We Are On the Move

There is the sense that we are on the brink of great change in the world. Let me first say that the human gift of reason and logic has made my life a wondrous adventure, to the end that my dreams have all been fulfilled.

Reason and logic, our special gift from God, gave me the impulse of fear of external control of my life, and most particularly from federal income tax. In 1973, I went to the county law library to study my Constitution and the procedure for taking the IRS to court. Little did I know what it would mean to my discouraging life experience. While studying, the feeling came over me that voices of the past were speaking to me, encouraging me. What started as a personal cause became a bigger than life cause. I was doing this for the betterment of mankind. The effect this feeling had on my life is a miracle. From the fear of external control came the inner power to control any situation, to be anyone I chose to be.

My life became an Aquarian adventure. I was born with Aquarius rising. The rising sign is the part of us we show the world. As we age, we become more our rising sign. The planet Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius. At midlife, Uranus had transited to a position opposing itself at my birth. It meant I would be under pressure to change—at the time the feeling came over me that voices of the past were speaking to me, when I had my bigger than life calling.

I've just created aquarianadventure.ning.com and looking for help in sending a message of hope, faith, and charity to all. My friend, Denise, who I now realize was sent to me for a special purpose, under “America Rising,” tells us my ruling planet, Uranus, says in order “to live a full and satisfying life, you must be vividly yourself. Many of us are afraid to be different, and the pressure to conform can be stifling. But to live creatively is to find your own way, even if this means going against the grain. This urge to free-will and self-authorization is Uranus, the planet of fierce independence. Surprise can be stimulating - the jab that gets you out of the rut. And if you want to ride the wave of chaos instead of being swallowed by it - if you want to liberate yourself from the disruptions and shocks around you - you must voluntarily keep out of the groove. Realize that change is the only constant phenomenon. In randomness is all potential. Disorder increases possibilities. Chance! Uranus is the reverse of the status quo and always unconventional and heretical: If life is accidental, we are free to give it any point we like. Become Yourself!”

Harmony in one’s life requires looking within and making real what is real to you. Focus on your art and work on it. Your enthusiasm is catching. You will see positive results.

Can you believe the United States of America was born under the sign of Aquarius, and that Uranus is her ruling planet! The message Denise brings is to each and everyone of we Americans. Take Denise’s message to heart: chance favors the prepared mind! “Don’t hide your light under a bushel,” says astrologer Jeanne Avery in The Rising Sign under “Aquarius Rising.” We loyal Americans must stand and be counted.

Easter Sunday has far greater meaning to the world than Christians give credit. The glad tidings, my friends, are that we are all Christ’s children. It has taken a lifetime for me to realize that I was put here as an Aquarian messenger. With my bigger than life calling, although I did not plan it, I cut from the herd and was reborn. My new Aquarian life commenced on Easter Sunday in Miami, Florida. It’s an omen. I’m the messenger of Christ’s second coming.

At the feet of The Statue of Liberty are these words:

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

We Americans are obliged to reignite Lady Liberty’s beacon of hope. Please help spread the word. Join me at aquarianadventure.ning.com, that all the world will know that America is on the move.

By the way, my life story tells it the way it is. I’m writing it at writing.com under Joe Smith, the Original (item #1654051)

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  • Up there, down here, it is all the same. We are incapible of being separated. The universe cares about this grain of sand.
    There are those who go with the flow. There are those who take personal responsibilty. The choice is individual. Some are on the playing field; some are not. But those of us who are have an awesome responsibility to move the world forward, wy are we here? Please join me.
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