Tues/Med AM ~ thefrontpagecover

~ Featuring ~  
Flag Day and U.S. Army Birthday
Mark Alexander  
Tuesday Top News Executive Summary
Media Editors:  ENFORCING THE LAW: “President Trump late Monday announced on Twitter that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement will begin the process of ‘removing the millions of illegal aliens who have illicitly found their way into the U.S.,’ but did not elaborate on what new measures will be taken. ‘They will be removed as fast as they come,’ Trump said.” (Fox News)
ABOVE THE LAW: “The State Department revealed Monday that it has identified ‘multiple security incidents’ involving current or former employees’ handling of scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton’s emails, and that 23 ‘violations’ and seven ‘infractions’ have been issued as part of the department’s ongoing investigation.” (Fox News)
FOREIGN-AID ULTIMATUM: Via CBS News: “The U.S. government officially announced on Monday it would cut millions of dollars in foreign aid to Central America, warning governments in the region that assistance will only resume when they do more to prevent their citizens from migrating.” Meanwhile, “Mexico apprehended nearly 800 illegal migrants Saturday, an indication that its government is stepping up immigration enforcement amid pressure from President Donald Trump,” The Daily Caller reports.
MEMO TO IRAN: “The United States is sending 1,000 additional troops to the Middle East, amid rising tensions between the U.S. and Iran,” ABC News reports. “The decision follows last week’s attack on two tankers in the Gulf of Oman that the U.S. blamed on Tehran.” On that note, The Washington Times reveals, “The limpet mine has become Iran’s weapon of choice as it ramps up a bombing campaign on oil tankers in the region.”
SUPREME AMBIGUITY: According to Fox News, “The Supreme Court on Monday threw out a ruling against two Oregon bakers who refused to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple.” That’s welcome news for Melissa and Aaron Klein. Unfortunately, there is also a downside. The justices “sent the Klein case back down to a lower court ‘for further consideration in light of’ their Colorado decision.” That decision, you’ll recall, was narrow. Given the Rainbow Mafia’s relentless agenda, SCOTUS will eventually be compelled to chime in on the overarching issues.
FREE TO STIFLE SPEECH: “A private corporation that runs a public ‘forum’ is not bound by the First Amendment, the Supreme Court ruled Monday morning. The case, which nominally concerns a public access channel in New York, has attracted attention as a potential vector for regulation of social media firms facing charges of viewpoint bias.” (The Washington Free Beacon)
QUASI-CITIZENSHIP: “Gov. scumbag-Andrew Cuomo on Monday night signed legislation granting driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants — shortly after the controversial measure passed the state Senate.” (New York Post)
LEFTIST EDUCATION COMPLEX: “On Monday, Parkland survivor and outspoken conservative Kyle Kashuv announced that Harvard University had withdrawn his admission from the school over the revelation of racist, offensive, idiotic posts written on a private Google document with friends when he was sixteen years old.” (The Daily Wire)
POLICY: How Trump’s tax cuts are helping the middle class (The Daily Signal)
POLICY: What Congress can do to cut waste and debt (The Daily Signal)
HUMOR: Democrats to debate their complete agreement with one another (The Daily Wire)  
~The Patriot Post
The CIA Is Running Scared
IJ0XcH-Gnza1O8NCehkCqM5z95WzHZMN9xew5M3KSHgVYZzL-08aRt4RccAkhZAUXfzwe5T4OrvTDSBLauRMkaQGuHOdNh1p7xQO9JPcGwjbrNUH8nSjhxkwtd8cIi1mMX8Gnes2X4Xuxbgaot2CglbeapDHhj6dZiub3keECNuM39bo3DHJhM5x1c9fpjU=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=?profile=RESIZE_710xby Jed Babbin
spectator.org } ~ Last Wednesday the intelligence community launched its first attack on Attorney General William Barr’s investigation into its illegal acts and abuses of power during the 2016 election... In a New York Times article entitled “Justice Department Seeks to Question CIA in its Own Russia Investigation,” the IC makes clear its fear of the results of Barr’s investigation of their spy operation on candidate Trump in 2016 that continued through his early presidency. The article, obviously written at the behest of its intelligence community sources — “current and former American officials” — is the first of many concerted attacks on Attorney General William Barr’s investigation of the joint CIA/FBI spy operation. Many other articles, based on carefully crafted leaks to the media and Congress, are sure to follow because current and former high-ranking officials of those agencies and probably the NSA as well have a lot to lose. John Durham, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Connecticut, is running the investigation under Barr’s direction. From the Times report, we can easily deduce the fact that those who ran the spy op — including CIA Director Gina Haspel — are running scared from the Durham investigation. Start with the sourcing: “current and former American officials.” That includes all of the people who were in the scumbag/liar-nObama White House, scumbag-Comey’s FBI, scumbag/commie-Brennan’s CIA, and everyone else who’s ever held a government job in, for example, the scumbag/liar-nObama White House...  https://spectator.org/the-cia-is-running-scared/?utm_source=American%20Spectator%20Emails&utm_campaign=15fe843ef0-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_06_17_11_56&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_797a38d487-15fe843ef0-104608113  
Election Commissioner: scumbag/liar-Clinton 
Can Get Info From Foreigners, But How 
Dare Trump Think About It  
by Adam Mill  
thefederalist.com } ~ If you want to understand American election law, you need only start with one underlying principle that explains seemingly contradictory interpretations over the last year... The purpose of election law is to punish Donald Trump’s allies for 2016 and prevent his victory in 2020. Don’t believe me? Consider this public statement: “Let me make something 100% clear to the American public and anyone running for public office: It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election….This is not a novel concept,” partisan Democrat and Perkins Coie law firm alumnus Ellen L. Weintraub, who sits on the Federal Election Commission, wrote in a statement. Was she writing about the October 25, 2017 complaint filed against the Democratic National Committee and scumbag/liar-Hillary for America that pointed to scumbag/liar-Clinton using Perkins Coie to use foreigners to help the scumbag/liar-Clinton campaign defeat Trump? Of course not! You see, when scumbag/liar-Clinton uses foreigners to meddle in elections, all the really smart people argue it’s perfectly legal. When Trump hypothetically entertains the same idea in a recent ABC News interview, he’s an “enemy of the state.”  Weintraub recently joined the dogpile after the president was asked whether he would accept opposition research from a foreigner during the next election campaign cycle. As Politico noted, “Trump‘s comments garnered fierce backlash from Republicans, Democrats and former law enforcement officials…. Trump made the comments while responding to attention over his son Donald Trump Jr., who met in Trump Tower with Russian nationals offering dirt on then-Democratic candidate scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton in the lead-up to the 2016 election.” As I have repeatedly  noted, both of the Russians with whom Donald Trump Jr. met at Trump Tower had a longstanding history with opposition research group Fusion GPS, and Fusion GPS provided the handouts the Russians brought to the meeting. After Perkins Coie hired Fusion GPS on behalf of the scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton campaign, Fusion GPS appears to have enlisted the help of these two additional foreigners to frame the Trump campaign. But again, it’s only a violation of election law, in Weintraub’s view, if it’s done to help Trump...
Will Roberts Get Rolled on Census Case?
gnH1nD-cpKOdmztMDe2SpcjI3iXqmob0qeDKPUYXpcQBjkQYOLt2AtnWQanSFQC0_Spy7cpoV3PnoFjBsYEfCvC2ilO3EJTAuHjoV45LwFCyS3UGMY4ut0KvbUbt5aezvxDkjaLt9nkwBRRE3gw=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=?profile=RESIZE_710xby David Catron
spectator.org } ~ Sometime during the next two weeks, the Supreme Court is expected to hand down its ruling on whether the Census Bureau may include a question in the 2020 census asking if the person filling out the form is a U.S. citizen... If you think that’s a sensible question to ask in a nation whose population swells every year with immigrants from all over the planet, that means you’re in step with 60 percent of registered voters. It does, however, put you at odds with the Democrats, various leftwing activist groups, and an scumbag/liar-nObama-appointed judge in New York. Enter SCOTUS. The Supreme Court took up the case early this year and heard oral arguments on April 23. It’s always difficult to predict a SCOTUS ruling by analyzing the questions asked by the justices during these hearings, but most Court watchers came away with the impression that the “conservative majority” would rule in favor of the Trump Commerce department. At which point, the Democrats did what they always do when they fear they are about to lose a Supreme Court Case — they sought some way to intimidate Chief Justice John Roberts. The ACLU came to their rescue: The ACLU asked the Supreme Court to wait until the fall to decide if it will reject or allow the Trump administration to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census. We requested the Supreme Court send the case to a lower court to consider new evidence showing the question was added for political purposes. The “new evidence” consists of some information found on the hard drive of a Republican consultant named Thomas Hofeller. This fortuitous discovery allegedly shows that advisers to Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross discussed the citizenship question with Hofeller and is thus inconsistent with the sworn testimony of department officials concerning the real purpose of the census question. Never mind that it isn’t unethical or unusual for political appointees to consult with outside experts. The idea is to make Chief Justice Roberts worry about appearances. The Washington Post did its bit to support that effort in a Sunday article titled, “Chief justice assures the Supreme Court is apolitical. He’s facing his next big test.” The author, Robert Barnes, inevitably reminds us that Roberts admonished President Trump last fall for criticizing an “scumbag/liar-nObama judge.” Adopting his most schoolmarmish tone, the Chief Justice fumed, “We do not have scumbag/liar-nObama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or scumbag/liar-Clinton judges.” Barnes suggests that Roberts will have failed to live up to his own prim standards if he doesn’t adopt the role of a centrist...
Iran announces it will reach allowed 
enriched uranium limits in 10 days  
by Yonah Jeremy Bob
jpost.com } ~ Iran announced that it will reach allowed enriched-uranium levels within ten days, the country's nuclear spokesperson announced on Monday... Behrouz Kamalvandi, spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) said that, "there are two scenarios. One is to increase the enrichment up to 5% for use in Bushehr power plants, or to increase it up to 20% for the Tehran reactor."  Iran is expected to announce further steps to reduce its compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal after halting aspects of its compliance in May. A year after the US started a maximum pressure campaign against the Islamic republic and pulled out of the deal, saying that holes in the agreement meant it was not viable, Tehran has turned up the heat. Under the deal, Iran was prohibited from accumulating more than 300 kilograms of enriched uranium to the 3.67% level and from enriching uranium beyond that level, such as to the 20% level it had done before the deal. It was also prohibited from accumulating more than 130 metric tons of heavy water used in the plutonium path to a nuclear weapon. To date, Iran has only said that it would start to ignore the 300 kilogram and 130 metric ton limits, and the IAEA recently confirmed that Tehran has been violating these limits. But Iran has not yet broken the 20% enrichment limit and has not started to reinstall some 13,000 disassembled centrifuges to add them to the around 6,000 permitted centrifuges for enriching uranium...
The US must deploy a sub-launched
low-yield nuke
by Bradley Bowman and Andrew Gabel

fdd.org } ~ In its annual consideration of the defense policy bill this week, the House Armed Services Committee narrowly  rejected efforts to permit the Department of Defense to deploy low-yield submarine-launched ballistic missiles or SLBM...
 The committee’s decision sets up a likely fight with the Senate later this year — the outcome of which could impact Moscow’s potential use of low-yield nuclear weapons in a future conflict. To address an important gap in America’s nuclear deterrent, the U.S. should deploy without delay a submarine-launched low-yield nuclear ballistic missile. In its fiscal 2020 budget request, the Trump administration requested funding to deploy a low-yield SLBM in order to deter Russia’s potential employment of a low-yield nuclear weapon. Gen. John Hyten, commander of U.S. Strategic Command, testified in February 2019 that this capability was “necessary to our strategic deterrence mission and will serve to disabuse any adversary of the mistaken perception they can escalate their way to victory.” Sometimes characterized as “escalate to de-escalate,” Moscow has developed a war-fighting strategy and doctrine that emphasize the first use or threat of use of low-yield tactical nuclear strikes against conventional military targets. Such an approach would aim to coerce the U.S. and its NATO partners into backing down and accepting Moscow’s new gains achieved through aggression. The 2018 Nuclear Posture Review assessed that this Russian nuclear strategy increases the chances of “dangerous miscalculation and escalation.” The bipartisan National Defense Strategy Commission specifically addressed a scenario in which Moscow used false reports of atrocities against Russian populations in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to justify an invasion of these NATO member countries under the guise of a “peacekeeping” mission. In this scenario envisioned by the commission, “As U.S. and NATO forces prepare to respond, Russia declares that strikes against Russian forces in those states will be treated as attacks on Russia itself — implying a potential nuclear response.”...   https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2019/06/14/the-us-must-deploy-a-sub-launched-low-yield-nuke/  
Flag Day and U.S. Army Birthday
Mark Alexander:  Today is Flag Day, celebrating the anniversary of the adoption of our flag by the Second Continental Congress on June 14th, 1777.

Our flag is a beacon of Liberty, a symbol of hope for all people who “hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed — that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it…”

On this Flag Day, we as American Patriots display and pay honor and homage to our national flag. We believe the celebrity protests against our flag — and by extension our nation — are a frontal offense against the honorable service of all who have served under our banner and their families.

Take time to read about the history of our flag and learn more about proper flag etiquette and protocol.

We encourage you to obtain copies of “I’m Your Flag” for elementary school children in your family and community. As Medal of Honor recipient Leo Thorsness noted, “It is a fitting tribute to our national banner and a great resource for young Americans.”

Flag Day serves as an annual reminder to replace your flag with the highest-quality American-made U.S. flags, available from our Patriot Post Shop.

Today, we also observe the founding of the United States Army in 1775. As the Army and its fellow service branches continue to lead the way defending Liberty, join us in prayer for our Patriots standing in harm’s way and their families awaiting their safe return.  ~The Patriot Post


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