Tyrants and Tea Parties

Steve Eichler's notes on the Tea Party movement ought to give anyone with a pulse, something to really think about.  He is, after all, entirely correct.  The national movements that have taken a life of their own are truly remarkable, and Tea Party.org is no exception by far.  It also begs mention of all the work that is being done on local levels; all the county and state organizations that keep this wondrous and multi-faceted movement breathing. 

The pulse of the nation in 2008 was getting dangerously weak, and needed defibralization.  The "Organizing for America" juggernaut of an illegitamite and dangerous regime, hell-bent on "fundamentally transforming America," was the final straw for many millions of people.  We as a people seem to be a nation "of crisis", as a friend of mine ( chairman of our group in Gilmer County Ga...I'm vice-chair) observed once at our local Tea Party board meeting.  Meaning that it seems to take a crisis before the American people really rise to the occasion and begin to take action. 

Quite a few county and state groups tend to shy away from social issues, and for specific reasons.  The main ones being that, they don't want the "stigma" attached to them by the national Lame Stream Media on a whole host of social issues, from the BC eligibility issue, overt acts of treason, violation of oath, impeachment, etc, and will adhere to their original mission statements and actions regarding interaction and constant contact with their elected reps., local state and Congressional, on the issues of taxation, government over-reach and all other issues along those lines.  Coupled with a dedicated AND effective offensive of member/citizen participation, we've come a very long way regarding what WE THE PEOPLE can do from influencing city managers to sitting Senators and legislation that effects everybody across this land.

It takes a lot of hard work and a lot of time.  Those of us who aren't retired, and still have jobs, strive to maintain an active role in reclaiming the world being transformed for the worse around us.  I, and many others tend to gravitate more to the national level, as with TeaParty.org, Tea Party Radio, and blogs in numerous venues. 

Something wicked has been working harder at destroying us for a very long time than we have been working at preserving our country, until the "Imperial Ascendency" of The One and his minions came along. 

I don't think they have correctly gauged the American spirit, which is easy to do when you've never been of the American mind before anyway.  We've seen the results of communism, totalitarianism, all the other "isms" before.  The pages of history are littered with their murderous failures.  History has never recorded a nation such as this, however.  It is up to us, now, to ensure that history will continue to record the SUCCESS of our adherence of and our return to the basic precepts of God-given liberties set forth in our founding documents, and the ability of mankind to rule himself peacefully,  instead of government ruling him through force.  This is OUR TIME to begin righting the wrongs and reversing the havoc that is being unleashed on us by would-be tyrants.  If we fail, historians one day will look back and wonder "How could those with so much to lose, HAVE DONE NOTHING?" 


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