Tuesday AM ~ TheFrontPageCover

The Front Page Cover
 The Events of the Week -- Featuring: 
Breitbart To Bannon
by Tom McLaughlin
 Trump's No on Sweden 
In a campaign-style rally speech Saturday, Donald Trump said, "We've got to keep our country safe. You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this? Sweden. They took in large numbers [of immigrants]. They're having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what's happening in Brussels. You look at what's happening all over the world. Take a look at Nice [France]. Take a look at Paris." The Leftmedia once again pounced. Sweden hasn't had a terror attack. What's Trump talking about?!
          By now the media, with its obsession of covering everything Trump, should be well aware of Trump's unvarnished rhetorical style. As many have stated, listen for what he means not what he says. Admittedly, Trump was rather vague with his "last night" reference, not elaborating until later that he was referring to a Fox News story. However, given the larger context of Trump defending his recent immigration orders against Leftmedia pushback it seemed rather obvious that he was pointing out the problems Europe's mass immigration policies have created.
          But the Leftmedia had fun mocking Trump for disseminating more "fake news" — and then Monday happened. Reports of rioting in an immigrant-heavy suburb of Stockholm proved Trump's point. Sweden's liberal policy on accepting refugee immigrants in such mass numbers has become increasingly untenable. Sweden is now spending 1.5% of it GDP on asylum-seekers, more than it spends on defense. Among the immigrant population, there is 43% unemployment, much of this due to lack of cultural assimilation, language abilities and low labor skills. While Sweden has seen an overall decrease in crime since 2005, it has seen an alarming rise in the number of violent crimes like rape in the last couple of years.
          Trump has tapped into the zeitgeist of the moment regarding unfettered and unvetted immigration. What spurred the nationalist/populist movements both here in the U.S. and in Europe is the reality of the clashing of significant cultural values. When the generosity of one culture is met with scorn and violence from the other, it's little wonder that the dominant culture then pulls back and demands protection. Trump's manner may be easy to mock, but ignoring the message because of the messenger is a recipe for disaster.  ~The Patriot Post
Congressman Protests Trump by Standing
Next to Convicted Terrorist and Murderer
by M.J. Randolph
{truthrevolt.org} ~ The media is ignoring a growing and disturbing trend amongst left-leaning Americans as they form unholy alliances with anti-Semites. According to the Observer's Paul Miller... even lazy reporters wouldn't have to look too far to find evidence of such partnerships. After all, the leftists obviously don't try to hide it; in fact, they do it right out there in plain sight. First, meet Rasmea Odeh, a convicted terrorist who spent ten years in prison after masterminding a terror plot that killed Hebrew University students Edward Joffe and Leon Kanner in Jerusalem. After spending ten years in prison, she was released in a prisoner swap and later convicted of trying blow up the British consulate. But that didn't stop these things from happening. Representative Jan Schakowsky (D-Illinois) stood next to this convicted terrorist while discussing President Donald Trumps travel ban in Chicago...  http://www.truthrevolt.org/news/congressman-protests-trump-standing-next-convicted-terrorist-and-murderer
The Left’s Trying To Make You Freak Out
About Trump: Calm Down & Relax
by J.E. Dyer
{lidblog.com} ~ This won’t take very long. The mainstream media and the leftosphere – to the extent they are two different things – aren’t going to stop telling you everything is in chaos and everyone hates Trump... Meanwhile, everything is not in chaos, and everyone doesn’t hate Trump. Some in the right do have reservations and concerns about Trump. But unlike the people who seem to be unable to control themselves, we don’t find it either necessary or desirable to preface everything we say with “Trump is horrible!” We had reservations and concerns about liar-nObama, some of them greater than the ones about Trump. I just read through another column from Peggy Noonan, conveying her weekly point that everyone she runs into, in the politospace of the New York-D.C. axis, looks concussed by the earthquake of 2016.  I confess, my sympathy for this ran out after week one. What does she think the rest of the country has been going through for the last eight years? Join the crowd, dear...  http://lidblog.com/left-trying-make-freak-trump-calm-relax/
North Korea Used Deadly
VX Nerve Agent In Airport...
by Rick Wells
{rickwells.us} ~ It has now been determined that VX nerve agent was the toxic substance used to murder the half-brother of North Korea leader Kim Jong-un, Kim Jong-nam inside busy Kuala Lumpur Airport... That would indicate the perpetrator was a state, a terrorist state. The only terrorist state known to have any connection to the deceased Kin Jong-nam is that of his brother, North Korea. According to Jeffrey Lewis, an expert on WMD, VX nerve agent shuts down the enzyme that regulates the nervous system, causing the victim’s nervous system to “go crazy.” He said that’s why convulsions are common, with death occurring when its victims, “just stop breathing.” Dr. Bruce Goldberg states that exposure to a trace, a drop of VX is fatal. Malaysian police are still hunting for four North Korea nationals in relation to the attack. They believe these are the individuals who trained the women and provided them with the VX...  http://rickwells.us/north-korea-used-deadly-vx-nerve-agent-airport-chemical-weapons-hit/
George Soros’ Reign as the Left’s
Financier is About to End
{patrioticviralnews.com} ~ George Soros has masqueraded as a liberal donor for far too long. However, the true fact of the matter is George Soros is not who he pretends to be... Under that thin veil he is a staunch anarchist, who tosses his money towards opposition parties in order to not only help fund turmoil, but to also shut down governments. The nation of Hungary no longer allows him to donate money to political parties in their nation, and Russia has issued a warrant for his arrest if he ever steps foot in their country again. Other countries throughout Europe are starting to do the same. When an entire country blocks someone’s ability to donate money, there is usually a very just cause behind it. Now the United States is looking at doing the exact same thing. Congress has started to snoop directly into his secret life and his secret donations, both in the United States and abroad. The video below details what exactly the government has found so far on Soros. About time.  http://patrioticviralnews.com/articles/george-soros-reign-as-the-lefts-financier-is-about-to-end/
Sage Steele Claims the Worst Racism Toward Her
Was From Fellow African-Americans
{conservativetribune.com} ~ Speaking at a panel discussion in Florida, biracial ESPN anchor Sage Steele created controversy when she said that the “worst racism” she had ever received was “from black people,” according to The Daily Wire... Steele, a SportsCenter anchor, was appearing this week at a conference on race at The Crossing Church in Tampa, along with Super Bowl-winning former NFL coach Tony Dungy and former NFL star Benjamin Watson. She said her experience as being biracial, as well as being married to a white man, had opened her up to bigotry from the black community. “There are times that I believe that we, as African-Americans, can be hypocritical, and that is to not look ourselves in the mirror when we are saying certain things and blaming other groups for one thing when we are doing the exact same thing,” Steele said...That is true.
Breitbart To Bannon
by Tom McLaughlin
{tommclaughlin.blogspot.com} ~ “That’s my ADHD,” said Andrew Breitbart from the podium at CPAC as he was drawn off topic by something in the crowd. With my press pass, I was free to get near to him on the dais for close-up photographs and I had recognized his ADHD symptoms earlier in the conference when he was part of a panel. Breitbart was squirrelly as he sat waiting his turn to speak, but full of passionate intensity when he finally got up there.
Breitbart waiting -- David Horowitz at Podium
The panel included former leftist David Horowitz and David Bossie, who later became Deputy Campaign Manager for President Donald Trump. He had been on still another CPAC panel I attended, introducing Irish film makers Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer, who had just released Fracknation, a documentary debunking mainstream media hype against the hydro-fracking process to produce oil and natural gas.
One theme ran through all his panels and talks: circumventing mainstream media control of what Americans knew and didn’t know. He had a visceral hatred of their monopoly and made it his mission in life to smash it. He encouraged CPAC attendees to use a camera and laptop and become guerrilla journalists.
People like James O’Keefe took him up on that when he went on to single-handedly destroy ACORN by exposing its incestuous relationship with both the Democrat Party and mainstream media. Another is Steve Bannon, who took over breitbart.com after Breitbart’s premature death in 2012. Bannon then took over Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and engineered a political earthquake. Andrew Breitbart is dead, but his mission continues.
It’s all-out war now. Bannon was at CPAC himself last week on a panel with Trump Chief-of-Staff Reince Preibus who has an adjoining office in the White House. He usually stays behind the scenes, so this was a rare, out-front appearance. He told his audience that President Trump will not moderate his positions, and will push them even harder. When Preibus predicted the administration’s relationship with mainstream media would improve, Bannon disagreed: “Not only is it not going to get better, it’s going to get worse every day… There are corporatist, globalist media that are adamantly opposed to an economic nationalist agenda like Donald Trump has… If you think they are going to give you your country back without a fight, you are sadly mistaken. Every day, every day, it is going to be a fight.”
Shortly before his death, Andrew Breitbart said: “My goal is to destroy the New York Times and CNN… and not just them. I’m committed to the destruction of the old media guard... and it’s a very good business model. I believe that from that something better will come… The media class is the wall that we have to climb over in order for our voices to be heard. Once our voices are heard, then democracy will happen.”
Steve Bannon is bringing that mission closer to fruition and he’s paying the price. Bannon has become enemy number one for the left. Democrats and their mainstream media mouthpieces routinely refer to him as a racist, fascist, misognynist, bigoted, anti-Semitic, white nationalist — and that’s on a good day. But then, their candidate, liar-Hillary Clinton, called half of Trump supporters racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, irredeemables — over 25 million Americans. Is it any wonder Bannon called mainstream media the “Opposition Party”?
I voted for Donald Trump, but I cannot say I ever liked him, reminding me as he does of narcissists I’ve met and tried to avoid over the years. Nonetheless, I like very much what he’s doing — his cabinet appointments, his nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, and his executive orders. I did, however, like Andrew Breitbart. He was unpretentious and approachable. I photographed him over three CPAC conferences and he asked me once if I could understand his friends and fellow panelists Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer through their strong Irish Brogues. I told him I could because I’d just returned from a vacation there and was forced to learn. I cannot say I knew Breitbart personally but I quite strongly identified with his mission.
Saturday Night Live Bannon controlling Trump
His successor, Steve Bannon, was born to an Irish-Catholic-Democrat, blue collar family in Virginia. Bannon’s world view has been influenced by that heritage, just as my own has. The epithets thrown at him by the left have also been hurled at me and are just as groundless. That’s what the left does when they want to avoid discussing issues and they don’t know it doesn’t work anymore. They see us as deplorable because we don’t view the world as they do and we accept that. They think their defeat was a fluke and they’re digging in for a long battle to re-take control, so buckle your seatbelt.
Somewhere, Andrew Breitbart is smiling.
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