Tuesday AM ~ TheFrontPageCover

The Front Page Cover
~ Featuring ~
Portland Press Herald Panel on Media Bias
by Tom McLaughlin
Damage Control For Clapper And
Brennan After Trump Calls Them Political Hacks
{rickwells.us} ~ The propaganda media rushed to the defense of three of their most prominent of the corrupt liar-nObama regime bobble-heads... comrades John Brennan, former CIA Director, James Clapper, former DNI, and James Comey, former FBI Director. President Trump called them out for the treacherous anti-American political tools of the left that they are, and intimated at their complicity in using their positions for political purposes. Jake Tapper brought them on his program to defend their “honor,” to reinforce the false narrative they’ve been unsuccessfully peddling for over a year, and to quite possibly, if AG Sessions ever completes his late-onset of puberty, to face criminal prosecution. Tapper opens the attack with a typical CNN biased, subjective framing of the discussion, saying, “Just to be perfectly clear here, President Trump was given yet another chance to definitively state ‘I believe Russia interfered in the 2016 election’ and again he did not do so.”... https://rickwells.us/damage-clapper-brennan-hacks/
Foreign investment and national security
by Derek Scissors
{aei.org} ~ Three senators yesterday released a bill reforming the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS). It’s long. Beyond that... it offers improvements to the investment review process to better safeguard national security without discouraging foreign firms, harming investment, and costing jobs. There are two major hurdles to jump: CFIUS must be fully funded and there must be a narrow, practical sense of what is crucial for national security. Disclaimer: I think about CFIUS chiefly through a China lens. Chinese investment in the US soared in 2016 to about $50 billion. While it is declining in 2017, there is still substantial interest. There is also a declared effort by the People’s Republic to win leadership in a range of technology-driven industries... http://www.aei.org/publication/foreign-investment-and-national-security/?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWm1ZeE1XTTROakJqTURGbSIsInQiOiJuU0ZHaTVGRTlLV2MyMzZESmV0YnNHVjBlcU55QTZ0Vlk0bWdvV2k0OXpMdTNRWHltNitaTTFWeHJ5azJINjVZTXBZRmJrTHpoTmJ2RHpPRVI5RWJJQXJnV0RsSnBzbUtzdzk3QnB4ekNRVjlZVVBsODNLbGJ3M3luQjBcL1hQS08ifQ%3D%3D
NBC, CBS, & ABC Nightly News 
Don’t Cover Menendez’s Corruption Trial
by NTK Staff
{ntknetwork.com} ~ If Americas watched the nightly news on NBC, CBS, and ABC on Monday they might not know that the jury in Sen. Bob Menendez’s (D-NJ) federal corruption trial... had begun deliberation as NBC, CBS, and ABC all elected not to cover this development in Democratic Senator’s trial.  Understandably all the networks led with coverage of the tragic shooting that took place in Texas, on Sunday.  However, all the networks thought it not worth covering the Menedez trial electing to run other segments. CBS elected to cover the following topics: President Trump’s trip to Asia and his comments regarding the shooting, Trump’s tweets about corruption in Saudi Arabia, Paul Manafort’s trial, and Florida State’s decision to suspended Greek Life...  http://ntknetwork.com/nbc-cbs-abc-nightly-news-dont-cover-menendezs-corruption-trial/?utm_source=taboola&utm_medium=exchange
Trump Prepared To Expel Special
Interest From Judicial Confirmation Process
{dailycaller.com} ~ The White House may soon advise President Donald Trump’s judicial nominees not to cooperate with the American Bar Association’s independent vetting process... further weakening the dominant role the interest group has played for decades in judicial confirmations. A source involved in the administration’s confirmation operation told The New York Times that the White House may instruct future judicial nominees not to interview with the ABA’s standing committee on the federal judiciary, or give the panel access to confidential disciplinary records. Though the practice is not formally part of the confirmation process, the ABA has vetted federal judicial nominees since the Eisenhower administration, providing the Senate with reports grading each nominee on a spectrum from “unqualified” to “well qualified.” President George W. Bush ended the practice during his administration, though the ABA’s role was restored by President Barack liar-nObama...  http://dailycaller.com/2017/11/12/trump-prepared-to-expel-special-interest-from-judicial-confirmation-process/?utm_medium=email
Media Matters Using Roy Moore 
Allegations To Go After Hannity’s Advertisers
{dailycaller.com} ~ Left-wing activist group Media Matters is using scandalous allegations surrounding Alabama GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore as a new weapon in their months-long campaign to oust... Fox News host Sean Hannity by pressuring sponsors into pulling their advertisements. Moore is accused of making sexual contact with a 14-year-old girl while he was a 32-year-old attorney, in addition to pursuing romantic although not sexual relationships with other teenage girls around the same time. Media Matters operatives are smearing Hannity to his sponsors, accusing him of defending child sex abuse. Hannity has explicitly said that anyone guilty of what Moore is accused of doing has no place in politics... http://dailycaller.com/2017/11/12/media-matters-using-roy-moore-allegations-to-go-after-hannitys-advertisers/?utm_medium=email
Portland Press Herald Panel on Media Bias
by Tom McLaughlin
{tommclaughlin.blogspot.com} ~ The Maine Sunday Telegram reported there will be a panel discussion Friday, November 17th at USM in Portland on media bias and the question: “Is the Press Being Fair to President Trump?” On that I agree with former President Jimmy Carter, who said two weeks ago: “I think the media have been harder on Trump than any other president, certainly, that I've known about. I think they feel free to claim that Trump is mentally deranged and everything else without hesitation.”
The big name brought in for the panel is The Boston Globe’s Walter Robinson, head of the Globe Spotlight Team which won a Pulitzer Prize for exposing the homosexual priest scandal in the Catholic Church. Robinson would likely chafe at my characterization because his team was careful to label it a pedophile priest scandal and play down the overwhelmingly obvious homosexual dynamic. Nonetheless, I applaud the Spotlight Team for their work. It nearly caused me to abandon Catholicism -- the religion of my youth to which I had returned only a dozen years before the scandal broke in 2002.
When Maine Sunday Telegram reporter Ray Routhier asked Robinson why it’s important to look at Trump’s treatment in media, Robinson said: “…because nearly half of the American people believe that the so-called ‘mainstream media’ are making stories up about him.” That’s an accurate assessment borne out by opinion polls, but then Robinson said: “When…the president…spends all of his time saying that reporters are enemies of the American people and they make everything up all the time, that’s bound to have some effect…even if it’s not true, which it isn’t.”
“All his time”? “Make everything up”? “All the time”? Talk about hyperbole. Yes, Trump has tweeted and said: “Fake news,” and has characterized some media as “enemies of the people” on occasion, but not all media. Rather, he singled out obviously biased media like NBC, ABC, NYTimes, CBS, and CNN. If he had more than 140 characters, he would no doubt have included The Boston Globe and the Maine Sunday Telegram as well. Let’s compare two stories currently in the news for just one example of liberal media bias:
Menendez and Moore
Conservative Judge Roy Moore recently won the Alabama Republican senatorial primary in his bid to replace Jeff Sessions who became US Attorney General. Moore defeated what some call the “establishment” Republican, Luther Strange. Weeks later, the Washington Post published allegations that Moore had initiated a sexual encounter wit a 14-year-old girl in 1979. Ever since, those mainstream media outlets cited by Trump have given enormous attention to the story which Moore vehemently denies.
Liberal Democrat New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez has been on trial for corruption for over two months and his jury deliberates at this writing. According to politico.com: “…a grand jury indictment accuses Menendez of carrying out numerous political favors for Salomon Melgen, a close friend. Melgen gave more than $750,000 in campaign contributions, flights on his private jet, and hosted the senator at his private villa in the Dominican Republic’s Casa de Campo resort…” However according to The Daily Caller, Menendez and his friend are also alleged to have had sexual encounters with underage girls at that villa — and the FBI has written testimony from at least one of them.
How has mainstream media handled these two stories? Though Moore has not been formally charged, MSM has given extensive coverage to the allegations against him while completely ignoring the two-month trial of the sitting Senator Menendez. According to the Media Research Center: “In the past 24 hours as of 11-10-17, the same networks that couldn’t find a single second to mention Menendez in 65 days, spent 24 minutes and 36 seconds on serious allegations against Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore.”
That extremely biased coverage corresponds to how mainstream media has covered flimsy allegations of election collusion with Russia by the Trump campaign/administration. The only actual evidence after more than a year of intensive investigation is circumstantial at best, but mainstream media has given more attention to it than anything else in all of 2017. Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller issued indictments against former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort and his assistant, but not for collusion. The indictments had nothing to do with Trump. They were for money laundering and other things long before his association with Trump. There is, however, relatively hard evidence against the liar-Hillary Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National Committee of election collusion with Russia which has been virtually ignored.
Last week I made firm plans spend next Friday with my sister with whom I’ve had little contact for over a year. Therefore I cannot attend the panel discussion at USM. Hence this column I’ll send along to MaineToday Media which publishes the Maine Sunday Telegram. I doubt they’ll run it.
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