Tuesday Noon ~ TheFrontPageCover

~ Featuring ~
Time to Get Tough With Turkey 
by Harold Hutchison
Should the Mueller Investigation be Ended? 
{ constitution.com } ~ The Mueller witch hunt “investigation,” should not just end, but must. And it has nothing at all to do with fairness, partisanship, or even who he is investigating... I’ll explain shortly, but first I’d like to thank the left. I’d like to thank them for being a bunch of lawless enemies of freedom and liberty. I’d like to thank them for attempting to flush our founding documents down the crapper every chance they get. This may sound strange but it is genuine. For without the left’s constant and consistent radical behavior over the years, I might never have picked up and began studying the Constitution, the Declaration, and the writings of the men who crafted, affirmed and ratified them. Wow – I’m such a geek! Now Special Counsel Robert Mueller, as he was appointed by Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein, acting as AG due to the recusal of Jeff Sessions, must therefore be an inferior officer. But here is where the problem lies and why Mueller’s appointment should be nullified and his “investigation” be halted and vacated immediately...   https://constitution.com/should-the-mueller-investigation-be-ended/
The IG Report: liar-nObama Knew 
{ conservativehq.com } ~ It’s interesting how quickly the Department of Justice Inspector General’s report vanished from the front pages and lead segments of the establishment media... when we have just begun to plumb the depths of its almost 600 pages of findings. And one of the most important revelations from the report is one that the establishment media has studiously ignored – and that is that President Barack liar-nObama knew all about liar-Hillary Clinton’s off the official government network server. liar-nObama said in a 2015 interview with CBS News that he first learned of liar-Clinton's use of the private server "at the same time everybody else learned it through news reports.". From our own experience working with the White House we understand how closely the communications of the President and Vice President are monitored, so the notion that liar-nObama heard about liar-Clinton’s unofficial email address from the news media sounded like a lot of baloney,(cover up lies) and now the Inspector General’s report has confirmed it...    http://www.conservativehq.com/node/28179
The UN's Collusion With Terrorists
56jc8WIcf2eYaImTqsRuUn6oBkb_7K9ABDtLsch9R4OvMjT5wgAjBKiw8QRIc5HS--jYkdwVL65Ewuv5aVdSbHCq0umGE7QBi31mZXxu24gxyff78P4fevC711FO6GPgsp0WXAcjgMXUf61hwQqeKj2DEpqO62KGC1gN4r1v9T7SHG4KsyMVINnTivGcmrfrDvghq0tNM-m-e4FqBbPQkTTCXNukCdAfzoI3_lg=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=?width=450by Joseph Klein
{ frontpagemag.com } ~ At an emergency meeting held on June 13th, the United Nation General Assembly adopted another one-sided resolution against Israel... The resolution, proposed by Turkey and Algeria, deplored the use of allegedly excessive, disproportionate and indiscriminate force by Israeli forces against Palestinian civilians in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including the Gaza Strip, which the resolution pretends is still "occupied" by Israel. The anti-Israel resolution demanded that Israel refrain from such actions and fully abide by its legal obligations under the Fourth Geneva Convention relating to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949. It also requested the UN Secretary General to submit a report in no later than 60 days, outlining proposals on ways and means for ensuring the safety of Palestinian civilians, including on an international protection mechanism. The General Assembly resolution is virtually identical to Kuwait's draft UN Security Council resolution that was vetoed by the United States on June 1st. The General Assembly resolution, which was adopted by a vote of 120 in favor to 8 against with 45 abstentions, ignored Hamas’s acts of terrorism and provocations, including using children as human shields and its attempts to invade Israel during the protests at the Israeli-Gaza border in recent weeks demanding a so-called “right of return.” It ignored the fact that Hamas controls the Gaza Strip, which it uses as a base for its attacks against Israeli civilians, and that there have been no Israeli soldiers "occupying" Gaza since Israel's unilateral withdrawal in 2005. The closest that the resolution came to acknowledge what Israeli civilians have had to put up with for years was deploring in general terms the firing of rockets from the Gaza Strip into Israeli civilian areas...When is the USA going to kick the UN out of the United States.  https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/270490/uns-collusion-terrorists-joseph-klein 
What Is Intersectionality?
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{ prageru.com } ~ Intersectionality is the newest fad in political activism... What is it? Who’s involved? And, what does it even mean? Nobody is better prepared to answer these questions than Daily Wire editor-in-chief and podcast sensation, Ben Shapiro. He breaks it all down in this invaluable video.   https://www.prageru.com/videos/what-intersectionality.
NY's Political Suit Against the Trump Foundation 
by Political Editors:  As if by clockwork, just before the Justice Department inspector general’s long-awaited report on the FBI’s handling of the liar-Hillary Clinton email investigation was released, Democrat New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood announced a lawsuit against the Donald Trump Foundation. The lawsuit alleges that President Trump and three of his children — Donald Jr., Ivanka and Eric — engaged in “extensive political coordination with the Trump presidential campaign, repeated and willful self-dealing transactions to benefit Mr. Trump’s personal and business interests, and violations of basic legal obligations for non-profit foundations.” Underwood added, “The Trump Foundation was little more than a checkbook for payments from Mr. Trump or his business to nonprofits, regardless of their purpose or legality.”

             Actually, that sounds an awful lot like the  liar-Clinton Foundation.    More on that in a minute.
               On a day when Trump touted the IG report as supporting his assertion of deep-state corruption within the DOJ and FBI, he was forced to pivot and address the lawsuit. Trump accused the plaintiffs of nothing more than a political stunt, saying, “The sleazy New York Democrats, and their now disgraced (and run out of town) A.G. Eric Schneiderman, are doing everything they can to sue me on a foundation that took in $18,800,000 and gave out to charity more money than it took in, $19,200,000. I won’t settle this case!” He then added, “Schneiderman, who ran the liar-Clinton campaign in New York, never had the guts to bring this ridiculous case, which lingered in their office for almost 2 years. Now he resigned his office in disgrace, and his disciples brought it when we would not settle.”
               Back to the liar-Clintons. They might have been what liar- Hillary insisted was “dead broke” when they left the White House, but they quickly parlayed their political fame into cash, charging prime rates for speaking engagements around the world. As Mark Alexander noted in 2016, “Once liar-Hillary Clinton was tapped by liar-nObama as secretary of state (to keep her out of the 2012 election), restricting her exorbitant pay-to-play speaking fees, she ramped up the liar-Clinton Foundation’s pay-to-play schemes and liar-CF became an official conduit for those seeking to influence politics and policy.”
               In fact, Alexander added, “Indisputably, every dime of the billions of dollars "donated” to liar-CF by liar-Hillary’s wealthy Wall Street moguls and foreign government cutouts, some of whom she personally met with during her tenure as secretary, and the dollars coming [once she became] a presidential contender, includes a long quid pro quo list. And not a dime of that graft has been spent without calculating how it would advance the liar-Clintons’ statist political and social agenda.“
               In light of the long list of abuses of the liar-Clinton Foundation, and the lack of any serious action against that criminal enterprise, the lawsuit against Trump’s foundation is clearly nothing more than leftist resistance to the president. It’s a legal annoyance, albeit more fodder for the Leftmedia to churn.  ~The Patriot Pos


Time to Get Tough With Turkey 

by Harold Hutchison:  The track record of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is a bad one. As we reported in 2016, Erdogan has a history of promoting anti-Semitism, trashing America’s best ally in the region (Israel), and being a thuggish dictator in general. Frankly, Turkey is no longer a reliable ally. In 2003, the Turks refused to allow the 4th Infantry Division to pass through their territory. Erdogan has been cozying up to radical Islamists in Syria, some of whom are tied to al-Qaida. He’s even had the nerve to call Israel a “terrorist state.” It’s obvious that the time has come to draw a few lines in the sand, and some think cutting Turkey out of the F-35 program is a good start.

             Granted, good guys in the Middle East are hard to come by. But Erdogan is not even one of the not-so-bad ones. When the F-35 program started, Turkey was a loyal friend, even if it caused drama with NATO ally Greece. But under Erdogan, that has changed.
               Erdogan’s regime has imprisoned an American pastor, Andrew Brunson. Erdogan needs to be told that his immediate release and safe return to the United States is non-negotiable. If Brunson is not released by the time the defense policy bill is ready for conference committee, Turkey is not getting any F-35s, and any airframes they are currently slated to receive will go to Israel.
               Erdogan’s support of Hamas also needs to end. International relations often come in shades of gray, but Israel’s fight for survival against the terrorist group Hamas (whose charter calls for Israel’s destruction) is not one of those gray areas. Erdogan can be Hamas’s friend or he can buy F-35s. Not both.
               Turkey’s purchase of the Russian S-400 is causing a stir. This, though, is something that Turkey can use to demonstrate it is a friend of the United States. To wit, deploy one battery to Nellis Air Force base where it can be evaluated thoroughly in Red Flag exercises. After all, Turkey should be glad to help NATO allies evaluate this system, especially since NATO could very well face off against it should Russia attack the Baltic states. If Turkey doesn’t, then it doesn’t really need F-35s.
               Turkey was a friend of the United States prior to Erdogan’s regime taking hold. Erdogan’s really undermined the relationship, though, and it’s a good time for President Donald Trump to stand up for America and Israel. Turkey’s first F-35, to be delivered on June 21, goes to Luke Air Force Base, where it will be used for training.
               Ideally, Turkey would have until the defense policy bill is on President Trump’s desk to shape up. If Erdogan fails to do so, the 116 F-35s Turkey wants to buy go to Israel, which boosts a real ally in the Middle East. But as things stand right now, giving the latest fighter technology to the Erdogan regime would be the wrong move.   

~The Patriot Post

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  • Bonnie

    lair-clinton should of been locked up but the fbi gave her a cover up

  • the clinton foundation should b investigated schweizers book makes the case

    mueller investigation u mean sham right 

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