The Wisdom of the Ages

President Obama says we don’t know who to believe because there is too much information at our disposal. I suspect he had Fox News in mind. Similarly, a Christian on told me I’m misinformed on my interpretation of the Bible. A Muslim would tell me I’m misinformed on my interpretation of the Koran. I’m told by another on that the Tea Party cannot be the imposition of a religion. The Declaration of Independence says I have God-given rights. Is that guilt by association?

Wall Street bankers were making a killing and politicians were happy to see people getting homes, regardless of the fact that they could not afford them. Common sense says the bubble was bound to burst but not the establishment. The Obama Administration blamed the Bush Administration for the problem and then proceeded to multiply many times the debt the Bush Administration incurred by telling us that Wall Street bankers were too big to fail and bailing them out. We, the people, asked for exactly what we got. In order to make the problem go away, politicians are playing a shell game, again exactly what we, the people, ask for. We don’t know who to believe, says Obama. Say I, we left our common sense for that proverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Birds fly in flocks and fish swim in schools. Astrologer’s Handbook: “Pisces is a sensitive sign (the sign, two attached fish swimming in opposite directions). . . They desperately want to do the right thing, but as a rule they do not have strong willpower. Therefore, they are easily influenced by external factors.” Hello!

We are leaving the Age of Pisces and entering the Age of Aquarius. Coincidentally, I was born with Aquarius rising. Quoting Astrologer’s Handbook, under “Aquarius:” “Individuals born under the sign of brotherhood and fraternity have as their symbol the water-bearer, who spill out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy. . . Aquarians have eccentric temperaments and are determined and stubborn . . . There is no affectation or snobbery in the Aquarian personality but a dislike for spurious imitation and hypocrisy in any form. Aquarians operate as equals among equals. . .they are not dependent on their environments for their security." Coincidentally, America was born under the sign of Aquarius.

I learned in Astrology that my ruling planet, Uranus, in its orbit around the sun, had traversed half way in my forties, opposing itself when I was born. It meant pressure for change. Circumstances forced me to change. My business enterprise failed and as well my second marriage. I didn’t know what to do. I was frightened, depressed, and unbelieving of anything I’d been taught. Moreover, I looked upon my government as the greatest fraud of all times.

I was bitter and fired up to take action against the tyrannical IRS. By chance, I happened upon Edward S. Corwin’s essay, The “Higher Law” Background of American Constitutional Law. That’s when I started looking within for my answers. That’s when my bitterness turned into a bigger than life calling.

Everyone I knew thought I’d lost my mind. Everyone knows little. By looking within for answers, I turned my life around. I discovered my path of destiny. By insight and intuition, my life improved. Ask and you will receive.

According to astrologers, Aquarius rising means the part of me I show the world. As I age, I become more my outer personality. When I was forty-nine, I cut my umbilical cord with my past. I reinvented myself. I went to sea for two years and discovered the power in me that had been dormant. I became Aquarian.

There is too much information available, Obama tells us. The result is a lot of squabbling, all of it dealing with the symptoms of the problem, never the cause or the cure. Coincidental with Obama’s election, Saturn and Pluto went into unfavorable aspect. “You picked the right time to lead us, Barack.” (Coincidentally, I was born with Saturn trine Pluto. It means that I’d understand the subtle workings of the cosmos.) When America’s illustrious cosmic nurturer, with practically zero understanding of how the cosmos works, when President Obama’s term of office ends, according to the Mayan calendar, the world ends.

I bring you a good omen. I’ve learned from the experience of writing my memoirs that the more I think about my life the more I connect with happenings; certain events in my life are no longer coincidental. There isn’t too much information. It gives me a great selection from which to choose. My conscious awareness is expanding from the stuff I read. I’m now reading Time-Life’s Mysteries of the Unknown and intrigued over what the ancient priests of Egypt knew about mathematics.

Tying science with religion, Charles Piazzi Smyth, an astronomer whose social and intellectual credits gained him election to the Edinburg Royal Society, an honor for any scientist, it all came from his revelations on the Great Pyramid of Egypt. From his measurements, Smyth claimed that ancient Egyptian priests must have known the circumference of our planet. They must have known that there were 365.2 days in the time it takes Earth to circle the sun. What they knew in 2,500 B.C. Europe’s priests in the year 1,500 A.D. didn’t know. They insisted that Earth was a disc surrounded by four great rivers. If you didn’t accept their false notion, you were condemned as a heretic and subject to torture and imprisonment.

Came the Age of Enlightenment. The church no longer had the authority for force its will on Europeans, but it still had its domain. Science had its domain. The law had its domain. Many Europeans didn’t like it. They escaped to America where they were free to think and do as they wanted. Capitalistic in their thinking, neighbors helping one another directly, the man who built the best wagon prospered, they would never have stood for redistribution of the wealth. Over the years, there has been a slow return to the European way. Obama has put his foot to the metal.

In Time-Life’s Mysteries of the Unknown, I read about Atlantis, a nation of advanced people, which vanished, it is thought, under the ocean some 9,000 years ago. The Greek philosopher Plato started this legend. The closest actual history comes to Atlantis is during the Fourth Dynasty in Egypt, about 2500 B.C. On Crete and on other islands in the nearby Aegean Sea, an empire amassed wealth to build huge temples, create large cities, and to lay out complex waterworks. Their art, frescoes and pottery were highly sophisticated.

By Plato’s time, this civilization had disappeared. He knew nothing of the magnitude of this society. No one really knew its accomplishments until 1900, when Sir Arthur Evans began excavations. He unearthed stunning remains of what may have been Europe’s first civilization. He called it Minoan, after the legendary King Minos. Much that Plato told about Atlantis applied to the Minoans.

As Plato told it, Atlantis disappeared in a day. There is irrefutable evidence that the Minoan civilization was obliterated by a gigantic volcanic eruption on a nearby Aegean island, the enormous cauldron of which is plainly visible.

The ancient Egyptians were familiar with this great Minoan seafaring society. They traded together. There could easily have been a connection with those Minoan seafarers, ancient astrologer Egyptian priests, and Mayan priests. The Mayans built pyramids, the mathematics of which tells much about time and space. It is coincidental that astrologer Mayan priests invented a calendar based on time and space.

Three astrologers followed a new star in the east, the Star of Bethlehem; it’s called, to the Christ child, coincidental with the beginning of the Age of Pisces. According to Christians, from Revelations, these are the End Times. It connects with the Mayan calendar.

When we consider time, space, and our time—astrology—do we look back for the truth; do we look forward to godless technological development? The truth comes from connecting with all that we know about the past and the likely future, and weighing it.

The Age of Aquarius, the last of which occurred around 24,000 years ago, are we reliving past lives? What Plato said about Atlantis compares with today. With each repeating cycle, however, we are left with increasing purpose, who is to make the decisions? Do we remain under the dogmas and deceptions of authorities or do we look within for our answers?

The Tea Party is made up of individuals whose cause is gaining back our inalienable rights, defined in Black’s Law Dictionary as “Rights which are not capable of being surrendered or transferred without the consent of the one possessing such rights.” Morrison v. State, Mo.App.,252 S.W. 2nd 97, 101.

We members of the Tea Party have the law on our side, but that isn’t enough. We might have been ridiculed out of existence were it not for the fact that we realize we’re not spectators; we’re on the playing field.

I’m an Aquarian messenger. When my future looked hopeless, I cut from the herd and went strictly on my own. Miraculously, I found the power to overcome obstacles. All my dreams came true. The die has yet to be cast. The end could be the beginning of all of our hopes and dreams. It depends on you and I.

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