phase Six (2016-total confrontation), which is a fight between the “believers and non-believers.” It must be recognized that this is a war that has been going on for nearly 1400 years...
Judge Tells States They Must
Take Syrian Refugees
by Michael Ware
{} ~ There is a clear divide among the states. Some are very welcoming and eager to take in Syrian refugees. While others are resistant and seek to opt out of the program design to resettle the refugees. So a judge has decided which states are right and which are wrong... States that refuse to help resettle Syrian refugees are guilty of illegal discrimination, a federal appeals court ruled Monday, delivering a judicial rebuke to GOP vice presidential nominee Mike Pence, who as Indiana’s governor had tried to halt Syrian resettlement. Judge Richard Posner, writing for the three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, said there’s no evidence that Syrians are more dangerous, and he said even if they are, allowing Indiana to refuse to resettle them would only foist the problem onto neighboring states...This judge, Posner is totally wrong and has no rights. He should be banned from being a judge.
Coverup in Virginia on
How Many Illegal Aliens Voting
by Trey Sanchez
{} ~ A new report by the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) and Virginia Voters Alliance (VVA) has discovered an “alien invasion in Virginia” and the subsequent coverup by the state in allowing non-U.S. citizens to vote... In the investigation, both PILF and VVA “found 1,046 aliens who registered to vote illegally.” And that was only a small sample, only across eight counties in the state who responded to the requests. “The problem is most certainly exponentially worse because we have no data regarding aliens on the registration rolls for the other 125 Virginia localities,” the report states. “Even in this small sample, when the voting history of this small sample of alien registrants is examined, nearly 200 verified ballots were cast before they were removed from the rolls. Each one of them is likely a felony.”...
Police State, USA: No 'praying' in own home
by Bob Unruh
Mary Ann Sause, a former nurse, was threatened with arrest
{} ` A stunning claim that police officers in Louisburg, Kansas, ordered a woman to stop praying inside her home has been elevated to the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals after a district judge dismissed the complaint out of hand... The case is being handled now by lawyers with First Liberty Institute after Mary Anne Sause, a retired Catholic nurse on disability, handled the initial claim on her own. The result was that Judge Julie Robinson granted a motion from the city to dismiss the case and told the women she wasn’t allowed to amend her complaint. First Liberty, however, decided to challenge the recent ruling based on the First Amendment issues at stake...
Military 'absolutely disgusted'
by nObama's PC assault
by Greg Corombos
{} ~ Fresh off naming new Navy ships for liberal activists and removing “man” from personnel titles, U.S. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus is now moving forward with a massive overhaul of enlisted ratings titles throughout the service branch... “The Navy deep-sixed all of its 91 enlisted ratings titles [Sept. 29], marking the beginning of an overhaul of the rigid career structure that has existed since the Continental Navy in a radical shift sure to reverberate through the fleet and the veterans community beyond,” reported the Navy Times last week. “Sailors will no longer be identified by their job title, say, Fire Controlman 1st Class Joe Sailor, effective immediately. Instead, that would be Petty Officer 1st Class Joe Sailor,” the story explains. Many active-duty Navy personnel and veterans are incensed at what they see as another example of needless political correctness invading the armed forces...
Planned Parenthood Says Dead Babies are Good for Business and the Economy,
and They’re Very Wrong
by Brandon Morse
{} ~ It never ceases to amaze me how abortion advocates will pull out all the stops to paint abortion as this grand venture that makes the world a better place... Proponents have made it sound as if in the event abortion were made illegal, then women would be put into chains, sold into slavery, and treated like third class citizens... In other words, it would be like an Islamic state, but they can't bring themselves to say that. The whole point of the wailing and gnashing of the teeth is that if women lost access to abortion, then women aren't truly free. They consider it control over their bodies. The pattern is that it completely focuses on them, and not the baby they're murdering. Ya know, the other body they're asserting control over without any sense of irony...
Tax Fantasy Land for the Democrats!
by Joe Messina
{} ~ We’ve got ‘em! Democrats are like a new puppy peeing all over themselves when you first bring it home! They are all excited that Mr. Trump used his knowledge of the broken tax system to take LEGAL advantage of the tax code for his business... He claimed he lost over $900 million in 1995. The dictionary defines “fantasy” as: “a place that is unreal or imaginary or that excites wonder” It’s a wonder alright. It’s a wonder that the Hard Left gives a pass to ALL the illegal activities of their electeds and leaders. Rev. Al Sharpton owes millions in back taxes but is still out of prison. George Soros owes over $7 billion. No noise about that! And let’s not forget former Treasury Secretary Tim Geitner. Oh, and Congressman Charles Rangel (D) (he belonged to the committee that WROTE tax laws), Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill one of the richest members of Congress. Then there is, Tom Daschle, the Dems choice for HHS Secretary who had to drop out when the media, not the mainstream media, pointed out he didn’t, and wouldn’t, pay the taxes he owed. Over 40 nObama staffers owe close to $1 million in back taxes...
FACEBOOK Caught Covering For
liar-Hillary Clinton FBI Scandal
by Jeff Rainforth
{} ~ Facebook won’t allow anyone to share our liar-Hillary post! If they shared it they got in trouble from Facebook, however Facebook hasn’t taken actions against us in a sneaky attempt to cover for liar-Hillary! Luckily our fans tipped us off... The Article was titled “liar-Hillary’s Case Is REOPENED, Now FBI’s Comey Asks For Immunity – Gowdy Says ‘HELL NO’ ” and you can see it on our site here.  Gowdy appeared on Fox News for an interview where he stated that there is still a small chance that the issue of the email server will come back to hurt liar-Hillary Clinton in the long run...
What liar-Clinton didn't tell
you about Trump's taxes
                                               by Devvy Kidd
{} ~ During the Sept. 26, 2016, debate, liar-Hillary Clinton blasted Donald Trump for not paying income taxes! He doesn’t support our troops! Not to be outdone, The Donald immediately fired back, saying not paying taxes makes him smart. Oh, the firestorm that followed. Trump doesn’t pay his “fair share”! OK, let’s examine the federal “income” tax.

Laws for the IRS, aka the Gestapo, are written by lawyers for Congress critters. Many in Congress are lawyers, so they should understand what they vote on regarding regulations for any agency. Mrs. liar-Clinton was a lawyer, so she, too, should be aware of what is covered in the IRC (Income Tax Code).

It should be noted the New York Times illegally obtained three pages of Trump’s 1995 personal tax returns – page one from a New York state resident income tax return, page one from a New Jersey nonresident tax return and page one from a Connecticut nonresident tax return. The big revelation by the Times involving 20-year-old documents isn’t quite as earth-shattering as the paper would like you to believe. Lawfully taken deductions can be complicated under the tax code.

Trump’s accountants surely are well-versed in what Trump can and cannot deduct to reduce his tax burden. It’s done all the time, and Trump would be stupid not to take advantage of tax breaks or deductions available to everyone forced with a gun to their head to file a federal “income” tax return. I have no doubt many reading this column as well as liar-Clinton’s mega-wealthy friends also use deductions allowed under the IRC to reduce their tax burden – even to zero.

As for Trump not paying taxes and therefore not supporting American troops – false. liar-Hillary should know the truth, but even if she does I guarantee you the truth will never escape her lips. Documents from Trump’s application for a casino license do indeed show he paid personal “income” taxes, but those taxes do not support American troops. Only excise taxes Trump might pay would do so, those levied on cigarettes, alcohol, tobacco products, firearms, tires and things of that nature.

Long ago Ronald Reagan requested information on how to cut down on government waste, although he didn’t seem to have a problem signing budgets that included hundreds of billions of dollars in unconstitutional spending. That report was released by the Grace Commission; the formal name is the President’s Private Sector Survey on Cost Control, which was issued on Jan. 12, 1984. On page 12 is what Congress, liar-Clinton and the disgraced media won’t tell you:

“With two-thirds of everyone’s personal income tax wasted or not collected, 100 percent of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the federal debt and by Federal Government contributions to transfer payments. In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services which taxpayers expect from their government.”

Those individual “income” taxes you voluntarily pay don’t fund the military or anything else. They go for transfer payments. That would be the exorbitant interest paid to the unconstitutional “Federal” Reserve for renting our own money, U.N. dues and foreign banking interests like the corrupt IMF (International Monetary Fund) – the fruits of your labor stolen from us to throw around the world. Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it give Congress any authority to steal from us to throw those funds to foreign banking entities or the big money racket known as the U.N.

The next question that immediately follows: If not a single function of the federal government is funded by the “income” tax, how does the government pay the bills they rack up in every bloated budget sent to a president? Every penny is borrowed with the interest slapped on our backs, our children, grandchildren and their children. But, the day of reckoning is closing in.

The government collects corporate taxes, excise taxes and makes money on military hardware sales. It’s not enough, and since all the personal “income” tax collected goes for transfer payments, those duplicitous crooks in Congress go to the candy store, the Fed and foreign governments to keep borrowing. That’s how the “national debt” continues to grow into the trillions. Sadly, Thomas Jefferson’s wisdom has been ignored:

“Then I say, the earth belongs to each of these generations during its course, fully and in its own right. The second generation receives it clear of the debts and encumbrances of the first, the third of the second, and so on. For if the first could charge it with a debt, then the earth would belong to the dead and not to the living generation. Then, no generation can contract debts greater than may be paid during the course of its own existence.” –Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1789. ME 7:455

It’s why I wrote my recently released book, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions.” The majority of Americans have little to zero understanding of how government systems/programs work. They see out-of-control spending but don’t see more than half of all cabinet agencies are unconstitutional. They have no understanding of fiat currency issued by the unconstitutional “Federal” Reserve and why it always results in financial meltdown and collapse.

Millions of well-meaning Americans are trying to fight back against such financial skullduggery, but you can’t solve a problem if you don’t know how it started. I knew virtually nothing about all this until I began my journey 26 years ago in seeking out the truth.

The solutions are there – and not just for what I covered above but what I explain in detail in my book: what to do about the VA, the unconstitutional “Federal” Department of Education, Medicare and Social Security, those dangerous “smart” meters on tens of millions of homes – not to mention the ongoing destruction from Fukushima and more. Knowledge is power but only if we have it to use.
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