Thursday Afternon - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Lessons Worth Learning
Burt Prelutsky
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"

 nObama to Clog Alaska Oil Drilling  
It's come to the point where the executive branch, with the swoop of a pen, can doom the entire economy of a state. The Department of the Interior released a revised conservation plan of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Sunday, which proposes a prohibition of oil and gas production on 13 million acres of federally owned land in Alaska. The economy of Alaska is already struggling thanks to low oil prices and lower extraction rates in the state. "What's coming is a stunning attack on our sovereignty and our ability to develop a strong economy that allows us, our children and our grandchildren to thrive," Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski said in a statement responding to Interior's plan. In his State of the Union address, Barack nObama boasted, "We are as free from the grip of foreign oil as we've been in almost 30 years. ... Today, America is number one in oil and gas. ... And thanks to lower gas prices and higher fuel standards, the typical family this year should save about $750 at the pump." With proposals such as the one from Interior, we're reminded quite clearly that the boom is no thanks to him. More...  -The Patriot Post 
 Jobs Boom Thanks to Ending Unemployment Benefits Extension  
"After a breakthrough year for America, our economy is growing and creating jobs at the fastest pace since 1999," Barack nObama boasted in his State of the Union address. Indeed, he mentioned "jobs" some 19 times. The trouble is, it's not his policies that are growing the job market -- it's the end of his policies. Democrats have long claimed that paying people not to work creates jobs, but as Ronald Reagan once quipped, "Our liberal friends ... know so much that isn't so." According to a new study from the National Bureau of Economic Research, roughly 60% of 2014's job growth came because Democrats' lavish unemployment benefits were not extended again. The study is by no means the last word on the subject, as there are innumerable factors that go into something so complex as the job market. But as National Review's Patrick Brennan summarizes: "The general economic consensus has always been that unemployment insurance slightly boosts the unemployment rate. ... [W]e still have unemployment insurance, of course, because we want a safety net for people in the event of job loss. That just has to be balanced against the costs that the program imposes on the labor market." More... -The Patriot Post 
 Oh, Now Will Protect Privacy?  
Even after last year's dismal launch of the federal health insurance exchange website, the government still can't learn from its mistakes and build a website that doesn't harm those who use it. Last week, news broke that the government was sharing with third parties the sensitive health information of Americans who used the federal exchange. Now, the Associated Press reports the government has stopped the practice. But the government went into damage control by not speaking to the AP reporter, as if protecting the image of the administration is more important than the privacy of millions of Americans. Still, it's not clear how much information the government was sharing, what that data was used for, and if there was any abuse. It's not even clear if they can protect the privacy of Americans. The Department of Health and Humans Services fired CGI Federal for creating the original, unworkable website. But now, the IRS has hired the contractor to help with its nObamaCare tax enforcement. The government can't even hire a competent IT firm. Why do we think it will successfully protect Americans' privacy? More...  -The Patriot Post 
 Al Gore Wants No Cars in Major Cities  
Al Gore and Felipe Calderon, former president of Mexico, have hit upon a grand plan to save the world from global warming: a massive social engineering scheme that will make cities denser. For $90 trillion, the climate-fighting duo proposed at the World Economic Forum ripping up neighborhoods and squeezing together millions of people so tightly that cars won't be used in major cities. The Daily Caller reports, "Calderon and Gore argued that $90 trillion is going to be spent anyways in the coming decades upgrading cities around the world. They argue that it should be spent on making cities more climate friendly. 'The mistake we made in Mexico was to let cities develop however they want, and it's a mess,' Calderon told Business Insider." The duo can pontificate, but while they're proposing restricting the mobility of millions of people worldwide, Gore for one isn't about to give up his mansion in Tennessee, nor his private jet. How else would he travel the world blowing smoke about global warming? More...  -The Patriot Post 
 Fun With Federalism  
Democrats don't often like federalism, and, when they do, you have to wonder what they're smoking. Speaking of that habit, Barack nObama weighed in on the controversy over legalized pot, saying, hey, it's a states' rights issue, man. "[W]hat you're seeing now is Colorado [and] Washington -- through state referendum -- they're experimenting with legal marijuana," he said. "The position of my administration has been: We still have federal laws that classify marijuana as an illegal substance, but we're not going to spend a lot of resources trying to turn back decisions that have been made at the state level on this issue." That's funny -- when he's not forcing states to do his bidding via nObamaCare he's lobbying the courts to overturn their marriage laws or suing them over voter ID laws and immigration enforcement. Talk about making a hash out of policy.  -The Patriot Post 
 Federal Double Standard on Debt  
(K. Lloyd Billingsley) - As we noted, the “debts” in question are highly dubious. Mary Grice, now 58, was four years old in 1960 when her father died and her mother began receiving survivor’s benefits under Social Security...The federal agency was not even sure which member of the Grice family had been overpaid. They grabbed $2,997 from Mary Grice, refunded it, then sent a new bill for the same amount they had refunded. And Social Security is after Jessica Vela for $16,888 that the government claims she owes for overpayments made to her mother in child support benefits when Vela was one year old. Social Security mouthpiece Pete Spencer told Fox News, “The commissioner is concerned about the public perception about the way we’re running this program.” Social Security bosses were running the program badly, in other words, and didn’t like the adverse publicity. But even though they are not picking off tax returns this year, as Spencer explained, “we are bound by federal law to collect these debts and they don’t go away.” So the same federal agency that paid millions to old Nazis and dead people will deduct the money from future Social Security benefit payments. Of course, it’s all for the children.
 Same as the Old Boss?  
(K. Lloyd Billingsley) - As California Senate boss, Darrell Steinberg compiled quite a record of abuse and waste. In 2012, for example, he killed the California Channel’s live broadcast of hearings on four ballot measures dealing with taxes and spending, depriving voters of vital information...He compounded this censorship by claiming: “I pride myself on being open and transparent.” He wasn’t. Steinberg was also the author of Proposition 63, a 2004 measure that levied a surtax of 1 percent on multimillionaires, ostensibly to fund mental-health services. The measure raised some $7.4 billion but with “virtually no oversight or accountability” as to how the money would be spent, as UC law professor Barry Krisberg observed, so it was like “putting money on the stump and running.” The Sacramento Bee wondered if the billions had been “shoved down a rat hole never to been seen again?” That indeed seems to be the case. Steinberg is now termed out, but his successor Kevin de Leon shows every sign of being the same as the old boss.
 nObama Backs Campaign to Defeat Netanyahu in Israeli Elections  
(Susan L.M. Goldberg) - Caroline Glick picked up on one article the Israeli left-wing paper Ha’aretz didn’t bother translating into English that details nObama’s involvement in the upcoming Israeli elections...A summary of the article is provided by IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis): Haaretz reporter Roi Arad revealed in an article in the Hebrew edition today January 26 that the foreign funded organization, “One Voice”, is bankrolling the V-2015 campaign to defeat Binyamin Netanyahu’s national camp in the March 2015 Knesset Elections. One indication of the generous financing is that it has now flown in a team of five American campaign experts (including Jeremy Bird, the nObama campaign’s national field director) who will run the campaign out of offices taking up the ground floor of a Tel Aviv office building. As far as I am concern, nobama has no business in any foreign country's election.
 American Citizens Betrayed By nObama’s Amnesty  
(Rick Wells) - Rep Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) has been and remains one of the House’s staunchest supporters of the American people against the abuse inflicted by the nObama regime’s assault on our rights, our nation and our Constitution...On Monday she published an Op-Ed piece on in which she laid out her case to the American people of just how desperate our situation is, the nature of the attack, and the need for the American  people to rise in support and demand appropriate action. She, Steve King (R-IA) and Jeff Sessions (R-AL) can’t do it alone. They need to have the American people supporting them. She noted the disastrous impact the illegal amnesty dictates will have economically on the ability of Americans to find work and the lowered wages that will result from a labor glut. She points to the falsified employment figures which remove a large percentage of the unemployed from the metrics as well as the lack of basic fairness in a policy which rewards lawbreaking non-citizens with jobs which should rightfully go to Americans.
 Bergdahl to Be Charged with Desertion  
(Jeffrey Poor) - On Monday’s broadcast of “The O’Reilly Factor” on the Fox News Channel, retired Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer of the London Center for Policy Research revealed to host Bill O’Reilly that sources tell him U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl will face charges for desertion...
 Gingrich Straight Talk – U.S. Losing War Against Radical Islamists  
(Rick Wells) - Newt Gingrich speaks to the gathering of conservatives at the Iowa Freedom Summit, characterizing the current global threat in crystal clear terms...He says, “There is one common pattern occurring everywhere across the planet and that is radical Islamists, who hate our civilization, are prepared to cut off our heads and are determined to impose their religion by force.” Gingrich says he’s not going to spend a lot of time talking about Hussein Obama’s “pathological incapacity to deal with reality.” He says, “There’s no point in trying to get him to learn how to say the words ‘radical Islamists’ because he has a speech impediment which blocks him from being able to say the words.” He points out that even the institution of the U.S. Army has become so corrupted by the dishonesty we now live with that they described the Ft. Hood attack as a workplace violence incident.
Crazy Saudi’s Building A 600 Mile Border Fence  
 (Rick Wells) - The design of a proposed triple layer fence protecting 600 miles of the Saudi Arabian border from illegal alien intruders looks quite similar to one which was mandated by Congress to be built along the southern border of the United States with Mexico...Our version would have been 700 miles in length and the funding had been completely appropriated. President George W. Bush said when he signed The Secure Fence Act of 2006, “This bill will help protect the American people. This bill will make our borders more secure. Instead, President Bush and DHS Director Michael Chertoff teamed up to delay things and successfully prevented the construction from ever taking place, in spite of the wishing of the American people. Hussein nObama wasn’t the first to put the interests of big business and lobbyists ahead of American citizens and he wasn’t the first to be willing to violate our laws in the process. His brother Jeb is now seeking to carry on that shameful globalist “profit before country” border tradition.
 Key Dems Waver on New Iran Sanctions Bill  
(Adam Kredo) - Following initial publication this report, Schumer spokeswoman Meredith Kelly told the Washington Free Beacon in an email that the senator “plans to co-sponsor Sen. Menendez’s new sanction legislation when it is introduced.”...Kelly did not respond to subsequent questions about why Schumer had not already signed on to co-sponsor the legislation, which has been public and in the works for months. Kelly did not specify if Schumer would sign onto the legislation that will be up for a vote in the Senate Banking Committee later this week, which Menendez may not back.
 nObama's Internet 'takeover' means 'massive' taxes  
(Paul Bedard) - Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, is stepping up his criticism of President nObama’s plan to regulate the internet, warning that new rules will lead to the types of taxes and fees slapped on telephones and cable service... “Under this new regulatory regime, Internet service providers will be subject to these fees as well, and then pass them on to you, the consumer,” said Lee. “This is essentially a massive tax increase on the middle class, being passed in the dead of night without the American public really being made aware of what is going on,” he added. Lee’s warning comes in a new letter asking supporters to sign a petition demanding that the president withdraw his plans to reclassify the internet as a public utility. It follows other warnings from Lee on the issue.
 A No-go Zone for Truth  
(Cliff Kincaid) - Accurately reporting on no-go zones dominated by Muslims in Europe is now a no-go zone. Our media have made a mess of the whole issue and are now afraid to dig themselves out. What a disgrace and disservice to news consumers...Jumping on the pile, the left-wing Politico has published a story accusing Louisiana Republican Governor and possible presidential candidate Bobby Jindal of telling a “lie” about the no-go zones by saying they exist. But the story is itself based on a lie. Things are so twisted that Politico is doing the lying by denying that the no-go zones exist. How did we get in such a mess? Let’s understand that the method in this madness is to accommodate the radical Muslim lobby and demonize politicians who talk about the jihad problem.
Lessons Worth Learning
Burt Prelutsky
     ( - A friend, knowing how strongly I object to politically correct speech, which I regard as self-censorship, sent me ammo in an email. He reminded me that the same nObama-Holder federal government that has deprived the Washington Redskins of its constitutionally-guaranteed trademark protection has Tomahawk cruise missiles, along with Apache, Blackhawk, Kiowa and Lakota, helicopters. For good measure, the same holier-than-thou hypocrites saw nothing wrong with employing “Geronimo” as the code name for the Navy Seal attack that killed Osama bin Laden.

     Until one of my readers called my attention to the group, I had been unaware of "Anonymous," an international affiliation of cyber-hackers. He was alerting me to the fact that in the wake of the massacre of the French journalists, the Belgian branch of Anonymous has tossed down the gauntlet, announcing to the Islamic terrorists, via a video: “You will not impose your sharia law in our democracies, we will not let your stupidity kill our liberties and our freedom of expression. We have warned you; expect your destruction. We will track you everywhere on the planet, nowhere will you be safe. We are Anonymous. We are legion. We do not forget. We do not forgive. Be afraid of us, Islamic State and al Qaeda – you will experience our vengeance.”

     They vow to track down all jihadist activities online and to close down their accounts on Twitter, YouTube and Facebook.

     And unlike the way nObama invariably draws his red lines with invisible ink, apparently when Anonymous makes a threat, they follow through. Since coming into existence in 2003, they have wreaked havoc on the Church of Scientology, the Westboro Baptist Church and a great many child porn sites. Unfortunately, proving that nobody’s perfect, they have supported WikiLeaks and the Occupy Wall Street movement.

     After publishing three collections of interviews, “The Secret of Their Success,” “Portraits of Success” and “67 Conservatives You Should Meet Before You Die,” my wife Yvonne asked me what I had taken away from meeting and picking the brains of nearly 200 highly accomplished people who had made their mark in politics, religion, movies, TV, music, literature and business.

     Because their stories were all so different and because the interviews had been conducted over a number of years, I was stuck for an answer. I was actually forced to re-read the books and take notes. But, finally, I was able to come up with 10 lessons that, collectively, the two hundred taught me:

     Although only a small handful of these people were born into wealth, money was very rarely a prime motivator. (I know -- I was highly skeptical, too. But when I kept hearing it from one person after another, it began to sink in that if they had only cared about money, most would have given up long before they made any.)

     It was the passionate pursuit of their dreams that propelled them to success. So even though only two of them, Catholic priest and onetime head of the Humanitas Society John Catoir, and minister and onetime presidential candidate, Pat Robertson, had what is generally regarded as a calling, all of them seemed to share the same sense of personal destiny.

     Those of modest means may doubt it, but fame and fortune do not make people immune to many of the same problems, frustrations and tragedies, that plague the rest of us. Some of these people have lost or very nearly lost all of their money, others have tragically lost their beloved children.

     Those who cope successfully with whatever problems befall them are those who see setbacks as challenges and temporary detours. They may be delayed, but they are never permanently derailed.

     Age is a number, not an excuse. Some of these people were changing career paths at an age when others would be planning their retirement.

     Becoming successful is often easier than remaining successful if only because it’s easier to compete with others than with oneself.

     If these people have any one trait in common, it is the ability to be a self-starter.

     Art Linkletter, one of my subjects, once sagely observed that old age is not for sissies. Neither is success. Only the terminally goofy believe it’s all a matter of dumb luck. Those who achieve success create their own luck through extraordinary self-discipline, long hours and hard work.

     Even the most successful people experience failure, but what separates them from the crowd is that they don’t wallow in self-pity. They don’t blame others. They don’t say “Why me?” because they know the inevitable answer is, “Why not you?” They accept that life is rarely if ever fair. But instead of whining about it, they do as the old Jerome Kern tune suggests: they pick themselves up, dust themselves off and start all over again.

     Finally, several of these people sing, dance or act, for a living. They do things that seem like a lot of fun. But a great many others put on a suit and tie, go to an office and have meetings with other people wearing suits and ties. What I discovered to my surprise was that they were also having fun. The secret of their success was that their work was also their play. Even the oldest among them was still astonished that they actually got paid to have such a swell time.

     But even if you’re never rich or famous, there are other consolation prizes
that life offers the runner-ups. For instance, in my own case, I have a wonderful wife, good friends, the world’s best dog, and how many people can boast that along the way Fred Astaire danced just for them, Oscar Levant played piano just for them and Tiny Tim sang “Tiptoe Through the Tulips” just for them?

     In the immortal words of George Bailey, “Thanks, Clarence.” It really is a wonderful life.


A Bright New Look

  The eBook, nObama Nation II: Judgment Day, is a critical review of nObama's presidency and the predictions Jerome Corsi made in his 2008 bestseller, The nObama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality, that stayed on the New York Times bestseller list for a month in the run-up to the 2008 presidential election.

     Dr. Corsi's goal in writing nObama Nation II is to restore America to the limited government of checks-and-balances its Founding Fathers intended to create in the Constitutional Republic Americans were bequeathed. It is the authors hope that, in rejecting the nObama presidency as an exercise in unconstitutional government, Americans will reject once and for all the imperial presidency that grew in power through the 20th century to the heights we see today.

The eBook is available exclusively on

     Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D., is coauthor of Unfit for Command and author of The nObama Nation, both #1 New York Times bestsellers. Since 2004, Dr. Corsi has written six New York Times bestsellers on subjects including presidential politics, the economy, and Iran. He has appeared on Fox News, Fox Business, and MSNBC, as well as in hundreds of Radio interviews. Dr. Corsi received his Ph.D. from the Department of Government at Harvard University in 1972, and is a senior staff reporter with


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