Wednesday Afternoon - The Front Page Cover

 The Front Page Cover 
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Sex Education Today
Alan Caruba
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
AP: “[Florida] environmental officials are undertaking a massive two-year project to remove 90,000 tires from the bottom of the ocean floor in Fort Lauderdale. … An estimated 700,000 tired were dropped into the ocean in hopes of attracting fish and providing a foundation for corals to grow. The project kicked off with great fanfare in 1972 when more than 100 boats full of tires were dumped into the water while the minesweeper USS Thrush looked on. But few corals grew and, even worse, the tire bundles broke apart and drifted onto the natural reefs and kill coral. Now the lifeless vista of tires stretches across 35 acres. … The Florida Department of Environmental Protection budgeted $1.6 million for the work and the Sun Sentinel reports divers started cleaning up the mess this past week. Military divers removed 72,000 tires several years ago, meaning half a million tires will still be left on the ocean floor after the project is completed.”  -Fox News 
One line from the NYT piece about Hilly Clinton’s unofficial adviser from her time in office pretty much says it all: “While advising Mrs. Clinton on Libya, [longtime Clinton retainer Sidney Blumenthal], who had been barred from a State Department job by aides to President nObama...”
She defied the White House to keep an ethically compromised associate as a senior adviser paid at times through her family foundation – which was, in turn, funded by some of those whose interests were entangled in the issues on which he was advising Clinton.
          An off-the-books aide, an off-the-books server, off-the-books foreign contributions… Seems kind of like a trend.
          The Clintons tell us that their foundation and personal finances don’t and won’t interfere with official business – that they can keep the foundation going and that Bill Clinton can keep hauling in tens of millions of dollars a year to give speeches around the world as his wife runs and even serves as president. But here is proof that the lines were more than blurry in the past. Clinton knew she was defying the rules designed to protect the country from official misconduct. She did it anyway. The rules, she believed, did not apply to her.
          Add to this the evidence that Clinton’s lawyer was wrong when he said that the email address used in the exchanges with Blumenthal came online only after her official duties. Did his client mislead him or simply forget? At worst she was concealing evidence. At best, she made a poor decision. Her campaign says the 30,000 destroyed emails were personal in nature, and went through a supposedly rigorous filter process. Otherwise, her defense team would have known just what email accounts she really used and when.  
-Fox News 
 So close and yet so far -   Chief White House Correspondent Ed Henry is on the trail covering Hilly Clinton’s bubble-wrapped campaign. But a hotel clerk unwittingly put the man with the questions in close proximity to the woman who doesn’t want to give the answers. Read his dispatch from the, um, corridor of power.
          [28 days later - The last question Hilly Clinton answered from a reporter was 28 days ago on April 21 about the trade deal making its way through Congress.]  
 -Fox News 
 Judge rules State can’t wait to release Hilly emails -   Reuters: “A federal judgeon Tuesday ordered the U.S. State Department by next week to produce schedule for the rolling release of emails that Hilly Clinton generated while serving as secretary of state, a lawyer in the case said. Lawyer Jeffrey Light told Reuters that U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras also ordered the State Department by next week to come up with a specific timetable for releasing 300Clinton emails related to U.S. operations in Benghazi, Libya. Clinton, a leading candidate for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, has come under scrutiny for the emails, which were stored and sent via a private server. She has now turned over the messages to the State Department.”  -Fox News 
Arguing that President nObama’s promises to protect workers are mostly talk, Sen.Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., fired the latest salvo in the Democrats’ civil war over the president’s quest for fast track trade authority. The Hill: “The liberal lawmaker issued a staff report on Monday morning contending that while policymakers frequently argue that trade agreements come packed with robust worker protections, the reality does not live up to the rhetoric… ‘Again and again, proponents of free trade agreements claim that this time, a new trade agreement has strong and meaningful protections,’ the Warren report states. ‘Again and again, those protections prove unable to stop the worst abuses.’” Warren’s new jab in her feud with nObama comes as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McCon-nell vowed to keep the Senate at work on the measure. “Let me be clear,” McCon-nell said, “The Senate will finish its work on trade this week, and we will remain in session as long as it takes to do so.”  
-Fox News 


Matt Bevin
 Why You Should Vote for Matt Bevin  
( - t’s funny how most Kentuckians I know haven’t paid a great deal of attention to the Kentucky Republican primary until the last few days, yet the nation’s media has been closely watching it for a month... Just today the Washington Post (that newspaper of Watergate fame) called Kentucky’s governor’s race the most important in the nation. If you follow my columns or this blog at all, you know that I am a staunch supporter of Matt Bevin. I can talk about other candidates after the primary, should that become necessary (but I don’t think it will). I think Bevin wins by five points. You read it here first. I don’t know that I have ever shared publically why I became so interested in Bevin. I first supported him in his bid for the US Senate against Mitch McCon-nell, and I wrote several columns at the time making my case. But that’s not what first inspired me to want to meet Mr. Bevin. The reason for that goes back to a trip with my wife and son.
Hillary had second secret e-mail address
 Hilly had second secret e-mail address  
(Joe Tacopino) - A second secret e-mail address used by Hilly Rodham Clinton while she was secretary of state was revealed Monday... The e-mail address, published by The New York Times, was used in exchanges between Clinton and longtime adviser Sydney Blumenthal, and is from the same private e-mail server that was uncovered earlier this year.
 Judge Napolitano –Benefit of Doubt Ebbing, Marilyn Mosby  
( - Judge Andrew Napolitano originally gave Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby the benefit of the doubt, a benefit which he is increasingly beginning to believe she is demonstrating herself as being unworthy of... He and Megyn Kelly discuss Mosby’s attempts to silence her critics through a gag order on the six accused officers, a serious affront to the First Amendment in Judge Napolitano’s eyes. They point out the twenty-one minute detailed rant that Mosby engaged in when she charged the officers as exposing her hypocrisy and lack of ethics as it relates to a potential gag order. Napolitano breaks it down, saying, “She basically wants a judge, the trial judge in this case, to violate the First Amendment by using his power as a judge in the government to silence people who want to criticize her.” He reminds us that the whole purpose of the FirstAmendment “is to encourage open, wide, robust debate about the people and the policies of the government. The concept that somebody could be silenced is reprehensible and antithetical to the values of the First Amendment.”
  Admiral Ace Lyons – Marxist nObama Targets America  
( - Speaking at the Iowa National Security Action Summit over the weekend, retired Admiral Ace Lyons delivered his assessment of the mess that has been made of our nation by the current subversive who occupies the White House... He started off saying, “Never in my lifetime did I believe I would witness this great country being taken down andwithdrawn from our world leadership role by our own administration.” He references the nObama declaration that fundamental transformation was about to be unleashed upon our nation, noting that few understood at the time the nature of the threat. He points out that if nObama loved America, if he believed in our nation’s greatness and exceptionalism, he would want to build on it, not fundamentally alter it.
 Sen Jeff Sessions – Offer Amendment To TPP To Prohibit Illegals  
( - Senator Jeff Sessions joins Lou Dobbs in an urgent discussion of yet another sellout of the American people by the nObama regime, with the aid of Democrats and complicit Congressional RINOs, including the anti-American leadership in both chambers... Dobbs points out that they appear to be obediently carrying out their duties assigned by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Business Roundtable, and 125 multinational corporations. Sessions also notes that in the past trade agreements have been used to “dramatically alter established law to bring in more immigrants.” He describes there being indications that there is a mechanism in the TPP through which American immigration law can be circumvented and disclosed his intention to offer an amendment specifically prohibiting it.
 nObama Pressuring Banks To Make Reckless Loans  
( - Is it the nObama regime laying the foundation for another bite at the TARP apple? Why stop with one housing bust and the associated economic meltdown and international pilferage of the United States when it’s so easy to create another one?... Most Americans remember that it was easy credit and lax lending practices that reportedly led us to the housing bubble and the associated financial disaster which began in 2004 and we are still attempting to recover from. The solution at the time was desperation treasury raiding, which may be the objective of this latest venture into national fiscal irresponsibility.
 RINO Mitch McCon-nell Is The Benedict Arnold Of The US Senate  
( - Two words that have probably never been used to describe Senate Majority Leader are “best and brightest,” and it’s hard to understand how this embarrassment to the State of Kentucky could end up in the Senate at all, let alone be reelected and now the Majority Leader... Best and brightest are the furthest things from Mark Levin’s opinion of the sellout RINO Senator, nObama’s new best friend in Washington. Levin starts with the observation that “despite the fact that George Stephanopoulos is an unethical, behind the scenes, Clinton wheeler-dealer, he goes on ABC News “This Week,” McCon-nell, and sits there, like this is a serious news program. And he’s so proud you see because he is going to make sure the Republicans, all the Republicans, and trust me, some of the conservatives on the hill have talked to me, tried to convince me. ‘Oh, this is really about free trade because, you know, for the next six years a Republican can negotiate.” Levin asks, “What are you talking about, what about the next eighteen months? You want to pass something, pass it in eighteen months. Don’t give this man any more power. You should be fighting him, fighting him, and not because of politics but because of the survival of the Republic, but because of the Constitution.”
 DIA Smoking Gun – nObama, Clinton Lies, Cover Up Of Benghazi   
( - Catherine Herridge labels it a “serious disconnect,” between the nObama administration said and what was known and shared by the Defense Intelligence Agency, DIA... Herridge is politely noting that the administration was lying to the American people, based upon government documents. She holds up a September 16th, 2012 memo which was copied to the National Security Council, State Department, CIA and others which concluded that “The Benghazi terrorist attack was planned at least ten or more days in advance.” The report states that the attack was tied to 9/11 and was in retaliation for the June 2012 drone strike which killed al-Qaeda member Aboyahiye Alaliby, with no mention made of any video or demonstration.
 Hilly goes left -- GOP needs to return right  
(David Limbaugh) - I think Hilly Clinton has learned (or believes she has learned) a great deal from Barack nObama over the years, though none of it has to do with statesmanship. It has to do with how a presidential candidate positions herself with the electorate... From all indications and a recent Washington Post article on the subject, Hillary’s strategy is to emulate nObama’s appeal to his leftist base and his arrogant disrespect for any constitutional limitations on his authority. Hilly is covering all the bases of the Democratic base – gays, blacks, Hispanics, women, teachers unions. She has announced her undying fealty to same-sex marriage. There is no evolving for her. It’s as if she (or her husband) never felt or said otherwise. She has come down hard on incarceration policies. And surely, everyone noticed her shameless move on immigration, promising to be even more extreme and lawless than nObama has been. I know, I know, she said she’d follow the law, but that’s like a school shooter’s bragging about his gun licenses.
 Progressives Getting Super Angry About Hilly's Super PAC Hypocrisy 
(Jeff Dunetz) - At a meeting with financial supporters last week presumptive Democratic Party nominee Hilly Clinton vowed to only put forth Supreme Court nominees who are committed to overturning the 2010 Citizens United ruling... Despite that pledge Ms Clinton has decided to personally raise money for a super PAC supporting her campaign, a move that is bringing criticism from the left who see the move as further proof that former Secretary of State doesn't their progressive values. Ironically the Citizens United case which opened the political funding floodgates was created by a Hilly2008 campaign objection to commercials for anti-Hilly movie to air on Direct-TV in 2008. According to CNN, "liberal activists determined to use the Democratic primary to pressure Clinton to embrace a progressive agenda say the idea of the former secretary of state personally wooing the wealthiest class of donors runs counter to the populist rhetoric she's employed this year.

Sex Education Today
Alan Caruba
     ( - In the 1940s and 50s, what passed for sex education was literally about the birds and bees as metaphors for inception and child birth. The emphasis was on waiting until marriage to engage in sex. There were instructional books with a mostly medical orientation to the information they provided but whether they could be found in the schools is anyone’s guess.
     Somehow that generation (and earlier ones) managed to learn enough about sex to engage in it within the context of a society that regarded sex outside of marriage as sinful. By the 1960s, the generation fathered in the wake of World War Two told everyone not to trust anyone over thirty and that sex, drugs and rock’n roll were the only things that really mattered in life.
     In 1979, with Jimmy Carter’s blessing, the federal government took control of the nation’s educational system via the Department of Education, but the real takeover began much earlier. It has been in serious decline ever since with huge dropout rates and failures to learn reading and math that put us well behind when compared to other nations. Traditional American values have often been abandoned.
     Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate of the United States, recently emailed members and those who follow the organization’s issues about “a little first grade boy (who) asked his mother if he was ‘transgender,’ and if he could be ‘a girl in love with a girl.’”
     His school, Mitchell Primary School in Maine was teaching about the “transgender” lifestyle. His mother was upset to learn about this, but as is frequently the case, parents are the last to learn about sexual information and attitudes being taught. In this case, isn’t first grade just too damn early for transgenderism to be a part of the curriculum?
     Delgaudio is largely focused on “the radical Homosexual Lobby and their allies in the education system (that) routinely refuse to give parents any options that threaten their anti-Family agenda. And, fearing retaliation…the school administrators and superintendent ignored the parents’ outrage.”
     The pro-family MassResistance recently informed members and those who follow their issues about “unbelievable surveys given to children in Massachusetts and schools across America” in public middle schools and high schools during school hours. The surveys are “officially” anonymous and voluntary, but are administered in the classroom with pressure to participate.
     The major survey is “Youth Risk Behavior Survey” put together every two years by the National Centers for Disease Control. State and local education departments can modify it if they wish. These surveys are now ubiquitous.
     Among the questions students must answer was whether they were heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual or "not sure."
"Have you ever had sexual intercourse (oral, anal, vaginal?)"
     "How old were you when you had sexual intercourse (oral, anal, vaginal) for the first time?"
     "During your life, with how many people have you had sexual intercourse (oral, anal, vaginal)?"
     There were nine pages of the questions and answers to be provided. I was astounded at how personal and intrusive the survey was. And I seriously wonder whether such information would have any impact or influence regarding the behaviors involved. Indeed, the survey went far beyond the topic of sex.
     I don’t like having the government involved in such intimate areas of student’s lives. These are questions and issues parents should address with their children, determining the right time to do so and providing whatever information they deem appropriate.
     Having said that, it would be naïve to suggest that today’s youth from a very early age cannot access tons of information about sex from the Internet. A 2010 study of 177 sexual health websites by the Journal of Adolescent Health concluded that 40% of those addressing contraception and 35% of those addressing abortion contained inaccurate information.
     In early April, Cosmopolitan posted “11 Facts About Sex Ed in the U.S. That Might Surprise You.”
     “While teen pregnancies are on a decline,” said the article, “teens are having more sex—and contracting more STIs (sexually transmitted illnesses) than ever before. The problem, according to a new report by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is that sex education isn’t happening early enough.”
     Cosmopolitan noted that only 22 states and the District of Columbia require that public schools teach sex education. In addition, 33 states also mandate HIV/AIDS education, and 35 states let parents opt out on behalf of their child.
     Does it surprise anyone to learn that the 1981 Adolescent Family Life Act which promoted “chastity and self-discipline” was ended by the nObama administration in 2010? We have all being living with an administration which dismissed enforcement of the Marriage Defense Act and is the most pro-homosexual administration in the history of the nation.
     We are a sex-drenched nation in terms of popular entertainment. It is experienced from the earliest years of any child’s life. This means parents have to be pro-active to ensure their children get the education they need to avoid the STIs and more importantly not to impregnate or get pregnant.
     In the meantime, there is no knowing what they are learning, for good or ill, in school.
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