Tuesday PM ~ TheFrontPageCover

The Front Page Cover
 The Events of the Week -- Featuring: 
What Happened To The Honeymoon?
by Charles Krauthammer
 John Lewis Encounters the Trump Effect 
Over the weekend, Donald Trump's row with civil rights icon and Congressman John Lewis (D-GA) has dominated the headlines, especially given the fact that Monday is the observance of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birth. Friday, in an interview with NBC News, Lewis stated, "I don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president." That's par for the Democrat course on delegitimizing Trump.
          Predictably, Trump responded by tweeting that Lewis was "all talk" and "no action" and that he should "spend more time on fixing" the crime problem in "his district." And, of course the mainstream media had a field day over Trump's attack on a civil rights hero. Indeed, the optics of it looked bad, but there's so much more to the story.
          Politicians love to conflate admiration for past heroic accomplishments with the merits of a political position, as is currently the case with John Lewis, one of the furthest left of representatives in the House. The truth is Lewis' inflammatory rhetoric on Trump is nothing new either. In 2000, Lewis called into question the legitimacy of George W. Bush's presidency; in 2008, he compared John McCain's campaign to that of George Wallace. But of course he's gotten a pass because of his past. And on the merits, Trump is right — inner cities often are little more than Democrat-controlled urban poverty plantations. Whatever his brave deeds 50 years ago, Lewis should be ashamed of his subsequent legislative record that has created dependency.
          What may be different now is how a Republican — Trump — is responding. In the past, Republicans tended to express disagreement, yet remained relatively congenial, not wanting to appear to disparage a hero. The desire to get along out of fear of losing political status was of greater concern. However, Barack liar-nObama so polarized the political climate in this country that it opened the door for Trump to be successful. In the past, Trump's politically incorrect rhetoric would have ended a political career. But for him, it has served only to further strengthen his position. In a way, Trump has out Democrat-ed the Democrats.
          Trump, who can hardly be accused of taking the high road, aggressively hits back at his opponents with similar over-the-top accusations and rhetoric, effectively changing the terms of the debate. That's what makes Trump such an unusual and yet effective political leader for Republicans — his ability to expresses the frustrations of the average American in the manner of a common man who doesn't give two hoots about what the elites in Washington may think.
          It's clear that the old playbook Democrats have so effectively used to shame Republicans into caving to their demands just doesn't work on Trump.  ~The Patriot Post
 Martin Luther King Jr. 
"I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.' ... I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. ... And if America is to be a great nation this must become true." —Martin Luther King Jr.
          Despite King's courage and wisdom, today's Democratic Party protagonists have turned this iconic sovereign's message inside out, as if King had said, "I have a dream that my children will one day be judged by the color of their skin, not the content of their character." They've turned it from a dream into a nightmare, and their failed statist "Great Society" programs have enslaved generations of poor, mostly black Americans on urban poverty plantations. But they are a dependable constituency, inculcated with the belief that the Democrats will take care of them.
          King's 1963 address from the Lincoln Memorial was his most famous, but you have likely never read King's 1966 assessment of racial violence in liar-nObama's hometown of Chicago: "This is the most tragic picture of man's inhumanity to man. I've been to Mississippi and Alabama and I can tell you that the hatred and hostility in Chicago are really deeper than in Alabama and Mississippi." King added, "Those who are associated with 'Black Power' and black supremacy are wrong."
          So you thought racism was just a "deep south problem"? That is what the Democrats and their Leftmedia sycophants would have you believe.
          Three recent headlines from the Windy City serve to illustrate the problem. 2016 was Chicago's bloodiest year in two decades, and it was largely black-on-black crime. But then there was the black on white crime that should have shocked the nation. Instead, liar-nObama's Justice Department is focused on alleged abuse by the Chicago Police Department.
          "Black supremacy" is precisely what was drilled into Barack liar-nObama's psyche by his Marxist mentor Frank Marshall Davis and his religious mentor Jeremiah Wright.
          liar-nObama and his cadres routinely dismissed any criticism of him as being due to racism: "There's no doubt that there's some folks who just really dislike me because they don't like the idea of a black president." Yes, liar-nObama used the anniversary of King's birth to establish that his true legacy is being a half-black president who is nothing more than a race-bait political hustler.
          Regardless of one's conclusion about King's proper place in history (given the historical account regarding his personal character failures), his letter from a Birmingham jail is mandatory reading as it provides a window into the soul of King's vision for all Americans.  ~The Patriot Post
Democrat Domestic Terror Plot Against Trump...
by Rick Wells
{rickwells.us} ~ They’re domestic terrorists plotting to disrupt the events surrounding the inauguration of Donald Trump as well as the inauguration itself, if possible... They’re not Islamists, at least they don’t look or sound the part, but the individuals recorded in the latest Project Veritas undercover sting are definitely domestic terrorists. They also operatives working for the Democrats, a criminal mob thinly disguised as a political party. James O’Keefe describes what is happening, saying, “This is undercover video of potential criminal acts being planned. These organizers and activists are talking about setting off butyric acid into the ventilation system and setting off fire alarm sprinklers at a Trump inaugural ball later this week.” “Shortly after the election,” says O’Keefe, “we started getting tips that radical groups were planning to derail President-elect Trump’s inauguration, perhaps even trying to shut down the city of Washington, DC. Various groups, some old, some new, have gathered together under the “disruptJ20″ umbrella.”...  http://rickwells.us/democrat-domestic-terror-plot-trump-captured-okeefes-hidden-cameras/
“Bigger Man” Cummings Fakes Lewis
Rescue In Another Scripted Attack
by Rick Wells
{rickwells.us} ~ The host on MSNBC tells his guest, racist Rep Elijah Cummings (D-MD) that he’d “love to hear your take on the back and forth over the weekend between Congressman Lewis and President-elect Trump.”... Of course he would, it’s another opportunity for the anti-American Democrats to attempt to exert pressure on the President-elect to cower to their demands. Just as scripted and planned, that’s exactly what the scumbag from Baltimore, Mr. Cummings, proceeds to do. He says, “Yeah, I think it’s very unfortunate.” Hold it right there, Elijah. Unfortunate is what you say when a tornado or a flood strikes. It’s not appropriate after a deliberate act of political aggression. The lifelong racist deliberately attacked the legitimacy of the President-elect of the United States because he’s seen as a threat to their agenda. Stupid, moronic, ill-advised, un-called for all are apt descriptions of the actions of John Lewis and fit nicely, unfortunate does not. Cummings then quotes his uneducated share-cropper father, as if we’re to take his words as wisdom, saying, “big can’t get you if small’s got you.” You sure he made through the fourth grade, Cummings? He says, “You just can’t do this” and then presents the President-elect as being at fault for not having his lips firmly implanted where Congressman Lewis seats himself...  http://rickwells.us/bigger-man-cummings-fakes-lewis-rescue-another-scripted-attack/
liar-Clinton empire begins
to crumble in wake of news probes
{wnd.com} ~ It looks like the liar-Clintons are running for cover. After Donald J. Trump devastated the once formidable liar-Clinton political machine in November – the liar-Clinton Global Initiative, the centerpiece initiative of the liar-Clinton Foundation... the former first couple’s political and financial power structure – is being shut down.  According to a notice filed with the New York Department of Labor, the liar-Clinton Foundation will lay off 22 members of the liar-Clinton Global Initiative. The initiative apparently became unsustainable after liar-Hillary Clinton’s defeat, as foreign governments began reducing or even withdrawing their donations. The Australian government, for example, ended a decade of funding the organization, and the government of Norway reduced its contribution by more than $15 million...  http://www.wnd.com/2017/01/clinton-empire-begins-to-crumble-in-wake-of-news-probes/
How the Left’s Narrative on
Crime Makes Communities Worse Off
by Walter E. Williams
{dailysignal.com} ~ The FBI reported that the total number of homicides in 2015 was 15,696. Blacks were about 52 percent of homicide victims. That means about 8,100 black lives were ended violently, and over 90 percent of the time, the perpetrator was another black... Listening to the news media and the Black Lives Matter movement, one would think that black deaths at the hands of police are the major problem. It turns out that in 2015, police across the nation shot and killed 986 people. Of that number, 495 were white (50 percent), 258 were black (26 percent), and 172 Hispanic (17 percent). A study of 2,699 fatal police killings between 2013 and 2015, conducted by John R. Lott Jr. and Carlisle E. Moody of the Crime Prevention Research Center, demonstrates that the odds of a black suspect’s being killed by a black police officer were consistently greater than a black suspect’s getting killed by a white officer...  http://dailysignal.com/2017/01/11/how-the-lefts-narrative-on-crime-makes-communities-worse-off/?utm_source=TDS_Email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=MorningBell&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWlRrNFltRmtNVGt6TVRBeSIsInQiOiJ4S2FybHZFYWJmTGJGZUdUbEozWnJySUdDRG9JbUN6am9JOE4zYTNmZXNpejRkMUpObis0QVRlQ2FpUDdTTWlJVlBrTjkxSFg1UDZsSVM4cmFHbnNiQ0dic1JIVDNna2tFcndyZFwvdXc2eWJFUmR5ZWxTZzJDTkJwbzZFWDlIVXAifQ%3D%3D
The Paris Conference:
The costs of diplomatic delusions
 by Eran Lerman
{timesofisrael.com} ~ What did the Paris Conference of January 15 produce? At least for the sake of the argument, we might accept the protestations of the French government – and the liar-nObama Administration... that the sole function of the conference was to facilitate a rapid return to the negotiating table, and that the conveners had the hope for peace uppermost in their minds. However, this latest exercise in diplomatic futility, coming hard on the heels of UNSCR 2334 and Secretary hanoi-Kerry’s long and rambling speech, only undermined the very purposes it was presumably meant to serve. The French didn’t manage to bring the Israelis to Paris and, to add to the absurdity, even the Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, who had endorsed the effort, was a no-show. Mainstream Palestinian factions not-aligned with Abbas’ West Bank government criticized the conference and, no matter how well-intentioned, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault will not get Hamas in Gaza to abandon its firm ideological commitment to violence nor its total rejection of the peace process itself...  http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/the-paris-conference-the-costs-of-diplomatic-delusions/
What Happened To The Honeymoon?
by Charles Krauthammer
{freedomsback.com} ~ The shortest honeymoon on record is officially over. Normally, newly elected presidents enjoy a wave of goodwill that allows them to fly high at least through their first 100 days. Donald Trump has not yet been sworn in and the honeymoon has already come and gone.

Presidents-elect usually lie low during the interregnum. Trump never lies low. He seized the actual presidency from Barack liar-nObama within weeks of his election — cutting ostentatious deals with U.S. manufacturers to keep jobs at home, challenging 40-year-old China policy, getting into a very public fight with the intelligence agencies. By now he has taken over the presidential stage. It is true that we have only one president at a time, and for over a month it’s been Donald Trump.

The result is quantifiable. A Quinnipiac poll from Nov. 17 to 20 — the quiet, hope-and-change phase — showed a decided bump in Trump’s popularity and in general national optimism. It didn’t last long. In the latest Quinnipiac poll, the numbers have essentially returned to Trump’s (historically dismal) pre-election levels.

For several reasons. First, the refusal of an unbending left to accept the legitimacy of Trump’s victory. It’s not just the demonstrators chanting “not my president.” It is leading Democrats pushing one line after another to delegitimize the election, as in: He lost the popular vote, it’s James Comey’s fault, the Russians did it.

Second, Trump’s own instincts and inclinations, a thirst for attention that leads to hyperactivity. His need to dominate every news cycle feeds an almost compulsive tweet habit. It has placed him just about continuously at the center of the national conversation and not always to his benefit.

Trump simply can’t resist playground pushback. His tweets gave Meryl Streep’s Golden Globes screed priceless publicity. His mocking Arnold Schwarzenegger for bad “Apprentice” ratings — compared with “the ratings machine, DJT” — made Trump look small and Arnold almost sympathetic.

Nor is this behavior likely to change after the inauguration. It’s part of Trump’s character. Nothing negative goes unanswered because, for Trump, an unanswered slight has the air of concession or surrender.

Finally, it’s his chronic indiscipline, his jumping randomly from one subject to another without rhyme, reason or larger strategy. In a week packed with confirmation hearings and Russian hacking allegations, what was he doing meeting with Robert Kennedy Jr., an anti-vaccine activist pushing the thoroughly discredited idea that vaccines cause autism?

We know from way back during the Republican debates that Trump himself has dabbled in this dubious territory. One could, however, write it off as one of many campaign oddities that would surely fade away. Not so, apparently.

This is not good. The idea that vaccines cause autism originally arose in a 1998 paper in the medical journal the Lancet that was later found to be fraudulent and had to be retracted. Indeed, the lead researcher acted so egregiously that he was stripped of his medical license.

Kennedy says that Trump asked him to chair a commission about vaccine safety. While denying that, the transition team does say that the commission idea remains open. Either way, the damage is done. The anti-vaccine fanatics seek any validation. This indirect endorsement from Trump is immensely harmful. Vaccination has prevented more childhood suffering and death than any other measure in history. With so many issues pressing, why even go there?

The vaccination issue was merely an exclamation point on the scatter-brained randomness of the Trump transition. All of which contributes to the harried, almost wearying feeling that we are already well into the Trump presidency.

Compare this with eight years ago and the near euphoria — overblown but nonetheless palpable — at the swearing-in of Barack liar-nObama. Not since JFK had any new president enjoyed such genuine goodwill upon accession to office.

And yet it turns out that such auspicious beginnings are not at all predictive. We could see it this same week. Tuesday night, there stood liar-nObama giving a farewell address that only underscored the failure of a presidency so bathed in optimism at its start. The final speech, amazingly, could have been given, nearly unedited, in 2008. Why, it even ended with “yes we can.”

Is there more powerful evidence of the emptiness of the intervening two terms? When your final statement is a reprise of your first, you have unwittingly confessed to being nothing more than a historical parenthesis.
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