Tuesday PM ~ thefrontpagecover

~ Featuring ~  
Not Everything Is 'Equal'
Robin Smith  
Socialism or Communism: Call It What You Will
by Jeffrey Folks

americanthinker.com } ~ For decades, commie-Bernie Sanders has proclaimed that he is a socialist, but is he a communist?... 
A common definition of communism is a system in which all means of production are owned, and all workers employed, by the state. A familiar definition of socialism is a system in which all means of production are owned or regulated by the state and all workers, therefore, employed or regulated by the state. Except for the qualification of "owned or regulated," there is no difference between socialism and communism. Some might view socialism as "communism lite," but there is nothing "lite" about the government takeover of all major industries that commie-Bernie and other leading Democrats advocate. The Left has already socialized America's educational system, with SAT scores declining since their peak in 1964 and declining markedly since 2006. From what was traditionally local schools governed by local school boards, the American system of education became increasingly regulated by the federal government beginning in the 1960s as stipulations on curricula, standards, and treatment of race and sex were attached to the explosive rise in federal funding of education.  By shifting funding away from state and local sources, the federal government was able to gain control of nearly every aspect of public education. At the center of the socialist movement is the demand for health care "as a right" with Medicare for All as the solution. Medicare for All is a disarmingly neutral phrase, but it masks a plan for the elimination, and outlawing, of private health insurance.  This would mean government control of the entire process of treatment, including office visits, hospitalization, emergency care, and drug delivery. With Medicare,  Medicaid, and scumbag/liar-nObamacare already "serving" 116.5 million patients, this process is well underway, but a complete takeover would transform expectations about standards and timeliness of care. Imagine calling HHS to schedule a heart bypass operation and finding yourself on an endless menu runaround. That's the reality of Medicare for All. The financial crisis of 2008 made possible a vast expansion in federal control of the financial sector, along with the automotive and housing sectors. Financial firms were forced to accept "bailouts" to which stringent conditions were attached. Many of those conditions are still in place, and radicals like commie-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez advocate the renewal of affordable housing policies such as loan quotas for low-income and illegal alien borrowers — the same behavior that caused the financial crisis to begin with...
U.S. Still Permitting Iran to Engage in Sensitive 
Nuke Work at Onetime Weapons Sites
by Adam Kredo
freebeacon.com } ~ The State Department has quietly permitted Tehran to continue conducting sensitive nuclear work, including at a secretive military site that once housed the Islamic Republic's weapons program... despite Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's demand that all such work cease last year. These waivers, which have allowed Iran to legally continue its lucrative oil trade and nuclear research, are viewed as undermining President Donald Trump's efforts to strangle the Iranian regime and topple its economy. While the White House has pressed forward with numerous efforts on this front, the State Department has taken a softer approach by continuing to issue waivers that insiders view as part of a larger effort by some administration officials to keep the landmark nuclear deal on life support throughout Trump's presidency. The White House and State Department have repeatedly been at odds over just how far to go in penalizing Iran, causing friction within the administration among Iran hawks who see an opportunity to possibly collapse the hardline ruling regime, according to multiple U.S. officials who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon. The  Free Beacon has reported multiple times during the past months on efforts by some State Department officials to continue issuing oil waivers to a range of countries that purchase Iranian crude. However, the issue of these separate but similar nuclear waivers is stirring yet another battle not only within the administration, but among Iran hawks on Capitol Hill who want the White House to follow through on its promise to fully sanction Tehran...
What’s Really Wrong With the Green New Deal
s_psV8KVJvQ0ycVPygLcyDoJAMfSXzd0WKw285IxAk9t3GDGVYkY5N5-ySJxNl4FKbecFYQ9aCmmBx21Vg5y4FAP3g3y0Ln-Pl9xa7sSM7xL5UzsQZeN53oMTguTMuNKDaXTFsN8_z2dzTrfSlDqbvQ3OfzWXLrPLyTnibxqpPOIIvdiYoDrQAM_=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=?profile=RESIZE_710xby E. Donald Elliott
{spectator.org} ~ One of the tragedies caused by the decline of education over the last century has been the demise of rhetoric, the art and science of constructing an argument... Learning the logical structure of fallacies and sophisms is an important tool for recognizing them in one’s own thinking and that of others, including politicians, and thus studying rhetoric is an important part of fostering an educated citizenry. The situation has gotten so bad that when the author proposed to teach a seminar on fallacies at the Yale Law School a few years ago, the deputy dean would not allow him to teach that subject, the only time in his 38 years of teaching at that venerable institution that the administration had outright forbade him from teaching a subject. Imagine, someone wanting to teach aspiring lawyers how to recognize an invalid argument and to explain to a judge or other decision-maker what makes it invalid! Who could think of doing such a thing in a law school. Today about half of my law students do not know how to construct an argument. They merely assert things, as if saying them makes them so. Philosophers call this “argument by invitation,” but it is the weakest form of argumentation. This should be the golden age of rhetoric as we are increasingly unraveling how our brains work and therefore why we sometimes think that we know things about how the world works that are not true. Thomas Gilovich has written a fascinating little book on this subject called How We Know What Isn’t So. Daniel Kahneman shared the 2002 Nobel Prize in economic sciences for his work in that area. Take that, Yale Law School. Maybe one day a more broad-minded institution will invite me to teach the subject there. Hint, hint. There are many fallacies yet to be discovered and named. One such unrecognized fallacy that affects much of our public discourse, including the Green New Deal, we may call “the process reversal fallacy.” Simply stated, the concept is that the only — or at least, the best, or most natural way — to undo the results of a process is to reverse it. That’s the idea behind the Green New Deal to spend — or as its supporters prefer to say, “invest” — an estimated $93 trillion to eliminate fossil fuel use in the U.S. Yes, that is $93 trillion, with a “t.”...
Number Thirteen – scumbag/moron-Eric
Swalwell’s Gun Control Coalition
Enters Presidential Race
by sundance
theconservativetreehouse.com } ~ scumbag-Adam Schiff’s little toady scumbag-Eric Swalwell has entered the 2020 presidential race... and therein the Club moves to activate the Second Amendment removal coalition represented by the Parkland Shooting narrative builders. 38-year-old Congressman scumbag-Swalwell is one of the most slimy creatures in a swamp of bile dependent on slimy creature comfort. […] he has said the top focus of his campaign would be something else: gun control. His first major event as a candidate will be a town hall on Tuesday near Parkland, Fla., which he planned with Cameron Kasky, one of the Parkland students who organized the March for Our Lives. “I’ve talked to kids who sit in their classroom afraid that they’ll be the next victim of gun violence,” he told Mr. Colbert on Monday. “And they see Washington doing nothing about it after the moments of silence, and they see lawmakers who love their guns more than they love our kids.”...
commie-Bernie Sanders: 
I don’t support open borders
by Caitlin Yilek
washingtonexaminer.com } ~ Democratic presidential candidate commie-Bernie Sanders said Sunday he does not support open borders... commie-Sanders, independent senator from Vermont and a self-described democratic socialist, told an audience member at a campaign stop in Oskaloosa, Iowa, that he was mistaken in suggesting commie-Sanders supports open borders. “I’m afraid you may be getting your information wrong. That’s not my view,” commie-Sanders said after the attendee asked the candidate how he would fund a social safety net if the United States had an open-borders immigration policy.“What we need is comprehensive immigration reform,” commie-Sanders said. "If you open the borders, my god, there's a lot of poverty in this world, and you're going to have people from all over the world. And I don't think that's something that we can do at this point. Can't do it. So that is not my position.” During the 2016 presidential campaign, commie-Sanders said an open-border policy was “a Koch brothers proposal." “That’s a right-wing proposal, which says essentially there is no United States,” he said. “It would make everybody in America poorer —you're doing away with the concept of a nation-state, and I don't think there's any country in the world that believes in that. If you believe in a nation-state or in a country called the United States or U.K. or Denmark or any other country, you have an obligation in my view to do everything we can to help poor people. What right-wing people in this country would love is an open-border policy. Bring in all kinds of people, work for $2 or $3 an hour, that would be great for them. I don't believe in that.”... He is changing his views for more votes.
Not Everything Is 'Equal'
Robin Smith:  Unfortunately, the Civil Rights movement is in the process of being hijacked by the militant gender-fluidity crowd, which is attempting to wrongfully equate efforts to mandate all of the population to join in the gender-confusion movement under force of law to the decades of work on behalf of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and others. King, a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, led a just cause. This effort to equate radical sexual-identity confusion with race and treat that as a protected class must be rejected. But Nancy Pulosi and her radical posse control the House, so, it’s not that simple.

On March 13, Democrats introduced the Equality Act — a moniker that camouflages the deception involved — legislation that would add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as protected classes under federal law on civil rights. Americans, however, know that not everything is equal. Nevertheless, Democrats plan to engage in their transformational role to use the power of law as their tool to bludgeon their secular beliefs into the masses to enforce their social-justice garbage as the norm.

Exactly what does this Equality Act do, you might ask, and why would anyone oppose equality? Glad you asked.

This radical legislation takes the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and amends it. That’s right. Dr. King, a reverend and minister whose teaching came from the very same Bible that calls sexual immorality and perversion a sin, fought to have this landmark legislation passed into law to protect Americans from racism and discrimination based on the amount of melanin in one’s skin at birth. Democrats hope to commandeer this very same vehicle in attempts to align identity and gender confusion, which runs counter to biology, science, psychology, and, yes, God’s Holy Word, with the Civil Rights Movement. It’s not much more complex than that.

Race is a trait that is objective and can be confirmed through various markers present in biology. Sex, too, is an objective trait that can be validated via chromosomal confirmation, anatomy at birth, along with hormonal ratios in the blood. “Gender,” however, has become the darling of the militant LGBTQIA+ crowd, since they’ve redefined a perfectly good word to be about “identity” — a subjective identifier that can change according to an individual’s whim. Cosmopolitan magazine, in a May 2018 article, declares: “Gender is a social construct. Gender is someone’s own internal understanding about whether they are a man or a woman, something in between, [or] none of those things.”

Therein lies the problem. Putting into U.S. Code severe punishments that protect someone’s identity as they view themselves at a given moment and how a segment of society intends to normalize confusion or deviancy, not according to the fixed, measurable characteristics assigned to them at birth, is not just unconstitutional. It’s dangerous.

But, goes the argument, no one should experience discrimination. It’s a fact that hatred has no role of value in a decent society. Acts of hate, violence, and deception are indeed unacceptable. However, the confrontational Left is equating and making equal one’s racial composition, especially in law, to the ever-growing list of “genders.” This same group of activists treats gender as a “spectrum,” not a trait. This is supported by the list of 112 genders aggregated by Tumblr. A few are:

  • Cisgender: the feeling of being the gender you were assigned at birth, all the time (assigned (fe)male/feeling (fe)male).
  • Demigender: a gender that is partially one gender and partially another.
  • Gender Neutral: the feeling of having a neutral gender, whether somewhere in between masculine and feminine or a third gender that is separate from the binary; often paired with neutrois.
  • Neutrois: the feeling of having a neutral gender; sometimes a lack of gender that leads to feeling neutral.
  • Transgender: any gender identity that transcends or does not align with your assigned gender or society’s idea of gender; the feeling of being any gender that does not match your assigned gender.
  • Verangender: a gender that seems to shift/change the moment it is identified.

By protecting the subjective view of gender, thanks to the “tolerant” Left, as equal to race, there are several groups who’ll be harmed by the reach of this potential law. Employers and workers, nonprofits, medical professionals, parents and children, and women will experience harm due to the consequences, intentional or not, resulting from this proposal. Clearly, the magnitude of impact with small businesses can’t be measured but it can certainly be anticipated since the vacillating identity of gender could create a jackpot of fake justice with a surge of lawsuits and regulatory entanglements.

Parents are already experiencing court and legal intervention when they don’t permit their confused minor child to begin hormone-replacement therapy on the pathway to have a sex-change. Research records that as high as 90% of children with gender dysphoria have the distress resolved after puberty. With the Equality Act, courts and lawyers will find themselves in the role to permit the whims of hormonal teenagers to become costly realities.

Medical professionals, attempting to intervene on behalf of the health — both physical and mental — of confused patients have already come under assault. In Washington, the ACLU sued a Catholic hospital for refusing to do a double mastectomy on a 16-year-old girl struggling with gender dysphoria. In both New Jersey and California, Catholic hospitals have been taken to court for refusing to perform hysterectomies on otherwise healthy women wanting to surgically change to identify as a male. This is not health — this is Frankenstein-like medicine harming mixed-up victims.

An unusual victim in this new version of the Civil Rights Movement is that of women. Why, you ask? Well, as men identifying as women are accepted into sports, business, and academia, biological women will likely be displaced and replaced by their transgender, tragender (spanning across all genders), trigender, or whatever their identified qualifier in meeting diversity quotas in these areas that come with scholarships, hiring preferences, and access to placement in top institutions of learning.

This is no hypothetical fret that drew out the House hearing for a total of four hours with testimony from Julie Beck, a lesbian and former law and policy co-chair for Baltimore City’s LGBTQ Commission. Beck argued against the Equality Act with particular opposition to transgender women in sports, noting that men would dominate women’s sports, which would keep biological girls from scholastic opportunities and attainment.

There are countless other arguments that can and should be made opposing this legislation. For example, it endangers the First Amendment protections of Americans who do more than practice their faith on occasion, but, instead, live their lives around and supported by the teachings of Holy Scripture.

Democrats’ investment in identity politics and division are at the very root of this very wrong-headed proposal. American Patriots, engage to defeat this and other proposals that are part of the destruction of our great nation presented by the Left as their idea of equality to achieve their very costly political victory.  ~The Patriot Post


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