Tuesday AM ~ TheFrontPageCover

The Front Page Cover
 The Events of the Week -- Featuring: 
My Vote, Explained
by Charles Krauthammer
 A Century of Corporate Infanticide 
"A true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members." Mahatma Gandhi
          The most vulnerable of any society are those whose faculties don't permit independent function, such as the mentally and physically challenged and handicapped, the elderly who are frail of strength and mind, and children, both growing inside and outside the womb.
          Ironically, Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion mill, celebrated its 100th "birthday" Sunday, Oct. 16. But it has so dishonored life and birth it should be scorned and condemned for its true role — a profitable organization devoted to the deaths of children so as to control population under the guise of health.
          The 100 years of existence of these abortuaries, which perform more than 300,000 abortions annually, began with Margaret Sanger. She was an advocate not of family planning but of controlling "the human weeds" from "reckless breeders." In her book, "Pivot of Civilization," Sanger made no efforts to hide her prejudice in supporting methods to deal with some "human beings who should never have been born."
          Sanger was a devotee of eugenics, obviously deeming herself fit to live, while making the determination which humans were worthy of life or death. Sanger went so far as to proclaim, "The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it." How empowering.
          The evil of this woman's heart certainly sprang forth to reveal contempt for those who weren't on her approved list of worthy civilians. Sanger was brazen and consistent. She wrote that for the purpose of racial "purification," couples should be rewarded who chose sterilization. She wrote in the November 1921 edition of Birth Control Review that birth control was valuable for selection "to create a race of thoroughbreds." Her blatant racism was captured in "Woman's Body, Woman's Right," in which she laid out a plan to use "colored ministers" to convince blacks that delivering birth control to their communities was a good idea. "The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal," she wrote. "We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."
          How proud Margaret Sanger should be of the seven million babies whose lives have been "terminated" through the effective propaganda of Planned Parenthood. That organization has led the effort to define a baby human as nothing more than a "mass of tissue," because it's much easier to talk about removing it. They also contend that, at best, viability outside the womb should be a factor.
          Careful. Viability outside the womb, if strictly applied, would allow the disposal of many of our most fragile seniors as well as the mentally ill and handicapped who depend upon the care of others for their very existence. Planned Parenthood's logic has a dark and horrible conclusion.
          Yet, Planned Parenthood has prettied up population control to empower women regarding their fertility and "reproductive health." While dolled up with words, marketing slogans and hip campaigns, abortion is performed almost always merely to prevent unwanted birth, not to save or protect the life of the mother. According to the National Abortion Federation, reported victims of rape comprised 1% of those seeking abortions, while abortions performed to protect the life of the mother account for fewer than 1% of all terminations.
          Abortion is not contraception. The authentic medical definition of contraception describes methods that prevent pregnancy by interfering with the normal process of ovulation, fertilization and implantation. Abortion is performed once fertilization and implantation have occurred and is, therefore, to halt the growth of the product of human reproduction — a child.
          As more conservatives have been elected to state legislatures and governorships in recent years, they have enacted policies and laws to stop taxpayer-funded abortions and tighten the regulations on clinics. The unfortunate side-effect was that with the praiseworthy decline in the number of abortions performed, the revenue of corporate infanticide had to be replaced. These folks found a new moneymaker in "tissue" research.
          In 2008, Planned Parenthood "partnered" with a few companies by providing body parts of aborted babies for "fees." That practice ended in 2015 when the Center for Medical Progress released videos of the haggling of Planned Parenthood employees for brains, kidneys, hearts and other vital organs and tissues for sale. At one point, this disgusting organization had accumulated an inventory valued at $10 million in cells and parts for research harvested from aborted children.
          Two of these "partners" have been recently charged for the illegal sale of these precious tissues. DV Biologics and DiVinci Biosciences will be prosecuted by the Orange County District Attorney's Office in California for profiting from the sale of prenatal "heart, lungs, kidneys, brains, intestines, skeletal muscles and bones of the aborted fetus donations."
          As technology has provided 3-D images through ultrasounds, the lie of abortion is being exposed. With the horror of selling baby parts, the industry has been further laid bare for its true nature — opportunists who profit through deceit and death. A century of that is worth mourning and fighting, not celebrating.  ~The Patriot Post
Peggy Noonan: "It is quite dreadful and a showing of the gravest disrespect that, if U.S. intelligence agencies are correct, Russia's Vladimir Putin has inserted himself into America's presidential election. And it could not have deeper implications. If Russia is indeed behind the leaks of the emails of Democratic Party operatives Mr. Putin may have many reasons, as he often does, but the most frightening would be that he views the current American political leadership class as utterly decadent and unworthy of traditional diplomatic norms and boundaries. And, thinks, therefore, it deserves what it gets. Why would he find them decadent — morally hollowed out, unserious? That is the terrible part: because he knows them. ... [N]othing is more dangerous than this: that Mr. Putin and perhaps other world leaders have come to have diminished respect for the morality, patriotism and large-mindedness of our leaders. Nikita Khrushchev had a rough respect for JFK and his men and that respect, in the Cuban Missile Crisis, helped avert nuclear war. Mikhail Gorbachev was in the end half-awed by Ronald Reagan's goodness and idealism; the world knew George H.W. Bush and respected his integrity, and so he was able to build coalitions that were real coalitions, not just names. Now, whoever wins, we are in a different place, a lesser and more dangerous one."  ~The Patriot Post.
Donna Brazile CAUGHT LYING Again,
This Time There’s PROOF!
by Luke Rosiak
{conservativebyte.com} ~ When Fox News’ Megyn Kelly asked Brazile about the impropriety of sharing debate questions in advance with candidates, Brazile claimed she was being“ persecuted” by the question... Brazile then called Daily Caller reporter Chuck Ross “so unprofessional” for asking for evidence that the email wasn’t real.  Unfortunately for Brazile, she does not understand DKIM. The DCNF ran code to confirm that the email was valid as provided by WikiLeaks — the only way it could be false is if Palmieri herself changed the body of Brazile’s email before replying to it and copying Podesta...  http://conservativebyte.com/2016/10/donna-brazile-caught-lying-again-this-time-theres-proof/
Judge Jeanine Breaks Down The FBI Bribery
Attempt By liar-Clinton State Dept Lieutenant
by Rick Wells
{rickwells.us} ~ Judge Jeanine beings her opening statement at the 1:25 mark of the video, saying, “There are two systems of justice in America, one for everyday Americans and one for liar-Hillary Rodham Clinton.”... She relays how a March 4th, 2015, a subpoena was issued for liar-Clinton’s hidden emails about Benghazi, exchanges with Sidney Blumenthal were of particular interest. She says, “And so begins the mission of top lieutenant Undersecretary Patrick Kennedy to declassify liar-Hillary’s top secret classified Benghazi email of foreign activities of the United States, including confidential sources, on liar-Hillary’s home-brewed server; the email that actually started the FBI’s criminal investigation.” “Now if his name sounds familiar,” says Judge Jeanine, “this is the same Patrick Kennedy that liar-Hillary put in charge of that blue ribbon accountability review board for lessons learned from Benghazi. By the way, already learned from the Khobar Towers review board, lessons never implemented by liar-Hillary. The same Patrick Kennedy who appointed the liar-Clinton pals, who then chose not to question liar-Hillary Clinton, the Secretary of State, about Benghazi.”...  http://rickwells.us/judge-jeanine-breaks-down-fbi-bribery-attempt-clinton-state-dept-lieutenant/
WikiLeaks Releases
Batch #16 Podesta Emails…
{theconservativetreehouse.com} ~ WikiLeaks continues releasing batches of emails from the account of life-long political ‘fixer’ John Podesta.  Today they released batch #16 bringing the total release to 26,803.  https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2016/10/23/wikileaks-releases-batch-16-podesta-emails/


Julian Assange Reveals
liar-Hillary’s Criminals! Hackers aren’t Russian,
They are Democrat “Whistleblowers”!
by Harry Hibbs
{gopthedailydose.com} ~ Assange has revealed that it was Russian officials or operatives hacking the DNC or feeding Wikileaks the inside information to him... Instead, it was disenfranchised Democrats working for the party who finally saw the party for the miniature crime syndicate it was. They were disgruntled employees who felt the party wasn’t living up to their mission and promises. One whistleblower was 27-year-old Seth Rich who was murdered in Washington D.C. Despite it being labeled a robbery his wallet and effects were all on him. He chose to go to the FBI with all the inside information he learned while working for the DNC. On his way to that meeting he was murdered and so Assange went public about it. He said that whistleblowers like Rich go to extraordinary lengths to cooperate with WikiLeaks, and at significant and often life threatening risks. As a result Rich was shot in the back for what is said unknown reasons a few weeks prior...  http://gopthedailydose.com/2016/10/23/julian-assange-reveals-hillarys-criminals-hackers-arent-russian-democrat-whistleblowers/
WikiLeaks Emails Reveal Polling Fraud
A Part Of liar-Clinton Campaign Since 2008
by Rick Wells
{rickwells.us} ~ According to the libs at Huffington Post, “Tom Matzzie is a strategist on politics, the media and technology” and a “former Washington Director of MoveOn.org Political Action.”... He’s their fellow anti-American comrade employed by George Soros in the Alinsky Democrat model of anything goes, just don’t get caught. It’s sometimes hard to hold up that last condition, particularly when the good folks at WikiLeaks have determined that you or those you’re in bed with are corrupt and need to be exposed. Back in January of 2008, when liar-Hillary Clinton was running against Hussein liar-nObama for the Democrat nomination, around the same time that she still believed he was a Kenyan Muslim, WikiLeaks revealed that there was a discussion about how the liar-Clinton campaign would falsify polling data in over to favorably overstate their own results. That was an instance in which they were competing against a fellow Alinskyite, Hussein liar-nObama. It would be a ridiculous stretch to think that the same tactics are not now being employed. It would be idiotic, given the mainstream media and polling companies being so obviously engaged in collusion with the liar-Clinton campaign...  http://rickwells.us/wikileaks-emails-reveal-polling-fraud-part-clinton-campaign-since-2008/
liar-Clinton Busted – Her Ambulance And Bused
In Actor “Supporters” Part Of Motorcade
by Rick Wells
{rickwells.us} ~ Why does a woman who is supposedly equally popular with her opponent, a man who fills massive sports arenas with crowds of over 30,000 people, need to bus in people to fill the community college bleachers behind her?... And why does a woman who is deemed by her criminally complicit personal physician as being fit to hold the office of president need to be tailed by an ambulance at her anemic, pathetic little gatherings they like to call rallies? Why is she being shadowed by the “big dude” medical assistant who is ever at the ready to provide instructions as to how to remain vertical and a quick injection if necessary to the woman that seeks to be president? Does it have something to do with the head-bobbing and her difficulty in walking? Is it related to the wandering eye condition and involuntary movements that many professionals suspect are symptoms of her advanced Parkinson’s Disease? In the big picture scheme of things, with “scheme” being the most appropriate choice of words, the goal is to hide the fact that liar-Hillary Clinton is just a name on a ballot, one that is not the popular choice of the people but one that the establishment hijackers of our government have selected as a space-holder for their continued control over our government. She’s incidental, the power lies in the globalists such as George Soros that positioned Hussein nObama and who are attempting to do the same with Mrs. liar-Clinton. She needs the chair, her VP needs the line of ascension, the rest is incidental...   http://rickwells.us/clinton-busted-ambulance-bused-actor-supporters-motorcade/
MORE bad news for liar-Hillary,
and she can’t lie her way out of this one…
by Allen West
{allenbwest.com} ~ Man, when it rains it pours, and right now Barack liar-nObama has to realize as he closes out his presidential reign, he’s in a Category 5 hurricane. But the sad thing is, he believes it’s sunny outside... At this point in his term, you’d think liar-nObama would be doing victory laps over a successful two terms as president. Well, in a purely delusional state, he is actually trying to do a happy dance. And this is why, when the media tells us liar-nObama has a high approval rating, I have to ask, who are they asking? Must be a bunch of skid row crack addicts who are stoned out of their minds. The world is ablaze after almost eight years of nObama’s feckless foreign policy. liar-nObama is having to travel the country trying to convince folks that nObamacare is like a “starter home.” I remember the first starter home Angela and I purchased after I returned from Operation Desert Storm at 300 Morning Glory in Manhattan, Kansas. It had a strong foundation and the roof wasn’t collapsing…unlike nObamacare...
Friends of free trade need to stand up and fight
by Dalibor Rohac
Thousands of people demonstrate against the
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
{aei.org} ~ If you’ve followed the news, you’ll know that both the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), negotiated between the European Union and the United States, and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), between the EU and Canada, are facing a massive popular backlash across Europe... According to a YouGov poll, only 17 per cent of Germans believe that TTIP is a good thing (the figure is 26 per cent on Eurobarometer). As for CETA, more than 190,000 petitioners challenged the deal in Germany’s constitutional court, which finally gave the green light to the deal earlier this month – only for the Walloons in Belgium to deliver a probable death blow to it anyway. Does this mean that Europe has turned against free trade once and for all?...  http://www.aei.org/publication/friends-of-free-trade-need-to-stand-up-and-fight/?utm_source=paramount&utm_medium=email&utm_content=AEITODAY&utm_campaign=102216
World War III Guaranteed- liar-Clinton’s
Syrian Plan Will Bring Unimaginable Horror
by Dave Hodges
{thecommonsenseshow.com} ~ Under liar-Hillary Clinton according to Wikileaks, liar-Hillary and Podesta have discussed a strategy in Syria that will  result in the death of hundreds of thousands of Syrians under liar-Clinton’s plan... Most of them according to the projections, will be children. liar-Clinton and her people have such a depraved indifference towards human life, that her character needs to continue to be exposed….Here is liar-Clinton at her worst. http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2016/10/23/world-war-iii-guaranteed-clintons-syrian-plan-will-bring-unimaginable-horror/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=world-war-iii-guaranteed-clintons-syrian-plan-will-bring-unimaginable-horror
No Justice in the Netherlands
by Judith Bergman
{gatestoneinstitute.org} ~ A court in The Hague decided on October 14 that the charges of hate speech against Dutch politician Geert Wilders, for statements he made in March 2014 at a political rally, are admissible in a court of law... It thereby rejected the Wilders' appeal to throw out the charges as inadmissible in a court of law on the grounds that these are political issues and that a trial would in fact amount to a political process. The criminal trial against Wilders will begin on Monday, October 31. While campaigning in The Hague in March 2014, Wilders argued the need for fewer Moroccans in the Netherlands. At an election meeting in The Hague, he asked those present a number of questions, one of which was "Do you want more or fewer Moroccans?" After the crowd responded "fewer" Wilders said, "We're going to organize that." Because of the "fewer Moroccans" statements, repeated again in an interview a few days later, Wilders will be prosecuted on two counts: First for "deliberately insulting a group of people because of their race." Second, for "inciting hatred or discrimination against these people."...
My Vote, Explained
by Charles Krauthammer
{freedomsback.com} ~ The case against liar-Hillary Clinton could have been written before the recent WikiLeaks and FBI disclosures. But these documents do provide hard textual backup.

The most sensational disclosure was the proposed deal between the State Department and the FBI in which the FBI would declassify a liar-Hillary Clinton email and State would give the FBI more slots in overseas stations. What made it sensational was the rare appearance in an official account of the phrase “quid pro quo,” which is the currently agreed-upon dividing line between acceptable and unacceptable corruption.

This is nonetheless an odd choice for most egregious offense. First, it occurred several layers removed from the campaign and from liar-Clinton. It involved a career State Department official he occupied the same position under Condoleezza Rice covering not just for liar-Clinton but for his own department.

Second, it’s not clear which side originally offered the bargain. Third, nothing tangible was supposed to exchange hands. There was no proposed personal enrichment — a Rolex in return for your soul — which tends to be our standard for punishable misconduct.

And finally, it never actually happened. The FBI turned down the declassification request.

In sum, a warm gun but nonsmoking. Indeed, if the phrase “quid pro quo” hadn’t appeared, it would have received little attention. Moreover, it obscures the real scandal — the bottomless cynicism of the campaign and of the candidate.

Among dozens of examples, the Qatari gambit. Qatar, one of the worst actors in the Middle East having financially supported the Islamic State, for example, offered $1 million as a “birthday” gift to Bill liar-Clinton in return for five minutes of his time. Who offers — who takes — $200,000 a minute? We don’t know the “quid” here, but it’s got to be big.

In the final debate, liar-Clinton ran and hid when asked about pay-for-play at the liar-Clinton Foundation. And for good reason. The emails reveal how foundation donors were first in line for favors and contracts.

A governance review by an outside law firm reported that some donors “may have an expectation of quid pro quo benefits in return for gifts.” You need an outside law firm to tell you that? If your Sultanic heart bleeds for Haiti, why not give to Haiti directly? Because if you give through the liar-Clintons, you have a claim on future favors.

The soullessness of this campaign — all ambition and entitlement — emerges almost poignantly in the emails, especially when aides keep asking what the campaign is about. In one largely overlooked passage, liar-Clinton complains that her speechwriters have not given her any overall theme or rationale. Isn’t that the candidate’s job? Asked one of her aides, Joel Benenson: “Do we have any sense from her what she believes or wants her core message to be?”

It’s that emptiness at the core that makes every policy and position negotiable and politically calculable. Hence the embarrassing about-face on the Trans-Pacific Partnership after the popular winds swung decisively against free trade.

So too with financial regulation, as in Dodd-Frank. As she told a Goldman Sachs gathering, after the financial collapse there was “a need to do something because, for political reasons … you can’t sit idly by and do nothing.”

Giving the appearance that something had to be done. That’s not why Elizabeth Warren supported Dodd-Frank. Which is the difference between a conviction politician like Warren and a calculating machine like liar-Clinton.

Of course, we knew all this. But we hadn’t seen it so clearly laid out. Illicit and illegal as is WikiLeaks, it is the camera in the sausage factory. And what it reveals is surpassingly unpretty.

I didn’t need the Wiki files to oppose liar-Hillary Clinton. As a conservative, I have long disagreed with her worldview and the policies that flow from it. As for character, I have watched her long enough to find her deeply flawed, to the point of unfitness. But for those heretofore unpersuaded, the recent disclosures should close the case.

A case so strong that, against any of a dozen possible GOP candidates, voting for her opponent would be a no-brainer. Against Donald Trump, however, it’s a dilemma. I will not vote for liar-Hillary Clinton. But, as I’ve explained in these columns, I could never vote for Donald Trump.

The only question is whose name I’m going to write in. With Albert Schweitzer doubly unavailable (noncitizen, dead), I’m down to Paul Ryan or Ben Sasse. Two weeks to decide.


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